
Marvel: The Gem Emperor


Creator3 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Meeting With White

So as we concluded this long trip my last stop

was White's room so that we may have a meeting about all the actions she's been taking while I'm away

so as I walked up to the door we were stopped by the door guards but after recognizing who I was they immediately let me through this time I told the Amethyst Squad to stay behind as I needed to talk about a few confidential matters with her and we don't want any of this to leak or that just might destroy the entire civilization that I've started or even worse there might be a rebellion and if that happens then I'm going to having to start all over again from the beginning and that's one of the things that I hate the most

now entering her room as the door was closed behind me I took a quick look around and let me tell you everything was without imperfection and she had pebbles working 24/7 to keep this place clean and orderly as everything was decorated in mostly White with black every now and again but as I was looking around I then heard her voice

White "who is it oh those useless guards just letting anybody into my quarters now speak up"

Black "oh so your most beautiful and graceful mother is an anybody now my dear daughter"

White "mo- Black w-what are you doing here"

Black "oh is that right you can call me Mother anyway I've heard about your deeds but before we continue on have these pebbles leave"

White "o-oh yes mother immediately all of you leave except you pearl. now, mother what would you like to talk about?"

Black "well, first of all, I am very proud of how you have been handling things so I decided to drop by and check on you"

White "well I'm doing perfectly fine its just it gets kind of boring without any others of my status"

Black "oh so you what sisters?"

White "n-no mother I would never ask for such a thing to use your power on such a meaningless thing as to create someone like me"

Black "oh don't worry about it I was planning on creating more diamonds anyway so it's not a bother it's just that that's an objective of the very far future as I need for you to understand every bit of your purpose so that you can share it with the others so they don't have to make the same mistakes as you"

White "m-mother i-i would never make a mistake if I were to do so that would be a disrespect to you I would willingly shatter myself if I ever where to do so"

Black "oh white it seems I didn't explain to you why you are Perfection? because to have true perfection you must make mistakes as without mistakes you can never even take the road of perfection again there is nothing that is truly perfect but you are here to make all the mistakes so that the others won't you are like a kind of guide to diamonds that is your purpose"

White "yes mother i-i shall remember these words even after all is lost and I am shattered"

Black "yeah yeah don't take it that deep it's just a reminder for now and again"

White "Yes Mother"

Black "anyway onto what I came here for to talk with you about a few things like new gem equipment and about the creation of new gems seeing as you haven't created an Injector yet"

White "um mother what is an Injector?"

Black "ah yes an injector is…."