
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Cómic
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142 Chs

Chapter 37: The Gaze from Asgard

"Hmm, we'll talk about that project later."

"For now, your goal is to uncover all the secrets within this body."

"In short Professor Connors, this lab is now in your hands. Remember not to let anyone else in. If someone tries to force their way in, yell for me loudly."

This lab was important to Peter, so he solemnly instructed Connors.

"Oh right, if you need any experimental facilities, materials, etc, just tell me. Even the Statue of Liberty, I can bring over immediately."

After speaking, Peter slowly walked to the metal door and shifted it open with one hand, but didn't close it again. After all, Connors would need to access this lab later.

"Damn it, I, a billionaire, the world's greatest scientist, reduced to this..."

Right after opening the door, Peter heard Tony grumbling nonstop while cleaning with tools.

Ignoring Tony's complaints, Peter left Connors there and instantly floated off the ground, preparing to leave.

"Hey, this guy actually forgot to close the door!"

While continuing to clean, Tony peeked from the corner of his eye at the frozen monster's body in the lab.

"Tony Stark, remember to tell everyone that no one can approach that lab except Professor Connors, or face the consequences."

Just when Tony was secretly delighted, thinking of sneaking in alone when everyone else was resting to take a peek at the monster's body, Peter's stern warning instantly shattered his fantasy.


The next moment, the metal door of the ice cavern closed again, a faint sonic boom coming through.

"What kind of secret research could he be having that Connors guy do that he doesn't want to be seen?"

Seeing Connors arranging various experimental equipment as he liked in the lab, Tony undoubtedly became even more curious.


"Hmm? Someone's watching me?"

Right now, Peter who was flying swiftly homeward suddenly felt a sense of being watched.

He instantly halted and looked around with super vision, then up at the sky.

"Not a satellite, then what is it?"

Almost immediately, Peter eliminated the possibility of being monitored by human high tech.

"Could it be...that bald guy?"

Suddenly, Peter recalled a certain powerful being on Earth with a distinctive hairstyle.

"But what reason would she have to watch me? Even if I disrupted the Sacred Timeline, it should be the TVA coming after me."

"Forget it, even if it's her so what, I'm not some Superman who can be easily defeated by simple magic."

As an invulnerable Superman, Peter's current magic resistance was as astonishingly powerful as his physical resistance.

Thinking of this, Peter grew unworried again, and instantly accelerated.

Until Peter flew a big circle in the air, passing several countries along the way, and didn't feel that sense of being watched anymore.

At the same time, in Asgard, one of the Nine Realms like Earth.

Heimdall, the guardian of the Bifrost, swiftly retracted his all-seeing gaze that could sense all things in the Nine Realms.

"This human, such powerful perception...when did such a powerful being appear in Midgard."

Only now, his already extremely frosty visage grew even more solemn.

"Heimdall...my friend, are you there? Quick open the Bifrost for me!"

Just as Heimdall was pondering when such a powerful existence had appeared on Earth.

A voice suddenly sounded in his ear, interrupting his thoughts.

The next moment, Heimdall didn't hesitate either, directly inserting his silver longsword into the Bifrost activation mechanism.

Instantly, silvery lightning lit up the entire mechanism.

On the Bifrost connecting all of Asgard, in an instant dazzling rays of light blossomed forth, colorful energy continuously flowing within, like a rainbow train traversing the entire galaxy, converging at the endpoint of the Bifrost.

Tremendous amounts of energy instantly gushed out from the bird-beak-shaped mechanism at the endpoint of the Bifrost, forming a pillar of colorful light that spanned the vastness of the Nine Realms.


With the Bifrost successfully opened, several figures appeared in Asgard along with the colorful radiance of the Bifrost. Transported along with them was the corpse of a massive monster.

"Haha! Our Asgardian warriors are invincible!"

Having just arrived, these few immediately raised their bloodstained weapons, madly cheering.

That massive monster corpse was clearly their spoils of war.

Among them, a burly man with a silver winged battle helmet, clad in silvery metal armor, with long golden hair, slowly came to Heimdall's side. Patting him on the shoulder, he asked in puzzlement:

"Heimdall, why did you hesitate earlier?"

"I saw a powerful new god appear in Midgard."

Facing Odin's son, Asgard's future heir to the throne, the mighty God of Thunder Thor, also Heimdall's best friend.

Heimdall did not conceal what he had seen.

"A powerful new god appeared in Midgard? How's that possible, I was just there a few centuries ago, the humans there are extremely weak."

"Even child me could easily defeat hundreds of them!"

The arrogant Thor naturally did not believe Heimdall's words.

"What's more, ignorant humans back then even revered me as the great God of Thunder, right up until now!"

Thor scoffed at Heimdall's words while grasping his silver Mjolnir.

It wasn't that he looked down on humans, just that compared to them, the Asgardians were simply too powerful.

To the humans, the mighty Asgardians were like omnipotent gods.

"Thor, it's been centuries since Allfather Odin forbid casually setting foot in Midgard."

"The human realms have undergone tremendous change. They rapidly developed technology, gaining control of some kind of destructive weapon."

"They no longer believe in gods, no longer needing our protection."

Heimdall naturally saw all of humanity's rapid development.

"Especially recently, an unbelievably powerful being appeared among the humans. All humans call him - God Among Men!"

Heimdall's expression was extremely solemn. There was another sentence he didn't say - on that human, he saw power comparable to Allfather Odin.

"God Among Men?"

Thor repeated this term, his expression full of surging battle spirit.


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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