
Marvel: Spider-Man System [R18]

Advanced Chapters on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones Jake is reincarnated as Spider-Man and chooses to become the most powerful Spider-Man in existence with the Spider-Man System. He will forge his own path. Now he can steal any superpowers he wants! He will build his own Superhero Empire! The Spider-Man System can give him any Spider-Man superpowers like the Unlimited Suit or even Cosmic Spider-Man powers! Even gain Symbiote powers! The Spider-Verse Movies/Multiverse and Marvel Multiverse will also be in this fic and DC verse so expect lots of new sexy superhero girls and villain girls from Marvel and DC never before seen in this fic! Romance will take time to build and R-18 as well. Gwen Stacy + Black Cat are main romance interest but there more love interest and girls in harem beautiful girls from Marvel + DC. There is no Yuri but there is threesome R-18. New Version with bonus added chapters and R-18 content. This is not a translated fic. Marvel X D.C R-18 Multiverse fanfic. Timeline [MCU + Spider-Verse Movies + D.C Verse comics, cartoons, and movies] Advanced Chapters: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [Tags]: Multiverse, System, Anti-hero, OP MC, Hardcore R-18, Romance takes time, Marriage, Gore, Dark, D.C Verse, comic verse, movie verse, Goth girls, Superhero girls, Super Villain Girls Kingdom Building.

DarkDemonZ · Cómic
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100 Chs

Chapter 62: New Life Pt.2 [Mira Past Girlfriend?] [Now Things get Interesting!]


[A/N: Just $7 to join! Advanced 50 Chapters ahead on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [Write down link in your search tab or copy link and paste]

A/N:I will be posting a new R-18 fanfic today! I will post a link!


But it was also an easy choice to make at the same time. Jake didn't want to join forces with anyone, he knew that Barry would try to be alpha in the group, but the only the alpha right now was Jake who was giving a Barry a fierce death stare. No one would be in charge of him. However, Barry Allen and Bobby Drake had connections with the higher tier supers. They may also know some powerful superheroes. Jake's choice was stuck between the two.

Gwen, Peter, and Miles look at Jake in the distances, they were just heading to science class.

"So just like that he already turned his backs on us. I thought he was 'different," Gwen sighed and walks into the academy.

"Yeah, he is just like the rest of 'them'. Why would he ever be friends with us?" Peter said with a gloomy face.

"Come on guys," Miles looks the most 'let down', he didn't think that Jake would so easily betray them.

Jake looks over at the walking away Spider-Crew and then turns his attention back at Barry Allen.

"Think it about Jake. Do you really want to hang out with those losers? They won't get you anywhere. You're a smart guy, you know that joining us will get you everything you ever wanted. Who knows, maybe I can even get you a meeting with Tony Stark," Barry edges on Jake to hurry up and make a decision. Barry obviously only wanted Jake to join his crew so that he can use Jake's smarts to pass every test and graduate.

'... '

Jake doesn't say a damn word.

"Come on you know you want to. We are top of the Food Chain. We 'own' this school. With the connections I have, we are 'untouchable'." Barry said with a cocky grin as he boldly raises his hands up in the air.

"Didn't I tell you 'Flash' that I would be the one taking down the hierarchy of this academy, now get out of my way," Jake pushed aside Barry and Bobby.

"You bastard!? You think you are better than us!? You don't even have any superpowers!" Bobby's blue eyes started to glow and ice crystal formations appeared around his forearms and knuckles as he angrily clenched his fist.

"Tch just drop it. He will soon come to his senses," Barry puffs up his brown and red jock jacket and cooly walks away.

Jake arrives at his science class and takes a seat.

"Alright everyone I was only the substitute t-teacher! Of this cl-ass! S-see you morons later!" Rick storms out of the classroom with his Pickle Bot which gives BBtron a death glare.

"I have found my rival," BBtron echoes inside of Jake's backpack.

"Yeah that's cool, but be quiet. I don't want anyone finding out about you," Jake whispered into his backpack. BBtron quickly transforms into a pen with his nano-bot technology.

"Uh, I see you are talking to your backpack again, just like you were talking to Flash," Gwen says with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Really now? You think I will just leave you guys for a more popular crew?" Jake quickly replied as he zipped up his backpack.

"Um ah..."Gwen didn't know what to say.

"I won't join anyone. If that's what you want to know, but don't think I have to follow you guys around. You guys 'follow me'." Jake said. 'Shit, maybe I should have worded that better,'

"I knew you wouldn't join that jerk's crew!" Miles happily says with a wide bright smile as he fists bumped the air.

"Yeah it's good that you didn't join Flash and Bobby, those guys don't care about anyone but themselves," Peter added in.

Gwen doesn't seem too happy by Jake's response. She had a feeling that he was acting 'strange' like he was hiding something.

Raven is behind Jake and is staring him down. Her sharp bright blue eyes and 'dark aura' were piercing Jake's soul. She really was a scary girl. Scary and sexy at the same time that is.

"Alright everyone enough chatter I will now be your science teacher," Someone with thick sunglasses and unruly ginger hair walks into the classroom.

"The name is Professor. Otto or you can call me Professor. O. " Otto writes his full name on the board.

Jake slightly remembered this person, he knew he had seen the scientist/doctor somewhere before, but his past memories were all a jumbled blur. He only remembered some important events that happened in the Marvel world and Spider-Man movies.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce our new student. Please introduce yourself, young lady," Otto said as he tipped up his bulky sunglasses that actually improved his vision and blocked out the sunlight to protect his sensitive eyes.

"Hello my name is Mira Storm," A girl walks in with short-flowing scarlet hair and emerald eyes, she looked almost like MJ, but she was way more 'muscular' than MJ and looked like she had been through combat training. She had a very distinct tattoo near her slender pale neck.

'No fucking way...' Jake's eyes widen. He knew this girl from his past life! Things were about to get strange. If it already wasn't.



[A/N: Just $7 to join! Advanced 50 Chapters ahead on my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ghostybones [Write down link in your search tab or copy link and paste]

A/N:I will be posting a new R-18 fanfic today! I will post a link!