
Marvel Thor with system

A soul suddenly andering in the void, meet rob, get wishes and reincarnated as marvel thor. He will take a journry across the omniverse and other omniverses and probably get something. Disclaimer :I Do Not Own Anything

david_vazcano · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

It is already at night and people are now going home from their job, diana and thor also begin to pack their things and going to their home.

Thor goes to the bus station and see dian there and he suggested that he should greet her,"Hey diana, seems like we meet again."

Diana who heard a familiar voice begin to see her right side and see donald greeted her,"yeah seems like it, you must be done with your job."

"Yeah you could say that, Although there are many papares to fill and work," he sigh tiredly," yeah, I can feel that to," diana also experienced to do a paperwork.

They see their bus is coming they got in and wait for the bus to arrive at their destination, they arrived at the destination and begin to walk home.

They arrive at their apartment," well, I think I will see you tomorrow, diana," donald said to her,"Yeah, I think I will see you to tomorrow too."

They begin to walk in their apartment, donald begin to take a shower and dress up, he make food and eat, after he finish he wash the dishes and watch tv, he look so bored right now because there is nothing to do.

Diana who wears wonder woman outfit is getting ready to fly and doing a patrol, heard her communication device rings.

"Wonder woman here, what is going on?" She answered the call,"Wonder woman go to the watchtower, there will be a meeting."

Diana who heard this understand and begin to search a gate that was funtion as a teleportation gate to the watchtower hidden from the public.

Diana begin to walk in to the teleportation gate and she dissapear with a blinding light.

Watchtower, Justice League HQ

Outside of the earth there is a massive orbital space station hidden from the goverment and from the world, this is the watchtower jistice league HQ.

We can see at the teleportation gate there is a blinding light coming out from the gate a second ago and replace with diana.

Diana begin to walk to the watchtower and go to the room where the league members will have a meeting.

Diana get in to the room and begin to see all of them are already here, there is superman, batman, aquaman, dr.fate, black canary, hawkgirl, hawkman, martian manhunter, green lantern(Hal jordan and john stewart), zatanna and flash.

Black canary see wondwr woman,"Diana seems like you arrive on time," she see hee friend walk to the meeting room.

Diana nod her head, she begin to look at batman to see what is he doing calling all of them here,"All right bat, what's the catch here, why you call all us here?" Said hal jordan.

Batman :"The reason I called tou this because of this."

He show them a video in the projectile, they can see it is a bank robbery in gateway city, it is the exact same incident yesterday diana handled.

"Okay, I have seen that news, aren't bane, two face, and cheetah already got arrested?" Flash already see this news and the gateway city is the territory of wonder woman.

"Yeah, isn't diana who got them arrested and save the bank?" Hawkgirl see this and talk.

Batman :"Yes you are rigjt about that but see this.."

He show them when the sky is bright it suddenly become dark and there is lightning around it, suddenly a bunch of lightning strikes to the bank.

Green arrow :"Wait I don't get it, we only see the weather suddenly got dark and therr is lightning, what's the point."

Batman see them and explained,"My point is this phenomenon did not work naturally it is the work of someone also the lightning who struck to the bank is also not natural."

They lool at each other and confused, "Diana, you fought those three in the bank, tell me is ir true that bane, two face and cheetah suddenly got struck by lightning?" Batman ask diana and the league see her.

Diana see this and began to talk," yes, I am when I was fighting them sudeenly a lightning struck both of them, it did not get them killed abut they were electricuted," diana confirmed of what batman said.

Batman see them,"It is possible that it is the work of a man with a weather powers," the league see batman to make sure if it is true,"Wait how did you know that it is the work of a man?" Said mr,Terrific.

Batman show them a video and a picture, its is the same as before,"Um batman I do not see the man who did this but it is the same video as before," aquaman is confused of the video that was shown.

The league agree with this, isn't this video is the same as before, "Watch closely," he begin to tell them and when the lightning strike they could see a shadow of man flying between the clouds.

"Wait, That's a–" zatanna said stunned to see a man,"Yes we can see there is a man flying there," batman paused the video and zooming the picture.

"So if that is the case, what should we do now with thisan shoukd we arrest him or talk to him?" Black canary ask batman and the others.

Batman :"We should find this man immedeatly, who knows what he will do with this powers maybe he will use to make a global disaster or use the lightning powers to make people got electrocuted and dead."

Flash :"Woah batman okay, maybe you have got too far about that."

Batman see flash galring at him,"what I said is true flash, think about it if this man wants to change the weather anytime he liked he probably make global disaster and his powers of lightning could use for killing people, and who know this guy probably have more powers than just those two."

Batman said confirmed his statement and the league silently listen to what batman said,"So what are we going to do now?" Said martian manhunter.

