
Marvel: The Gem Emperor


Creator3 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Homeworld Near Completion

Black "now that is all you may leave for now as I need to create more gems"

White "y-yes mother"

white replied as she quietly left the area leaving black alone

Black 'alright now that that's done I need help terraforming this planet so I need Lapis Lazuli's, Obsidians, Bismuths, and Morganites but first white needs a Pearl as well as some bodyguards

so taking a large amount of dirt into my hands I formed four white topazes and a White Pearl as I the released more of my energy into them as I then placed all of them into the earthen walls I then created groups 4 groups of gems each group containing 30 gems making 4 groups of 30 Lapis lazuli a team of 30 obsidians a group of 30 bismuths and a group of 30 Morganites

and after a day they burst from walls of earth ready to be given orders

All "B-black Diamond it's Black Diamond

A random obsidian "to see her in person she's so beautiful

Black Diamond "silence and thank you for your words as for today I have a task for you and that is to terraform this ball of rock into a place worthy of being called the Homeworld of gemkind now can you do that"

A random obsidian "y-yes black Diamond we can do it but I'm afraid we can only have it done in about a year or two with the numbers we have currently"

Black "that is fine do not worry as there will be more of you tomorrow and so on after that now your all dismissed as for you white topazes and pearl come with me"

White Pearl "y-yes lady Black Diamond"

now as I walked up the stairs I created to go to the surface of the world I then saw white looking up into the sky with a look of wonder

White "the sky is beautiful isn't it mother"

Black "yes yes it is and from today on white, this is your pearl and as for these white topaz here they are your royal guard and I will be leaving you in their care order them as much as you desire now I'll be going see you in 1'000 years and remember you are the ruler here while I'm away got it be a good leader to our people but don't worry I'll still be on this planet just away from view and if you ever need my opinion on something just ask my pearl"

White "yes mother I hope I meet your expectations as a leader"

going back down the stairs I see all the different gems getting to work terraforming the earth although the lapis lazuli a weren't here as they were on the surface

I then walked to one of the center walls which were to stay the same and not to be touched as instead of just grabbing mounds of dirt to create gems I poured my energy into the wall perfectly controlling it to where the gems grew and the used my power to animate them and after a day I created 100 more Morganites, bismuths, lapis lazuli, and obsidians as well as my own pearl as after a day they birth from the walls and at about the same time they where done creating my private quarters at the very bottom of the center of where the core would be and I have to say it's quite tiring using my power 24/7 to keep this planet together I should find a solution for that

Black "nothing at the moment, for now, we will build our strength and our armies and conquer planets to build our forces more after that well that is for the future me and the future homeworld to decide"

Black Pearl "yes my Diamond thank you for such words of wisdom"

Black "enough of your praises pearl I need to go find a way for us to create more gems without using my powers and I know just the solution"

So after half a year homeworld was for the most part complete well the underneath at least as I walked out of my quarters hearing the whispers of the nearby gems

"Oh it's lady black she's come from her quarters I wonder what's she up to"

"Lady black I've only heard rumors of her beauty she is truly the most beautiful being alive n-not to be bad-mouthing white diamond she is as very beautiful it's just"

"Shush before she hears you and if that happens you'll be lucky if you don't get shattered on the spot"

Ignoring all of their murmurings I then spread more of my energy into the walls creating thousands of Rubies, Amethysts, Nephrites, Topazes, Carnelians, and Peridots i then created hundreds of commanding high-rank gems such as Emeralds, Garnets, Aquamarines, and Agates

Black "now they should be birthed by tomorrow as for myself what should I do I mean I don't have anything else to do I could just go into a hibernative state for a thousand years"

So doing just that I and my pearl entered back into my chambers as I gave her my last orders before I when into a slumber like state in which I would only awake from either after a thousand years past or if there was a threat to my Gem