A person who from childhood did not know what it was to "walk" and "move his hands" falls into an ordinary sick boy born in the middle of the XIX century. But such an ordinary one? Maybe there is something else here? From the author: I am Russian More chapters on my account Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/killmobskin (Chapters every day and +10 more than here)
"Steve, that's enough," Bucky was saying, " You've been trying for a long time — just admit that you won't get into the army. And because you provide deliberately false information about yourself, they may well arrest you. Stop ruining your life.
— You just don't understand, — the blond waved his hands, — I can't help but invest less in the war than the others, so don't stop me, - he said with conviction.
- Eh — - his friend sighed, - You can't be persuaded.
- Have fun there for me too — - the guy smiled.
They hugged and Barnes went to the girls who called him.
He's at it again, and I thought that today he would finally take his mind off it. Abraham looked at my adopted son strangely, but then turned around and walked on, continuing to inspect the people. Hmm, somehow this moment seemed vaguely familiar to me. Is it really here that Abraham will find his future candidate? We'll see, but for now it's better to follow him.
After a while, Erskine went into the office where the medical examination is taking place, and began to observe already there. Once he went somewhere, and then he also continued his work. Suddenly, a young soldier came to us and nodded to the scientist. He immediately fussed and went out the door. I followed him out in silence.
He was waiting for us outside…
— Hello, Stephen, - said Abraham — - My name is Abraham Erskine. I represent an organization called the Strategic Scientific Reserve.
"Hello, sir," my adopted son said, and my suspicions began to creep in.
— Do you know why you're here?" - the scientist asked a question.
"I'm not sure," Steve said, but then he noticed me, " Dad?"
- And? - the Doctor was surprised, - Are you his father? — What is it? " he asked me.
— Not native, - I explained, - But I raised him, so I consider him my son.
"I didn't know," the Doctor said sincerely.
— You don't pay attention to anything around you with your research, " I grinned.
- Hah, I think there is some truth in this — - the man supported my smile — - But it's even good! Steve, I have just one question for you. Do you really want to go to Europe and kill Nazis there?
"Are you really ..." it began to dawn on me.
"No," the blond man's voice interrupted me, — I don't want to kill anyone, "his tone was serious," I just want to end this war.
- Here, - he handed the personal file to the guy, - This is your chance to join the ranks of the American army and join the battles of the Second World War. Congratulations, from this day on, you are a member of the Rebirth project.
- I swore.
Now I remember for sure that this is how Erskine found Captain America. So it was Steve? Or was it supposed to be someone else? In general, now I was in doubt. Should I give my adopted son the power or take him away from here and forbid him to participate in this? On the one hand, I can deprive the country of a Symbol, and it is unknown how the war will go if there is no Cap.
On the other hand, I can give Steve what he wants, and with the serum it will not be a problem. But Sarah will definitely swear. But it doesn't matter — I know how to calm her down. The trouble is that I myself do not want my son to participate in the war, even if he becomes a super soldier who will be five times better than an ordinary person.
— Is something wrong? Abraham asked anxiously.
- His mother will kill me — - I stated, - I specifically did so that Stephen did not join the army.
— Why? — both of them asked in one voice.
— Your mother asked, — I replied, pointing to my son — " And I think that in this state you have no place in the war.
— But... - the guy wanted to be indignant.
"Shut up," I said in a commanding tone — " Yes, this is not the place. But it is in this state. Who stopped you from asking me to train you? Or do you want to start studying yourself? Eh? I don't hear an answer! That's the answer to your question. You are too impulsive and the simplest solution did not even occur to you.
"I... understand you, Dad," the blond man said, lowering his head.
— He understood, aha, how, — I muttered, - Say thank you to Abraham that he has already signed the paper on your enrollment in the project.
— That is... - he looked at me hopefully.
"Yes, yes, you'll get into the army," I said, trying to keep my face even,but the smile was just asking for it.
At that moment, it became clear to me that America still needs a hero, and whether it will be Captain America or not, it does not matter. I know my son like a flake. He will definitely be able to become the hero who can ignite the hearts of people. It's in his blood, because his biological father was the same when we fought together, because in a short period of time he was able to reach a high position and earn the great respect of the soldiers.
— And how do we explain everything to Mom? — it was obvious that the guy was very happy, but he could not help but ask this question.
— And nothing, - I spread my hands, - First we will carry out one procedure… Will we hold it? - I look at Erskine, as if asking if he is sure of the choice, to which he nods — - And then we will just put it before the fact and if she does not agree, then... I will have to persuade her very persistently in our bedroom. Maybe even a few days — " I smile slyly at my son.
— Um... um... I see... - it seems like an adult guy, but blushes from such words.
Anyway, the next day, Steve and Abraham will go to a military camp where Colonel Phillips wants to conduct tests for candidates. This will last a week. I hope that my son will survive, although what will happen to him — I will be there, so if anything, I will help. I'll just go there a little later than he does.
When I arrived at the camp, the candidates were currently on a jog. One of the officers urged them on. After that, he also ordered to remove the flag from the flagpole, having previously promoted this by the fact that the first one who got it would go the rest of the run to the barracks by car. All the fighters began to try to climb, but no one could. Even the guy who was supported by everyone and shouted his name. Some kind of Hodge.
Steve, of course, didn't even try, because he was just trying to catch his breath. And when everyone else ran, he went to the drain. The officer began to call him, but the guy did not listen and did what others could not think of — he unscrewed the pin on which the flagpole rested. The drain fell. The son took the flag, gave it to the officer and got into the car. So, by the way, it was at this moment that Carter was sitting. Opa-pa, and what is this look at the girl? Looks like someone finally found the one.
A car was passing next to me, and I waved to them, greeting them. At that moment, the blonde was just looking in my direction and answered me in the same way, and Margaret just nodded her head to me. After that, I stomped on. My way now lay to Abraham's office, where the colonel should also be waiting for me.