Batman :"For now we will keep an eye on him and especially diana because it seems like he operates in agteway city."

Diana who heard this nod her head,'Seems like donald have the attention of batman and the league, I think I should meet him,' diana silently think of how to meet donald and the meeting continue with the discussion of the legion of doom before the meeting ends.


Donald now is sitting on the couch and see the news, so far there is no crime in gateway city, 'Should I go patrol and see of the city?' He thought.

He dismissed the idea because there is wonder woman who patrols the city, he should get to sleep because he got a job to do tomorrow.

Diana who patrol getaway city is still thingking about the meeting, 'What should I do, shoudl I tell donald or will time will tell?' She doesn't know what to do, one one side she wants to tell donald bit one the other side she doesn't want to tell him.

She heard a police car is chasing a car at high speed, "Well seems like I could use a distraction," she fly towards the car to stop the crime and continue her patrol in the city.

The next day, it is already morning and people go to work. Donald is getting ready to work, he locked his apartment door and go to work but suddenly she also see diana.

"Hello, diana good morning," he greet her, diana see this also greet him, "Good morning to you too donald," she smile at him.

[Oh my, look at her dress in a business suit and smile, she looks beautiful she should smile like that because it was refreshing.]

Diana who heard thor is blushing and smiling, she doesn't know why but when he praise her secretly she is happy. They walk together and talk to each other until they seperate when they are close to their workplace.

Diana goes to the museum and greet the staff, she walks to her office and see there is someone inside, "Hello diana," she see a man wearing a brown shirt, black jeans, balck belt and boots,"Steve, what are you doing here?" Diana is surprised to see steve trvor in her office.

"Well, I am now have a free time and don't have a work to do," stevewalk to diana and hug him and diana froze a minute later she also hug him.

They seperated and said to diana, "So diana do you have time or you are bust right now?" Diana is confused by what trevor said, "Well I have paperwork but I have a lunch break," trevor nod his head, "Well I am waiting for that and call me because I have something important to tell you ," she walk past her and go outside her office, diana see this confuse at his behavior and shrugged.

She begin to finishing her paperwork, hours later she look at her watch and see it is already lunch time, so she call steve, "Hey steve, I am at my lunch break so where do you want to meet?" "Meet me at the restaurant across the street from your museum." Diana said she will be there and she goes outside her office and go to the restaurant.

She gets in the restaurant and many people are looking at him especially men, she see steve is waiting for her and approach the table in the corner, "Diana you're here," he stand up and greet her,"Yeah, You could say that," both of them sit down and order their food.

They finish with their lunch and diana ask steve, "So what is the news you want to talk about that is important?" Steve look at her.

"Let's cut to the point, I want us to be together again," Diana was shocked of what steve said,"Wait what?" She is surprised and confused of what steve was trying to say.

"Look diana when we first met on your island I was confused and panic but you help me and giving me a chamce to convince your people I am not bad and you also want tk go to see the outisde world so you get need the permission from your mother," Diana remember that day when steve plane was crashed at thymescira, he was capture and became a prisoner in the island, so she covince her mother to give steve a chance to prove his innocence and also she also remember of wanting to see the outside world.

"After that I show you how the world works and slowly we become have feelings for each other," Diana listen to what steve said,"But it didn't work out because your work on cadmus," she said to him and he let a dissapointed sigh at the memory.

Diana broke up with steve because he got lots of work and busy at cadmus so he can't be together with diana when she is doens't have work in the justice league or at her job.

"I know but now I have more time from cadmus and I also have permission from amanda waller to send me to missions if that mission is dangerous or important," she listen to what steve said and begin to think what he said.

Steve put his hand atop of diana's hand," please diana, please give this a chance," Diana look at steve, he has gentle and hopeful eyes looking at her and she begin to think wether she accept him or not.

"I will think about it," steve is dissapointed with diana answer, at least she did not say no and still got a chance to be with diana. After that they go to their seperate ways, steve goes to cadmus while diana go to her own work.

It was already midnight, diana pack her things and go home to her apartment, she goes to the door and see donald seems like he just came to his apartment from work just like her, she greeted him, "Hello donald, how are you?" He see diana and said,",Oh hello diana, I am just done with my work today and tired."

[Yeah, I am already done qith my job because of the paperwork that just completed I maybe a god but paperwork still exhaustin.]

Diana who heard thor agreed she maybe a demigodess but she also can't handle a lot of paperwork, 'wait di he say god,' diana is surprised about what thor said and she look at him.

"Well, good night diana," he enter his own apartment," oh yes, good night to you too thor," she also enter her apartment, she change into her wonder woman outfit and patrol the gateway city.

She is still thingking of what thor said,'He is a god, but what god is he?' She still thinks of hwat thor said but suddenly she heard a police siren, she get out of her thoughts of what thro said and do he hero work.