
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Cómic
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145 Chs

Chapter 32: Nano Particle Experiment Succeeds

"Fantasy reflects reality. Humanity has the honor of welcoming its greatest hero - Superman!"

The next day after that night, the entire New York City, even the entire world, was propagating a piece of information.

Whether it was the huge screens on the city streets or the headlines of the newspapers displayed in the newsstands in alleys, they were all about that majestic figure.

Superman's name resounded throughout the world overnight, praised by all media and news outlets.

And he was crowned as the greatest hero of mankind.

"Heh, it looks like it's trying to hold me with moral abduction."

On the way to school, as he casually glanced at the newspaper in his hand, Peter instantly understood their purpose for doing this.

"Unfortunately, I have no morals! Or rather, I have a flexible moral baseline."

Casually tearing the newspaper in his hand into pieces, he threw it into the trash can on the street, ignoring the countless pedestrians around him who were talking about himself and the change of the moon's surface, and slowly walked towards the school.

"Did you guys watch the live broadcast last night? Superman was so cool!"

However, Peter wouldn't get any peace and quiet today.

As soon as he walked into the classroom, he heard several classmates gathered together, excitedly discussing what had happened last night.

"That's right, Superman is so powerful that the ugly monster was no match at all. If I had Superman's powerful strength, I would definitely... hehehe..."

A black kid kept gesturing with his hands, as if he was the one who fought the Hulk last night.

"Hmph, I think Superman is too distant from us. Maybe just like in comics, he is an alien from another planet. And who knows what his purpose is for coming to Earth..."

Flash, with a plaster cast on his arm and bandages wrapped around him, shrank his neck in fear when he saw Peter walk into the classroom.

But seeing that Peter just went back to the seat he sat in yesterday, and didn't seem to have any intention of coming over to cause trouble, he regained his courage and continued to discuss last night's events with his little brothers.

"F*ck, Flash, are you tired of living? Don't you know Superman has super hearing? Aren't you afraid of Superman coming to settle accounts with you for saying that?"

One of his minions, upon hearing Flash actually dare to slander Superman like this, instantly reached out to cover his mouth.

"Anyway, I still prefer Spider-Woman. Only she would help us, ordinary people."

Flash removed the hand covering his mouth with his uninjured left hand, but ultimately did not dare to continue slandering, just said somewhat unwillingly.

"Spider-Woman? Forget it..."

Obviously, they had lost interest in discussing Spider-Woman at this point.

Suddenly, a classmate looked around, and spoke cautiously in a low voice: "Have you guys heard about the changes on the Moon's surface? I have a friend from another class who participates in the astronomy enthusiast club."

"According to him, the huge crater that suddenly appeared on the moon was not caused by a meteorite impact, but rather..."

Ding ling ling...

With the ringing of the school bell, the classroom gradually quieted down as a teacher walked in.

"Today our first class is ideological education. We won't talk about the somewhat outdated Captain America spirit, but talk about the Superman dedication spirit of fighting monsters bravely and fearlessly for humanity!"

At the start of each new semester over the past few days, the school would have a class on ideological education.

It's just that Peter didn't expect the class, which was almost always about preaching Captain America before, to become preaching about himself today.  

"Well, it's kinda fun to make me believe in myself."


Peter, who had finally made it to the end of school with his eyes closed, returned home.

After waiting until the late hours when Uncle Ben and Aunt May were sleeping.

He jumped out of the window directly, accelerated instantly in mid-air, and flew towards the direction of the "scientific research base" in Antarctica.

Soon, Peter arrived in Antarctica.


He lifted the thick iron door above the base with one hand and flew into the base.

After casually putting the food, water, daily necessities, and some essential experimental equipment he brought this time into the storage room.

Peter walked towards the research lab.

"Great, we finally succeeded!"

Just as he arrived at the nanotechnology research lab, Peter heard a cry full of excitement coming from it.

Stepping quickly into the lab, Peter's gaze instantly fell on a special black, viscous liquid-like substance in a transparent glass container.

It was actually squirming inside the container.

At this moment, almost all the researchers in the entire base were here in the lab.

They looked at the nanometal particles in the glass container that were squirming, twisting, transforming, combining, and so on according to the operations on Dr. Reed's tablet controller, with extremely excited expressions on their faces.

Because they all knew that the situation before them was a prelude to their research direction not being wrong.

It also meant that they were one step closer to getting away from this goddamn place.

"Heh, our Superman has come at just the right time."

Tony, still sitting on the sofa, was the first to notice Peter walking into the lab.

"Superman, next time can you bring us some better red wine, like the ones in my villa's wine cellar will do. I just can't get used to drinking this cheap red wine."

Sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand, Tony looked at Peter somewhat expectantly as he made his request.

In fact, apart from the loss of freedom here, their life was not much different from vacationing.

After a period of refurbishment, the environment here was much better than when they first arrived.

And Tony had also figured out Peter's personality. As long as the research could proceed normally, most of the conditions they proposed, as long as they were not too excessive, Peter would basically satisfy them.

Peter casually glanced at Tony on the sofa, then went straight to Reed and asked slowly: "I heard you guys seem to have succeeded just now?"

"That's right. Based on Dr. Cho's Regeneration Cradle concept and Princess Sui Rui's research data on nanomaterials, we have succeeded in artificially manipulating nanometal particles."

"But it can only be considered an initial success."

Seeing Peter this time, Reed was no longer as fearful as before.

And when he talked about his own research results, there was a hint of excitement in Reed's eyes.

For scientists like them, nothing is more exciting than a successful experiment.

"Mr. Superman, please take a look..."

While speaking, Reed pointed to the nanometal particles in the glass container to show Peter.

Then he manipulated the controller in his hand again.

The next moment, to Peter's amazement, the liquid-like nanoparticles in the container suddenly began to squirm and twist rapidly.

Under everyone's gaze, it slowly condensed into a pitch-black dagger.

Moreover, the blades on both sides flashed with a sharp, cold light, seemingly even sharper than a crafted dagger.

However, under their watchful gaze, the dagger's form only lasted less than three seconds before it shattered with a bang, turning back into what looked like a mass of liquid as before.

"Is this... they themselves don't contain enough energy to sustain this form?"

Although his super brain had not fully awakened yet, Peter also instantly saw the real problem that caused this situation.

"That's right, it's an energy problem."

Reed was also surprised that Peter was able to see the crux of the problem.

"Unlike ordinary biological nanobots, the nano armor you need requires more powerful energy sources to maintain the fixed structure between nanoparticles, otherwise the nanoparticles will collapse instantly like just now."

"Unless we can find some special material that itself contains a lot of energy to make nanoparticles out of. Unfortunately, such materials barely exist on Earth."

"Of course, according to our conception, as long as there is a kind of portable mini energy storage device that can provide continuous energy, we can also solve the problem we encounter today."

"It's just that our energy team doesn't seem to have made much progress so far."

As he spoke, Reed looked at Tony, who was leisurely drinking cheap red wine on the sofa. He was the head of the energy team here.


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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