
Marvel: The Flash Is...Flash Thompson!?

You know the Flash, right? Fastest Man Alive, Speedster Omega. But do you know who he is? Hated by J. Jonah Jameson for the mask he hides under, a speedy vigilante sporting a hidden identity, the Flash is an unknowable existence to both the super and normal world. But I know who he is. After all, I'm him. I'm Flash...Thompson.

Dr_Armstrong · Cómic
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19 Chs

07 - Not This Time

Chapter 07 - Not This Time

Written By Dr Armstrong


->Flash POV<-< p>

Flash's rapidly vibrating form blurred, his blood-red eyes shining like a rageful star. The Rhino's slamming fists crashing into the police car, the metallic shrapnel and shards of glass exploding into the air.

Flash moved, unlike the many times he was forced to watch as a powerless bystander, he now had the power to intervene. He quickly ran back, the giant man in the Rhino-themed machine moving at a snail's pace after his mind accelerated to Bullet Time.

At first, he tried tackling the mechanic goliath, but as he didn't have the time nor distance to build momentum, so it became a fruitless endeavour.

Gritting his teeth without any other option, Flash glanced at the scarred and panicked Wally from the car window, just a few brief moments away from entering the pearly gates of Paradise.

He could try to phase in and out, but Flash realized that wouldn't work as Wally himself couldn't phase out of the damn car. There was the option of throwing him out of the broken window once he phased in, but that would just get him closer to the Rhino...

'No...there has to be some way!' He refused, refused to let this kid die. Maybe Flash would have let him be crushed had it been some guy, but it was a fucking 9-year-old!

He had Superspeed now, he was fast enough! He had the power, he couldn't let himself be unable to do anything but watch another person suffer—let alone die just like that, not again!

He was fast, the fastest man alive, damn it!

Looking back, Flash glanced at the broken brick walls courtesy of Rhino's headbutting tendencies. Maybe he could use one of the bricks—no, it was too far and the Rhino himself was too close. He was fast, but not fast enough for that...

Thinking of no other options, Flash swallowed a gulp before his right hand formed a fist and started vibrating even faster than his regular Superspeed.

With the adrenaline pumping through his veins, Flash felt like carrying the weight of the world as overwhelmingly vast amounts of kinetic momentum were built up in his right fist.

Gritting his teeth for the pain, Flash threw a violent haymaker towards the car's front windscreen, shattering it as a burst of pain engulfed his forelimb.

'Shit...!' Flash swallowed a curse as he quickly removed the glass shards out of the way before pulling on Wally's red and blue-coloured shit.

The roof—no, the floor of the overturned car pushed down, the shape of Rhino's fists being carved upon the surface as the space tightened, just a few inches away from crushing the young boy.

Wally had a grave and panicked expression on his face as he subconsciously held out his hand in a shield-like manner over his face. Flash held a vice grip on the collar of Wally's shirt, quickly pulling him out of the car from the shattered windscreen.

"I got ya, kid!" He shouted, too fast for Wally to actually hear but that didn't matter much as Flash pulled on the boy, successfully trapping him in a hug.

Without wasting any more time, Flash turned around and held the boy for dear life shortly before he jumped off the damn car.


"AAAAAAH!!!" Flash heard a childish scream as the world around him gradually sped up, returning to its natural speed.

Flash's side scrapped against the sidewalk, his body turning 90° to the right as he held the screaming boy close to his chest.

"AAAaaa...ah? Wh-what just happened—ohH..." An immensely confused Wally asked out loud shortly before his face turned a bit colourful, nausea fully rattling his head as his cheeks puffed out a bit with this morning's breakfast building up an oral eruption.

"Keep it inside, kid!" Flash shouted as he quickly got on his feet with Wally still in his arms. The rapid and dexterous motions of Superspeed might be mundane for the Flash, but it naturally wasn't the same case with non-Speedsters.

Flash didn't really want to be introduced to Wally's half-digested bacon and eggs today, maybe tomorrow or preferably; never.

