

God: I am really sorry child, I was just trying to punish an evil person but accidentally the target missed and you died instead of him.

I was confused and panicking because just a moment ago i was trying to complete the project that my blackhearted boss has told me to submit before 8 a.m. that his employee-cum wife can't complete and in the next moment here i am looking at a nice and warm old man apologizing to me that he accidentally killed me and know how to utter a single word because i feel like there is a lump in my throat that is stopping me to say anything. Just when i was thinking what to say and how to say. The old man looked at me and said.

"Oh sorry i am sure you're startled by the turn of events and can't calm down let me help you with it" and just then the old man waved his hand and a soothing breeze blew towards me and felt my mind and body calm down and i said.

"So mister can i inquire what will happen to me now?" Even though I wanted to ask who is he but it felt like i already know the answer in my subconscious mind.

"Oh well anything you want actually, since i made a mistake so i should admit and provide compensation for it. Now you have two options first i can reincarnate you in your own world with 3 wishes but aside from anything fantasy related or option two you can reincarnate in any world to your liking with 3 wishes you decide"

When i heard the options given by the old man i asked him "you can even reincarnate me in my own world? I thought there are some restrictions."

"I am not some weak a*s higher being of novel world's, i have the power to back my words. So child decide what do you choose."

Well I thought about it and an explanation came to my mind if he's a god why should he have restrictions god means omniscient. Anyway i should decide where to go to live my second life. I thought about it and decided.

"I want to go to the marvel universe as big brother of spiderman peter parker, and my wishes are one i want to have a sign-in system of the omniverse with my attributes panel second i want to have a training space where 10years inside is 1 hour outside and third infinite growth in all aspects. That's all."

God looked at me laughing he said " Hahaha i didn't expect your wishes to be this outrageous but i like your thoughtfulness. Well here i have provided you with everything." With a click sound from his fingers i can already feel everything in my soul and mind.

"That's that, now everything done, it just leaves your reincarnation, are you ready?" With a nod i told him to proceed.

And just like that i started to feel warm again and the light in my eyes started to dim and the old man looked at me and said "well kiddo i admire your thinking but you still lack to think out of the picture so i will just do a little adjustments to your system. Now enjoy your life kid."

With nod to the old man i drifted to sleep.

When i woke up again i was looking at an unfamiliar white ceiling.

A caring and sweet voice was calling out to me "Roan, get up breakfast is ready and bring peter with you".

Then got up and started to feel a little dizzy, then i remembered my 6 years of life in this world, how our parents had to leave us to our uncle aunt.

This is the year 2004, and i am older than peter by 2 years and we don't have barriers between us since both of are only 2 years apart.

And just like that i woke peter up, got ready for school and went down for breakfast and and we both headed school.

From my investigation and my memories i inquired that there is tony stark and oscorp industries Norman osborn.

I wanted to search for S.H.I.E.L.D but decided against it because I don't that one-eyed owl to knock on my door .

By the way i forgot about the sign-in system since it gave me time to adapt to my situation since we don't want our surroundings to get suspicious of us.

It's midnight and now I am going to activate my system.

[System syscronization starts....1%..5%...10%....50%.....100%.

System syscronization complete.]

[Welcome owner to the world of marvel universe -199999.]


Name : Roan parker

Age : 6

System level: 1

Strength: 7

Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 17

Intelligence: 32

(Average human male stats are 20 )

Inventory: 0

[A great day is awaiting you, would you like sign-in]

After looking at all these i quickly mused in my heart why system calling me 'owner' instead of 'host'.

And i got the reply.

[ This is God's gift for you. The system is in your control, that's why there is level's for the system once the condition is fulfilled you will know it immediately.]

After i got the gist of it, I quickly signed-in for the day.


[ you've signed-in for today since it's your first sign-in your reward will be updraded by 100x.]

[You've got hu yunbo's life experience and techniques.]

[Multiplying the rewards. Congratulations you've got hu yunbo's inheritance]

[Rewards oare placed in the inventory. You can convert the coins into universal coins of marvel universal coins widely known as credits]

I was flabbergasted i was just a millisecond away from laughing like a madman.

I controlled my emotions and started to check my rewards there were sub-sections of the section of my first reward.

My rewards were respectively 289x wood crystals, a gigantic space ship it was a little broken, an abvanced AI Babata(i will change the name later), a black wrist band, Black god suit, Arc blade, Hybrid mother copper,

Cloud vine, some mixed and specific cultivation manuals and a space ring with staorage sapce of 33.48 million cubic meters.

( wood crystal pic)

(Space ship)

(AI Babata pic)

(Black wrist band pic)

(Balck god suit pic)

( Arc balde pic)

(Hybrid mother copper pic)

(Cloud vine pic)

(Space ring pic)

- to be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

SDOxGENESIScreators' thoughts