
Marvel Thor with system

A soul suddenly andering in the void, meet rob, get wishes and reincarnated as marvel thor. He will take a journry across the omniverse and other omniverses and probably get something. Disclaimer :I Do Not Own Anything

david_vazcano · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Gateway City, Bank

We can see four people are fighting in the bank, there is one people who is bulky, big, filled with muscles, wearing mask, with a tube that connect to him filled with venom. He is bane.

The other is a beautiful woman with red hair and has a body of a cheetah with tails and sharp claws. She is cheetah.

The third is is man but his face is not half burn and half normal, he is wearing a suit with half the color each on the right isde and left side, he uses a gun and have a coin to decide what he will do. He is harvey den AKA Two Face.

The last is a beautiful woman with a swimsuit that colored red, blue and golden with stars, wears bracelets, high heel boots, tiara, and a lasso. She is an amazon and the daughter of zeus, Diana prince AKA wonder woman.

They supervillains and the hero are now fighting in the bank although wonder woman is outnumbered she did not back down or struggling because she has fought stronger enemies and larger number of enemies.

Wonder woman is fighting bane hand to hand combat but she easily punch him in the stomach and punch him twice in the face stagered him back, she make a round house kick and pushing bane back against the wall.

When she was about punch bane, she heard a bullet going into her but she suddenly block hee using her bracelet, she look at who did it and it is none other than two face.

Two face look at diana with a sick grin, "Hehehe, I cannot let you do that princess."

She was about to go to him bit she was hit in the face by a fist from bane, she was thrown a way a fre meters but she recovered fast, she see cheetah with a kick but she stepped back to avoid it.

Diana see cheetah and charge forward to her, cheetah also lunged to diana, they begin to fight, they are fighting with their fist, they are moving fast and each of those punches are string enough to hurt each other but not to kill.

They begin to grab each other hands and look at each other in the eyes, "Seems like you are now tired and you also can't win against the three of us, give it up wonder woman," she is mocking diana of how outnumbered she is against the three of them.

Diana :"Do not so sure about it first barbara, because this fight is far from over."

She throws barbara to the other side and use her lasso and wrapped it to two face, he see this and begin to excalimed, "Oh shit," he was then push forward to diana and she punch him far to the wall knocking him out.

Bane rush towards diana and diana begin to fight with bane, they begin to fight again but diana got the upper advantage. Bane got punched by diana and backed away from her.

"You are strong princess, I have gotta admit that, but try to fight me using my this," he begin to press a button and suddenly his body begin to get bigger and stronger.

Bane is now using venom to make him more stronger, diana see this did not look afraid and ready to fight bane. She fly towards him and punch him.

Bane who see this dodge and punch diana, diana can feel his punch is stronger than before, diana didn't falter and begin to fight bane.

She fly to him and punch bane bit he also punch diana, they were backing up from each other and look at each other again. They move forward and begin their fight, she kick bane's head but he block with his hand and he punch diana.

Diana staggered back suddenly she was kicked by cheetah, Diana was was thrown to the wall, she stands up and looked at them.

Cheetah :"Come on, princess what's the matter can't fight the three of us at the same time?"

She is smiling at her, diana see this is angry at her, she see two face is already woke up and gather with cheetah and bane.

They are going to finish her and diana is prepared for it, but suddenly they heard the sound of thunder, "Huh, what was that sound?" Two face is confused by the sound.

"It is probably just a lightning outside because it is going to rain," bane confirmed two face of his question, "and how ddi you know that?" He doubted bane.

Bane just pointed his finger to the window and harvey see the window, turns out it is true, because at the window they can see the outside is dark and the wind is strong.

"Huh, I guess you're right," two face admits," cut the chat boys, because we got a hero to take down," cheetah shuts them and reminded them.

They agree with cheetah and look at diana, whem they were about to fught there is a lightning coming out from the roof striking the three of them.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" The three of them screaming painfully, diana see this shocked, she didn't expect a lightning to strike the three villains.

A minute later the lightning is gone and the three of them are lay down unconciousness.

[And that ladies and gentelmen is how you defeat a villain and the right moment you strike.]

Diana heard her neighbour donald speaking and she was surprised that the lightning strike a minute ago was done by donald.

[Well that's over, now it is time for me to leave, the credit can go to diana, I should leave now before people can see me or capture my image.]

Diana heard this run and look outside the window, she see the sky right now now clear and bright than the dark and windy before.

She was surprised by this, 'Could it be he has the power to control the weather and lightning?' She presumed donald have that powers but first she need to capture all the villains and their gangs.

She goes outisde the door with the criminals, The people are cheering and the police officers are glad this is over and the criminals are apprehanded.

