
Marvel X DC; Thor god of thunder rebirth

"After meeting his demise in a fierce battle in Asgard, the mighty Thunder God Thor is reborn in a strange and vibrant world—. His powers are formidable, surpassing even the Celestials. There were many times when I felt death... but I kept moving forward, as I knew if I fell here, Asgard would fall with me. So, I only need to kill him; as for his army, the warriors of Asgard can take care of them." and that,s what i did

Magical_Thor · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter4:A Hero's Test

Days turned into weeks as Thor continued his rigorous training regimen in the secluded corner of the park. Each morning, he would rise with the dawn, his mind focused on one goal—to become stronger, to reclaim his lost powers, and to fulfill his destiny as the wielder of thunderstorms.

Under the guidance of his newfound abilities, Thor's skills grew by leaps and bounds. He honed his control over lightning, mastering the art of summoning storms with a mere flick of his wrist. He tested the limits of his strength, pushing himself to new heights with each passing day. Thor also misses his hammer, Mjolnir, and Stormbreaker.

But despite his progress, Thor knew that true mastery would not come easily. In his previous life, Thor faced countless challenges and obstacles ....the ice giants, the queen of death, Hella, the green monster Hulk, the fire king Surtur, and Galactus, none of them were easy opponents as the more Thor fought he got to realize that being the king of Asgard is not an easy job ..he have to become stronger to protect his people—failures and setbacks that tested his resolve and pushed him to the brink of despair.

One such challenge came in the form of a gang of street thugs who roamed the city streets, preying on the weak and vulnerable. Their leader, a ruthless man named Malik, had terrorized the neighbourhood for far too long, his iron grip choking the life out of the community.

When Thor heard of Malik's reign of terror, he knew that he could not stand idly by and watch as innocent lives were threatened. With a sense of purpose burning within him, Thor set out to confront the gang and put an end to their tyranny once and for all.

As he approached their hideout—a dilapidated warehouse on the outskirts of the city—Thor could feel the tension in the air, a palpable sense of danger that crackled like static electricity.

Without hesitation, Thor burst through the doors of the warehouse, his presence commanding attention as he faced down Malik and his cronies with steely determination.

"oh, it took me quite a time to find you as you're hiding so well ," Thor declared, his voice ringing out with authority. "So your authority and tyranny end here ."

Malik sneered, his eyes narrowing with malice as he regarded the intruder before him. "And who might you be, to challenge me?" he spat, his voice dripping with contempt....As thor is just a youngster in his eyes who wants to become hero.

"I am Thor, son of Odin, and I have come to deliver justice," Thor replied, his voice thundering with the force of a storm. "Leave this place now, or face the consequences."

 But would it make sense if a gangster will obediently listen to such a young boy's orders who hardly looks like 11 or 12 years old? Ignoring Thor's words, Malik simply looked at his man Airen and gave him the signal to take care of that annoying bug,as they were in an important meeting, so no one was guarding their base, and they never thought anyone would dare to come there,So Airen moved forward and stood in front of thor. 

"That's why manners and intelligence are important; now, what will you achieve by dying such a worthless death? You're just weakin......"Before Airen could finish his sentence He met a punch and was sent flying back like a cannon.

The expressions of those who saw the scene turned into shock as they knew Airen was a top-notch boxer and if he could even become champion if he tried but such a skilled person knocked by a kid; then they looked at Thor with lighting sparks dancing all around him. Without wasting any more time ..., all the gangsters moved at the same time.

Thor met their onslaught head-on, his muscles rippling with power as he unleashed the full fury of his abilities. Lightning crackled and danced around him, illuminating the darkness with its brilliant glow as he fought with the strength and ferocity of a true warrior.

The battle raged on for what felt like an eternity, each blow striking with the force of a hammer blow. But in the end, it is Thor who emerges victorious, standing tall amidst the wreckage of his foes. After beating them like a dog, he let them flee.

As Malik and his gang fled into the night, defeated and demoralized, Thor knew that he had won his first fight in this unknown land—With a sense of satisfaction coursing through him, Thor returned to his training grounds in the park, knowing that his journey was far from over. For though he had defeated one foe, there are still many more challenges awaiting him in this vast and unpredictable world. Thor becomes excited as he's the greatest warrior of Asgard.