
Marvel: Son of Poseidon

The old ones say we Spartans are descendent from Heracles himself. Leonidas gives testament to our bloodline. But Timaeus, his tale is different. If Leonidas is a son of Heracles. Then he is the son of Poseidon.

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100 Chs

Character Bio


Height: 6'4.

weight: unknown.

eye color: Blue.

Hair color: Blonde.

Race: Half god/ Half Mutant.

Mutant ability: Tremor. He takes more after his father than just his affinity for water. His x-gene gives him the ability to create earthquake bubbles. Awakened during the final moments of the battle at the Hot Gates


Son of Poseidon and Antiope of Sparta. Born 450 BC. He was believed to be the son of Spartan General Hermos. At 1 week old he took his first steps. at week four he spoke his first words. In just one month he could read. He lived a rigid and painful life. Always amongst the first on a battlefield and one of the last to leave. He cared deeply for his men, treating them as equals despite their rank. He is most famous for his many naval victories. His skill on the oceans and his knowledge in their phases is rivaled by only poseidon himself. He has fought many battles alongside Leonidas and Fellow captain Artemis. His name is known through all of Sparta. He fought valiantly during the battle at the Hot Gates, taking down more than a thousand of the enemies forces with his own hands.