"Y-yeah, but—" Wally's words were swallowed back alongside the full-course meal he had this morning as a towering shadow fell upon the duo.

Looking up, the familiar shape of a police car stole the spotlight from the giant Rhino. He sported a furious expression as he held the vehicle with both hands, fashioning it into some kind of hammer.

"You...DECEIVER!" Rhino howled as he proceeded to slam the entire weight of the car against the ground, shattering the sidewalk as huge cracks ruptured upon the floor.

As the smoke cleared out, Rhino scoffed as the Speedster that was supposed to have been bloodied mush on the ground was very much not there. Turning around, he found the Flash holding a child tightly close and a Glock pointing in his general direction.

"Yeah, don't know what you're yapping about there..." Flash released a tired sigh as the prickling pain of the glass shards embedded in his right hand stung like a Wasp. Parts of his makeshift suit were slightly torn, courtesy of it not being friction-resistant—He quickly realized.

The Rhino gave a dismissive yet unimpressed look as he briefly glanced at the firearm held in his direction, it was the gun Flash had stolen from his reverse mugging, very handy.

"I gave my trust to you!" The Rhino spouted as he smashed his chest with his left hand, a betrayed expression adorning his emotionally-stricken face.

Flash just looked rather confused at the Rhino's words.

"Yeah, not hearing it." Wally widened his eyes as the Flash promptly pulled the trigger, shooting the Rhino right in his armoured chest...

...Only for it to bounce off like a pebble being thrown upon the Great Wall of China.

"Uh..." Of course, the Rhino was bulletproof, you fucking dingus—

"...DAMN IT, YOU BASTARD!!!" In response to the bullet, the Rhino threw the god damned police car in Flash's direction.

Wally let out another brief scream before his entire field of vision spun around like a Beyblade.

The Flash carried him to another whole part of the street as the motion sickness bore itself onto his head like a drill, the experience akin to riding a metaphysical rollercoaster in Godzilla's digestive tract.

He felt the wind brushing up against his skin, the Flash's body heating up as his form accelerated. But strangely, Wally was not ripped apart by the friction.

In less than a minute, Wally could feel his senses returning as the world seemed to return from its blurry state, the Flash carelessly letting him go as he was then introduced to the floor.

"Wally!" Both Flash and the kid heard a worried voice shout out as they suddenly blurred onto the scene, the Speedster took a brief second to breathe as he glanced around.

"Hands to air!"

"Who goes there!?"

"It's a Supe!"

Dozens of men in blue pointed their guns at him, the NYPD in all of their justicial glory. One of them, a rather built man with a darker skin tone and an iron gaze in his eyes stepped forward before rushing to protect Wally whilst pointing a gun in Flash's direction.

"Un-uncle Davis...?" Wally let out as he went into the police officer's protective embrace.

"Wally...where's your dad?" Lieutenant Davis worriedly said as he briefly averted his eyes to look at the trembling child before immediately looking back at the Speedster with a glare.

"...Gratitude much?" The Flash smirked mockingly before he blurred out of view, almost giving the lieutenant a heart attack as he frantically looked around for the Speedster.



Two of the officers shouted out in surprise as the rest of the cops glanced in their direction with pointed guns.

"Some help would be appreciated, yeah?" Davis glanced back to where the Speedster had been before, now the Flash stood there once more, with a pair of stolen batons in his hands.

"Who...who are you?" One of the other officers asked, a little bit of fear evident in his tone. He never signed up to deal with seemingly teleporting red men.

"Flash!" It wasn't the Flash who had responded, it was instead Wally who gave the answer.

"Uh..he's uh, he's the Flash..." Wally continued awkwardly as Davis returned his sight to the Speedster, with his dishevelled and patchwork costume and all.

But he was already gone.

--->Author's Note:


I just got back from watching the DCEU Flash. Personally, I think the best scene was when Ezra Miller got low on energy, so the director gave him a random baby to eat. Very human...

For real though, that time travel made no sense. The whole movie was just one giant nostalgia bait, very disappointing.