
Marvel Live Fortune Telling

Lin Chen traveled to the world of Meiman and became a Taoist priest who fortune-telling live. A water friend: I just wanted to count marriage, but was sent to prison by the Taoist priest? ! “I just counted my career, but the Taoist priest gave me three green hats?!” it's a light novel and it's already complete

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · Otras
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382 Chs

Chapter 193 S.H.I.E.L.D Pickup Girl at the Door! Barbara is jealous!

"But last night, netizens saw that the Taoist team destroyed a lot of unmanned uniforms. Deep Aquaman, you seem to have made soy sauce and hid in Xiao Fountain Pool"

Deep Aquaman....

Several other reporters also said, "Maeve and Wonder Woman can't be compared! Too bad!"

"The cloaks of the motherland are not burned, and they are disgraced, and they are not the same level police as the Taoist priest."

The people of the motherland endured the press conference, and in their hearts, they wished to kill all these reporters with Heat ray!

Diana squeezed Lin Chen's shoulder, "It seems that you are going to be missed by this fake Superman."

"He really dares to mess with me, I don't mind letting him disappear"

"I know you're awesome"

"I don't think you know!" Lin Chen stood up and carried her on his shoulders.

"Alarming, I have to go to work! Diana is in a hurry.

"I asked for leave today, I said! Lin Chen said domineeringly.

The next morning, Diana went to work and told him to hurry back to Gotham!

Lin Chen was lying on the bed, checking his mobile phone, Hammer Industries was on the verge of bankruptcy, the stock had fallen into a dog, this time he shorted the stock and made more than a billion dollars!

"Justin is such a charitable you!"

Lin Chen called the widow sister.

"I'm at work, what's the matter with you!" Miss Widow whispered.

"I wanted to tell you how much you made this time, forget it, when I didn't make the call" Lin Chen was about to hang up.

"Wait, darling, tell me quickly!" Sister Widow whined!

The surrounding agents are all surprised, and the Romanov agent has this side too?!

Lin Chen thought, "It's inconvenient to tell you now, I'll pick you up in the afternoon, and we'll have a face-to-face interview"

"What's the inconvenience, isn't it just a number, six million or eight million?"

"Who do you underestimate?! Far more than that!" Lin Chen hung up the phone.

The widow sister was excited and was already thinking about how many bags and clothes to buy.

"No, Natasha Romanoff, you have to withstand the attack of sugar-coated cannonballs, this bastard just wants to corrupt you! Routine you" Sister Widow kept telling herself.

As a result, she was not in the mood to go to work all day, and even wrote the report Fury asked her to write.

In the afternoon, the widow sister and Hill and other agents got off work on time, and many female agents chatted.

"Oops, there's a handsome guy at the gate," bro"

"Super handsome, he also drives a big truck full of roses!

"Oh, you're not chasing me, are you?" A girl who looks six and thinks she is nine, with stars in her eyes.

Widow sister's sixth sense is very accurate, "It can't be that kind of thing!"

Hill pulled the widow sister, "Natasha Romanoff, let's go out and see, you are very brave to pick up girls at the door of S.H.I.E.L.D."

When the widow sister came to the gate, she found that there were many female agents surrounding one person, and behind him was a cart full of red roses.

"Beauties, I'm here to find Natasha Romanoff, and it's not a fate today.

"Master, show it to me, I haven't been able to sleep lately, it's all about you in my dreams"

Before the widow sister stepped forward, she was knocked down by a person. Barbara Moores, who was nearly 1.8 meters tall and had a hot body, ran over excitedly.

She grabbed Lin Chen's hand, "Daoist, I'm your little fan girl!"

Lin Chen looked her up and down, "Small? Can't tell, what's your name? 33

"My name is Barbara, Master, let's have dinner together, shall we drink more, I'll be drunk after one drink.

The Hill agent scolded in a low voice, "It's shameless! How can you be so proactive, Natasha Romanoff, you can hear Wan Police being deceived by a scumbag!"

Widow sister nodded, or Hill is the most reliable honey!

The widow sister coughed, indicating that she was hooked!

Lin Chen declined Barbara and said that he would talk about it next time.

He came over and covered the widow with a bunch of flowers, "Beauty, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The widow sister looked around proudly!




All kinds of eyes make her very satisfied!

She was about to pick up the flowers when the Hill agent next to her suddenly hooked her hand, took Lin Chen's flowers, and said shyly,

"Master, how do you know that I like red roses, if you are good or bad, you should pay attention to others, right?"

Widow sister looked sluggish, "Sure enough, she's a good girlfriend! Fire, theft, and flocking are true!"

She grabbed the flowers, looked at the truck in front, and said loudly, "Why do you spend so much money! There are more flowers in it?"

Lin Chen fondly touched her red hair, "As long as you like it, I will buy you all the flowers in New York.

"Master, you are so kind to me!" Sister Widow stretched her voice and patted Lin Chen hard.

Amid the envy of everyone, the two got into the truck and drove away.

Hill agent was sad, "Why the best love Natasha Romanoff!

Barbara kicked a wooden fence with a thick mouth, "Master, I won't give up!

On the top floor of S.H.I.E.L.D, Fury put down his telescope, "He's still going! My most beautiful agent! 93

Widow sister looked at Lin Chen who was driving, "You bastard, now the whole S.H.I.E.L.D knows!

"Know what?"

Have a leg"!99

"What's wrong with normal love?"

The widow sister suddenly laughed, "Haha, seeing Barbara and Hill like that, hum, trying to rob my man, dreaming! 39

"And the little goblin Skye, and there's a picture of you on the desk.

Lin Chen smiled, "I didn't expect that I was very popular in your S.H.I.E.L.D. I have time to check it out."

"You dare to go!" Sister Widow vigorously protected Lin Chen's waist!

Lin Chen endured the pain and drove the car to a remote place by the sea.

Sister Widow looked at him vigilantly, "What do you want to do? Robbery or robbery?!

"That must be together." Lin Chen pulled her out of the car and opened the truck's compartment, which was full of roses.

He jumped up, pulled the widow sister up, and closed the compartment door.

The widow sister was speechless, "It's so dark, I can't see it!"

Lin Chen clapped his hand, and beautiful lights lit up inside the carriage. He took the widow sister and walked inside.

Pull out a bunch of roses, and inside is a mattress made of rose petals.

"How do you like it"

Sister Widow rolled her eyes at him, "Your routine is really deep!"

Lin Chen pulled her into his arms, "Let's discuss, how much did you earn this time?"

"Hammer Industries is going to go bankrupt, you should make a profit!" Sister Widow's eyes lit up.

Lin Chen said that we will talk about it later!

The two had a heated discussion, and rose petals scattered all over the place!

(Zhao Wanghao) Sister Widow put her head on Lin Chen's arm and sighed, "I've finally finished your routine!"

"I made a dilemma of more than ten thousand USD?! It's worth my salary for decades!

"Honey, how about throwing the resignation letter on Fury's face now?" Lin Chen smelled the fragrance of her hair.

The widow sister thought about it, "Forget it, I like this job, I can live with you when I'm on vacation.

"I like the job of an agent, and I also have a career!

Lin Chen said, "It's okay, I'll come to see you often."

It's not right for the widow sister to think about it, "What are we doing like this?"

"It's definitely a normal relationship"

"You made a billion USD?! Asshole, look!

Widow sister called Fury to ask for leave, saying she was sick!

Fury's eyelids twitched, "Natasha Romanoff, I saw it all upstairs today! There's a lot more for you to do! 93

He said that Natasha Romanoff has never asked for leave, and now...