
1. know about the world

Mark was look at the paper floating in the air. At first he was surprised but that surprise got even bigger when he read the letter. It was from God who reincarnated him, yes he is reincarnated, he knows this since his birth 1 year ago but he doesn't know more then that. Now looking at this letter, things became clear.

He died and meet a God who gave him three wish and reincarnated him to marvel Universe. According to letter he got the following power.

1. Mind immunity ( so no mind reading or anything )

2. Super intelligence that will grow slowly with more use without limit but speed of growth will be more slow the further you go. It will give photographic memory and He can also give boost to his intelligence but Only once a day for 2 hours and will cost a lot of energy. ( don't use until you are 4, your body can't handle this right know)

3. Deadpool immortality ( not only is he immortal but his soul can't be attack with almost any means just like Deadpool)

Look at the power's, He was happy but after reading the next lines he really become sad. It was about him coming to this world. As he enter this world, his fate was already writing and he became a part of this world so their is no ancient one coming because she already know that he will be born like everyone else with his fate. But the fate was decided with fate wheel, and he got spiderman fate.

Now he will became a spiderman at the same time as Peter Parker but he do have better fate in relationship as God gifted him good luck with woman's so I don't die single. Because of the fate he will not get his immortality right after the birth but will get it at the same time he became spiderman.

Mark was really sad about his fate, will his current parents die and he will go live with his uncle who will die while saying the classic lines. Although he didn't spent much time with his current parents but they are really good parents and he really like this feeling of family so no matter what he don't want them dead. Although it's not sure if they will die as some spiderman do have their families but someone must die to give those magic words.

Aaaaa, no more thinking about it. I can't do anything right now as I am just a child. Now let's start again.

My name is Mark Henry and I am a reincarnated person who's past is not important. Today on my happy birthday when I turn 1 year, I got to know about my powers. But all I can use is intelligence and mind immunity as for immortality it can't be used until I became spiderman. So about my parents they are doctors my father name is James Henry and mother Rose Henry.

Now that is clear, I have to find out how smart I'm and at what speed do my intelligence grow. But the good things is, I am a part of this world like everyone else so no one is coming for my ass.so I have to start up the game as before I thought that I was just lucky to reincarnat and will get my cheat in future like all traveler's. Now that I know what kind of world I am in and my fate is not the most family friendly.

I am going to make my own secret hideout, I always want one but now I can have it. Although it will take some time as I can't move freely. As I was thinking I suddenly started to feel sleepy, without knowing when I was already a sleep.