Diana :"Here you go officers, make sure they got a warm room for them."

Police officer :"Don't worry ma'am, we will give them a nice and cozy room in jail."

Wonder woman nod her head and fly in the city to patrol and hours of patroling in the city, she finally came back to her apartment to rest.

[Finally I have back to my apartment, never would have thought become a doctor is harder than I would thought.]

Diana who already wears her civilian clother heard what donald said, she now knows more about him, she dicovers that he was working as a doctor.

[Huh, seems like I can sense diana is already came back from her patrol in gateway city.]

Diana is surlrised thor can sense her these means thor can use magic or power similiar to sense somebody presence or energy, she likes to know more about donald but she needed a plan.

[All thos work from the hospital, although I am not tired and hungry, it's not wrong to taste food once in a while.]

She hward what donald said and plans to make a dinner for donald and invite her to a dinner to her apartment as her new neighbour, although this plan is simple but she hoped it will work.

She first go outisde and got to donald apartment which is next to her, she knoked on the door.

The door slowly open, "Who is it?" He look at his front door and see diana.

[Wait, diana is knocking on my door and why is she here?]

Diana who heard him begin to talk,"Hello donald, I was wondering if you want to come to my place to eat a dinner with me?" She offered him to have a dinner with her.

Donald was surprised about this, "But why would you invite me a dinner to your place?"

[This is suspicious why would diana invite me a dinner to her apartment, what is she up to?]

Donald is looking at her wary, Diana who heard this begin to think quickly,"Well I was just going to invite you to dinner to welcome you to the neighbourhood."

[Really just inviting me to diiber to welcome me to the neighbourhood, yeah I am not buying that.]

"Sorry, diana I am tired from my job today, maybe next time," he tell to diana to make an excuse to avoid to eat dinner with her.

Diana who see this nod sadly," well, yeah maybe next time, see you tommorrow then," she walked back to her apartment leaving thor alone.

"Well that went well and a little suspicious," he close the door and prepare to sleep although he didn't need to.

Meanwhile diana is on her bed cursed herself,'Way to go diana, now he began to be suspicious and wary of you now,' she needs to begin a new plan but now she needs to sleep.

Gateway City, Morning 08.00 AM

It is alreday morning people are going to work and doing their own things, we can see in an apartment there are two people with great powers beyond comprhension leaving here.

One is a god and one is a demi godess, they are now prepare to go to their own jobs. Donald is the first going out from his apartment and going to the elevator, diana also get out a minute ago after thor.

Diana see thor and greet him,"Hello donald good morning," he see diana and greet her too," Hello and good morning to you too diana."

After the greet, they suddenly become silence to each other, not one word coming out from them and wait for the elevator to arrive.

[Gosh, this is so embarrasing. I don't know what to say to diana because we just met and it is become awkward right now.]

Diana who heard donald is also embarrased she also did not know what conversation they should make but luckily the elevator have arrived erasing the awkwardness.

They begin to go to the first floor and begin to go to work, but suddenly they met each other again at the bus station.

Diana look at thor surprised," Donald what are you doing here?"

He talk to diana," Well I am going to my job at the hospital gateway city, I suppose you are also going to work."

Diana snapped from her shock, "oh yeah, I am also going to work seems like we are going to the same road," she confirmed her statement.

Thor nod his head,"I am curious where do you work?" She look at thor,"Well I work at the museum."

Thor understand and begin her conversation with diana while wait fir the bus to arrive, he see the bus is arriving so she told diana,"Well looks like my ride is here."

Diana see her ride and widen her eyes, thor get in to the bus and sit but suddenly he also see diana. "Diana what are you- wait don't tell me?" Diana nod her head and begin to sit next to thor.

He is surprised because she also ride the same bus as him.

[What the hell is this? Not only I live next to her but the same ride as her, is this a coincidence or not?]

Diana who heard donald also nod her head, is thi a coincidence or not? Well only time will tell.

As always it is begin to get awkward again, They arrived at their destination and they begin to walk in the same path, they are surprised they also go to the same street.

They begin to walk side by side, donald begin to see the hospital and sigh in relief," well diana I think it is time for us to seperate because my place is close now."

Diana whi heard thor see the hospital is nearby," o-oh yeah, good luck on your work," she told donald.

"Well good luck on gour work too," thor begin to go to the hospital and diana to the museum.

[Finally that is over, it is so awkward walk and ait with diana with nothing to talk, although I enjoy to be with her even we do not talk to each other.]

Diana who arrived at the museum begin to agree with donald because it is awkward, she also blush when he said she enjoy to be with her, she also feel begin to enjoy to be with donald.