
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Cómic
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145 Chs

Chapter 4: The First Day as Superman

In the end, Peter didn't move the spaceship after all.

Although this spaceship was created by the system, it was not any different from a real spaceship.

Driving it, he could also break through Earth's atmosphere and traverse the stars to tour the universe.

However, given that his Superman abilities were not yet fully awakened at this time, plus the current Peter didn't know how to fly a spacecraft, after all there was no major for that in his high school.

So Peter left the spaceship where it was for now.

"After my Superman abilities are fully awakened, I'll get you a more comfortable home."

After completely hiding the hole in the basement with a heavy object, Peter muttered to the ground.

Then, without looking back, he turned around and left the warehouse that had completely changed his life's fate.

"What a pity, unknowingly it's already evening. It looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow to sunbathe."

Walking out of the warehouse, Peter realized that the sun had already set and the time had come to evening.

So no matter how excited he was internally, no matter how badly he wanted to sunbathe as soon as possible to absorb solar energy and awaken his Superman abilities, he could only wait until tomorrow.

Restraining his excitement, Peter returned to the wooden house they were staying in tonight.

"Peter, you came back just in time, come and have dinner."

Coincidentally, when Peter returned to the cabin, Aunt May had just finished making dinner.

"Okay, thanks, Aunt May."

Perhaps due to changes in his physique, Peter found that he was really a little hungry.

He couldn't help rushing to the dinner table, grabbing the dinner Aunt May prepared and wolfing it down.

Aunt May's eyes were full of care as she looked at Peter who was wolfing down his food and said in a doting manner, "Boy, eat slowly, no one will grab it from you."

Soon, Peter stopped.

Not because he was full, but because he had almost eaten all of the dinner Aunt May prepared.

"I'm going to sleep first. Good night, Uncle Ben, Aunt May."

Although he still felt a little hungry in his body, Peter didn't show it. Instead, he couldn't wait to bid the Parker couple goodnight and rushed back to his room.

"This Boy, there seems to be something strange with him today."

Looking at the back of Peter returning to his room so eagerly, Aunt May couldn't help but feel that today's Peter was a bit strange.

"He's probably tired from tidying up the warehouse. Normal, when I was his age..."

Uncle Ben was habitually reading a newspaper. Hearing Aunt May's words, he slowly spoke without even raising his head.

"Stop reading, come eat."

It seemed Uncle Ben's indifferent tone made Aunt May a little angry. She snatched away the newspaper in Ben's hand and threw the last plate of sandwiches in front of him.

"I'll eat now. Let me just finish reading that article first..."


At this time, Peter, who had returned to his room, did not go straight to dreamland even though he was already lying on his bed.

Instead, he summoned his system panel.

"What exactly is the origin of this system, to be able to modify the reality of the world without anyone being able to notice."

Because of the huge surprise at obtaining Superman's power before, Peter didn't carefully probe the origin of the system.

But now that his mood had calmed down, Peter suddenly realized everything the system had done was so unbelievable.

After all, modifying the reality of a world without any trace was definitely not something simple.

What's more, the world he was in at this moment was the Marvel Universe.

In it, there were countless beings beyond the Universal Level. And on Earth right now, there was also a powerful being who knew the past and future. 

"Forget it. All I have comes from this system, so what's the point of delving into its origin?"

"With this time, it's better to scrutinize the proper usage of this system."

Soon, Peter discarded the idea of probing the system's origin and instead carefully studied what other functions this system had besides granting him the Superman template.

"Points can be exchanged for items in the Point Store. So without a doubt, points are the most important thing about the system."

"But how is the system store opened, and how are points obtained?"

Based on his experience from certain novels in his previous life, Peter quickly understood that points were the most important existence in the system.

With points, more powerful things and abilities could be exchanged.

For example, the more powerful Superman template seemed to require enough points to redeem.

After all, according to the description on the character panel, he currently only had the normal Superman template. The strongest manifestation of his power seemed to be about the same as shown in the movie Man of Steel.

And relying on the gradual evolution of the Superman physique over time, who knew how long that would take.

After all, in the comics, after absorbing energy in the solar core for tens of thousands of years, Superman finally evolved into the Golden Superman.

[There are two ways to obtain points. The first is to complete the tasks issued by the system. The second is to change the life trajectory of characters in the current world. The more famous the character, the more points obtained after rewriting their life trajectory.]

[The Point Store opens automatically after successfully obtaining 1000 points.]

Perhaps sensing Peter's inner doubts, a message surfaced in his mind again.

Not only did it introduce the way to obtain points, but also the conditions for the opening of the Points Store.

"Change the fate trajectory of famous characters?"

"So if I make that arrogant guy not develop armor but go study magic instead, that should count as changing his fate trajectory, right?"

Thinking about this, Peter seemed to have understood what he should do in the future.

"It's just changing other people's fate trajectories, isn't it? I may not be as benevolent as Superman to protect this world, but making this world more chaotic like a patriot, wouldn't that be easy?"

At this moment, Peter was already imagining that after his Superman abilities were fully awakened, how to make the people of this world get a taste of deterrence from a "patriot".

After all, who hasn't fantasized about doing whatever they wanted after gaining Superman's power?

"I really look forward to tomorrow coming faster..."

In the infinite expectation for tomorrow, Peter slowly fell asleep at some point.

Knock knock knock ...

"Peter, get up and eat breakfast. After breakfast, we have to go clean up the weeds on the farm."

Early next morning, while Peter was still half-asleep, Uncle Ben's heavy voice rang out from outside the door already.

"I'll be right there, Uncle Ben."

As it turned out, even though he had become Superman, he still could not avoid the fate of cleaning up the farm with Uncle Ben.

"Hey Peter, this area is yours, that side is mine. Let's see who clears it faster."

The huge farm, at this moment, seemed to be an endless grassland.

"How long is this going to take to clear?"

Looking at a large area of nearly one meter high weeds, Peter's heart was broken.

"Well, at least clearing the weeds doesn't interfere with me sunbathing."

At this moment, feeling the sun in the sky that emitted a strong glow and temperature.

The superhuman bloodline in Peter's body had begun to stir!


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...