
Marvel: The Fall

All characters are the property of their respective creators. I only own my MC and the plot of this fan-fic.This was not made with a solid plot in mind.

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10 Chs

Chapter 10


Watching Damian's sleeping peacefully from the chair next to him, she exhaled impatiently. It had been a week since the events of the Facility, and he had not woken up at all. 

She had been alone with no one to talk to. Sure, she could go to her mother but with the weird air of awkwardness surrounding her and the hairiest man she had ever seen. he knew she had a relation to him; the claws were a dead giveaway. 

Looking back at Damian and his bandaged form, she sighed for the nth time. Opening the door, she stepped out of his room and walked down the expansive halls and archways that decorated the interior of Xavier's mansion. 

Running into the man with the visor, Scott she noted, "Hello Laura, how are you today?" This had been his routine for the last week, talk to her and try to get her to open up. She just stared at him until his smile wavered. 

"Where is my mother?" She had wanted to talk to her for a while now as there was only so much, she could do for Damian that she sought out her mother's assistance. Scott motioned for her to follow him. 

She took in the sight of the people, mutants around her, happily chatting away without a care in the world. She was envious. Envious of them being happy. Shaking her head, she looked to find Scott opening the doors to the headmaster's office. She frowned, 'Why would Mama be here?' 

"Professor," Scott nodded, "Laura is looking for Miss Kinney." The two looked at each other like they were speaking but not with their mouths. She narrowed her eyes at what the two were doing. 

{My apologies, Laura.} A kind voice tempered with patience and wisdom spoke. Her claws came out in a flash, how was he speaking like that. "I'm sorry if I startled you child, it was not my intention." 

'Child?' She had never been a child; the Facility had made sure to never let her feel that experience no matter the small reprieves her mother gave. 

"Where is my mother?" She softly growled out, guarded against the now recognized telepath. 

"She is in the garden." He smiled. 

Leaving in a hurry due to the inquiring gaze of Scott, who's eyes were focused on her claws with a strong intensity and the feeling of weakness when Xaiver spoke into her mind. "Let her go Scott, now tell me how the team is going." That was the last thing her feral senses heard before she was in the garden. 


Watching the clone or 'daughter' of Logan rush out of his office, Xaiver pinched the bridge of his nose at his naivety. No one liked having their mind opened to others. Especially someone who has been through so much. 

Looking toward Scott, he waited for him to answer, "They are... shaken. And I don't blame them. The boy, Damian, definitely left an impression." Xavier agreed. He was just glad he got there before Erik or Emma did. If either of them got their hands on him, it would have been catastrophic given his powers. 

Erik because he would have a solid chance at influencing Damian with his ideals. It wouldn't be hard; Damian was angry, his fight with Kimura and the destruction of the Facility as Sarah called it, and Erik would no doubt use that to further his cause.

Emma because his former student was shrewder and more manipulative than his old friend. She held more political power and sway than himself and was not above using herself or anything else to get what she wanted and that unnerved him. 

He was just glad that however shaky it was, the three had an alliance for the good of mutant-kind. 


An opaque mirror-like greenhouse came into view as she made her way to the entrance of the garden. She stilled when she saw three slender figures inside before she went inside. The door opened and closed with a click, announcing her presence. 

Her mother was watering plants next to a dark-skinned beauty with hair whiter than clouds. Her nose picked up on another scent, flowers, the smell of old books and... something else she couldn't quite place. 

Walking up to her mother and the dark-skinned beauty, she asked, "Mama, can you come with me please?" She tugged on her sleeve, pleading with her eyes. 

"What's wrong Laura, is it Damian?" She worried; Laura could see the guilt her mother had. She knew it wasn't her mother's fault, but she still blamed herself, for something she had no control over no less.

If Damian were here, he'd make some snide comment about it not being her fault and just a consequence of his own actions. "Why hasn't he woken up yet, it's been a week." 

Her mother stood there, opening and closing her mouth a few times, "The power he used took its toll on his body and mind, for the damage he sustained he's lucky he isn't in a coma." The previous scent made itself known; a soft voice spoke, informing Laura of Damian's condition. 

A beautiful red-haired girl a few years older than her came to the side of the plants her mother was watering. She had a softness to her that further accentuated her already flawless features. A small and slender nose accompanied by her bright green eyes. She had a sharp jawline and pearly white teeth. She held an aged book in her arms. 

"He just needs time to rest." 


Watching the mother and daughter leave together, she saw a pang of sadness wash over Jean. She knew she wished her mother was here with her. Sighing, she looked to her Ororo, "He is going to be ok, right?" 

She nodded and smiled at her, "Do you really have so little faith in your abilities Jean, or were you focused on 'someone' else?" She joked. 

"Eh?" The girl nearly turned as red as her hair. Embarrassment filled her cheeks, "Why do you do this to me?" She pouted, a little peeved by Ororo's playfulness. 

"Hahahaha, I'm only joking sweet girl. It's fine to have thoughts like this, especially at your age." 

"Can we please stop talking about this now?" 

Ororo creased her brow thoughtfully, "Hmmm, nope." She smiled. 

"Come, let's go and see if we can help them." Jean nodded, her kind and caring nature wanting to assist their newest members of the school. 

Arriving at their newest additions room, they entered to find Damian pale and sweating through his bandages. He was seizing. Sarah holding a wet rag to his head trying to cool his temperature down. 

"What's happening to him!?" Ororo yelled, moving to them and conjuring up much colder water to wet the rag. 

"H-H-He just started shaking." Laura stuttered; her face scrunched up in worry and frustration. Looking at her she was pale too, a stark contrast to her tan complexion.

Giving the rag to Jean, she moved to Laura and gripped her shoulders, "Hey, he's going to be okay alright sweetheart, we're going to make sure of it." She took Laura out of the room but looked back at Jean, {Jean, help him.} 


Looking back at Damian and his deteriorating condition, she reached out to the Professor, {Professor, what do I do!} She urged him. 

She heard him labor a sigh, {Okay, you need to enter his mind and find whatever it is that is causing his change and fix it.} 

Diving into his mind without any more hesitation, she confronted shards of what seemed to be Damian's childhood. Moving to one of them, her surroundings changed, taking on the appearance of a bedroom and a red door leading out of it. Moving to the red door, she put her hand on the doorknob and opened it. 

Walking through the hallway, Jean came across a man, brown haired, soft features and a kind look in his eyes. He passed through her, walking to the dining room and a woman was in the kitchen making food. 

"Damian, dinner's ready!" The man spoke, hearing the creaking of wood behind her she turned to find a boy around 10 years old walking towards the parents and sat down at the dining table. 

Jean watched them eat and laugh, the love the family had for each other was heartwarming. 

"Who are you?" Turning turn the voice behind her, she saw Damian standing there not taking his eyes off the family. He looked different, pale and sickly. Like a small gust of wind could knock him on his ass. 

"Damian?" He looked her in the eye and tilted his head. 

"Damian's taking a... nap. Now who are you and what are you doing here?"