
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Cómic
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73 Chs


Waking up to the rays of this realms red sun making my tanned skin glow a bit made me smile before I stood and walked towards the bathroom to prepare for my visit to the said library.

Getting out after a good shower in the greyish waters I grabbed some clothes a black t-shirt, black jeans and some sneakers and then grabbed my library access card and walked out walking towards the gothic styled hallway and after 15 minutes I entered the said library using my library access card to enter through the library guard.

Entering the library I'm greeted by hundreds of thousands of books mostly books stolen from the mortal realms though and in the upper floors is the place where demon books are held but as I'll need all the knowledge I can get I walked towards the mortal knowledge first and after searching through some books I found some that I could devour and walked towards the back where no one would see me and devoured the books as they turned into black notes of energy and entered my body as i gained knowledge and skills and opening my eyes I looked at the screen Infront of me.

[You've learnt skills:

Biilogy Mastery—Lv-8

Genetic Engineering Mastery—Lv-13

Engineering Mastery—Lv-12

Micro-Tech Mastery—Lv-15]

Yes I'm leaning towards science mostly.

Finishing devouring all that knowledge I walked out of the hiding place I found and started walking around the library finding books I could devour to increase my skills levels and find new books I could use and after 8 hours if non-stop devouring this is what I was left with.


Biilogy Mastery—Lv-48

Genetic Engineering Mastery—Lv-58

Engineering Mastery—Lv-56

Micro-Tech Mastery—Lv-47

Martial Arts Mastery—Lv-39

Cold Weopon Mastery—Lv-42

Computer Engineering Mastery—Lv-37

Physics Mastery—Lv-30

Chemistry Mastery—Lv-35

Medicine Mastery—Lv-40

Programming Mastery—Lv-38]

Smiling as my mind was filled with knowledge upon knowledge of many fields of science I smiled before finally walking up towards the demon books.

Now the demon books have wards on them to not allow damage and stealing so I won't be able to devour them but I think after using my ability so much I can use devour knowledge on the words and knowledge instead allowing me not to break the book down into energy but this method will be 30% less effective in giving me levels of the skill but as long as it saves me time on learning things but I don't think I'll be able to just cram everything about demon magic inside my head as already I can feel the strain to my mind already.

' i should find a way to increase my stats….there are already ways to do that but I can't use them at the moment due to my restraints in this place but in 5 days the graduation test will commence and that'll be my chance to gain power.' I thought with a smile before walking towards the magic book section where you get to read up on how to use magic if you're talented enough for free but you can't take any out so that's a bummer.

Walking towards the magical side of the library I walked towards the element magic section and started absorbing the knowledge and after a while or more like an hour.

[You've learnt skills:

Fire Magic—Lv-23

Water Magic—Lv-22

Earth Magic—Lv-20

Wind Magic—Lv-21

Lighting magic—Lv-21]

Smiling at that I raised my hand and using one spell told in the books I conjured a ball of red flames before dispersing it with a smile.

Looking at the other books I walked towards two sections holding mind magic and soul magic and after 5 hours.

[You've learnt skills:

Mind Magic—Lv-37

Soul Magic—Lv-39]

Putting the last book on soul magic back I smiled and walked out of the library.

After a couple of minutes I walked back to my room and then out of eyes of the curious I began conjuring as many spells as I could that I had learnt and truly I could do so perfectly except the ones where I need someone to experiment on but soon I'll be out of this academy and enter the system realms world and do as I wish.

Smiling I walked towards my bed and sat down before opening my status.

[Name: Darius' Lucifer Sinclair' Morningstar.

Age: 16

Race: Demon

Bloodline: Drechro Bloodline.

Sin: Greed, Lust, Envy.

Talent: [Parasite—S+], [True Insight—S-], [Knowledge Devour—S-]


Body: 5

Mind: 8

Soul: 6




Biilogy Mastery—Lv-48

Genetic Engineering Mastery—Lv-58

Engineering Mastery—Lv-56

Micro-Tech Mastery—Lv-47

Martial Arts Mastery—Lv-39

Cold Weopon Mastery—Lv-42

Computer Engineering Mastery—Lv-37

Physics Mastery—Lv-30

Chemistry Mastery—Lv-35

Medicine Mastery—Lv-40

Programming Mastery—Lv-38

Fire Magic—Lv-23

Water Magic—Lv-22

Earth Magic—Lv-20

Wind Magic—Lv-21

Lighting magic—Lv-21

Mind Magic—Lv-37

Soul Magic—Lv-39]

Smiling at the growth I'd gained in just a day of my stay in this place I smiled before walking to my bathroom to freshen up.

—4 days later.

Standing in the library halls once more I'm currently consuming the last of the books I need at the moment mostly on theory and knowledge like plants, ores and weopons and the such to increase my knowledge instead of my skills even though they did level up when I came to this place everyday skipping classes while doing so.

Tomorrow is the graduation test and I will have to be there so this is my last day in here.

Sifting through the book I was reading I put it back but and walked further inside the library and found a book about necromancy making me perk a brow before grinning and absorbing its knowledge.

[You've learnt Skill:

Necromancy Magic—Lv-5]

Smiling as a rush of information entered my brain I immediately started looking at all the bookd that had necromancy knowledge on them but after an hour of doing so i couldn't find anymore.

[Necromancy Magic—Lv-58]

'The art to raise the dead as my slaves will come in great use.' i thought feeling my energies inside me change into necromantic energy before dissapearing by my call turning back into regular energy.

While walking further into the library and brushing upon books to see what they were using my insight talent I suddenly stopped dead on my cracks when I passed by a pure black book after looking at its name with my insight but looking back at the book I immediately used insight once again!

[Item Name: The Book Of Devourement.

Item type: System Type.

Description: The Book Of Devourement, a book created by using the hundreds of souls of angels and demon's by a necromancer with a fetish for hearing people scream after getting an epiphany on how to create an Origin System in his sleep. And thus he used his own body, soul and mind to create said system after being attacked by his rivaled in hopes that the one who finds this book would be his next body to use.

Function: Status, Inventory, Devour.

Warnings: User of this book will slowly be corroded by the lingering soul inside the book and will be subject to body takeover if weak.]

Immediately I grabbed the book and stared at it with a grin but then remembered that I can't even take the thing out but then I immediately searched around the library searching for one branch of magic that would allow me to do so.

After a couple of minutes of constant search I finally found the Space magic section and immediately started reading it and after a while i found a spell that would allow me to take out the book.

[You've learnt Skill:

Space Magic—Lv-21]

Immediately using the spell 'Storage Space' I felt all my energy leave my body before an independent space connected to my soul indicating the success of the spell and immediately a rip in space in the form of a cube appeared Infront of me so I put the book inside and immediately closed it and seeing the success I smiled so wide it almost hurt.

'…..how the fuck is an Origin System in this motherfucking library?!? Those are like the most sought after items in this realm…and it was just sitting there…..haha…hahaha'

Shaking my head to bring me out of my adrenaline curled thoughts I thought about what I had just gained.

You see there are types of systems in this world, there are Created Systems made by deities or gods or us who have the talent to create said systems and then Rogue systems who are just loose canons out in the Omniverse and then there are Origin Systems mostly they are born after the death of a being which leaves their soul to naturally form a system's with power centred around its dead beings power but the unique part about these systems that none other things are able to do is bond with 'anyone' meaning that almost anyone is able to use these systems.

And so if I was found to have one of these all powerful items I'd be dead in a heartbeat.

'i don't care that it's dangerous….but the thing has an active soul that would take over my body as soon as I bind it with me…I should learn some more soul magic…' I thought as my brain went a million miles per hour