
Marvel : Eclipse

[HYDRA Base] It should have been just another routine day for the guards at the base. Since the base was made in a location hidden from everyone including SHIELD. But instead of being calm, they were nervous and scared out of their. Gripping their guns tightly, they kept looking up, as if expecting something to fall from the sky. Than their fears became reality. *Boom* A radiant golden light plummeted from above, crashing into the heart of the base with great force. As the guards surrounded the area to aim their weapons at the epicenter, their eyes widened in disbelief. Standing amidst the dissipating glow was a boy with striking white hair. "It's the WHITE REAPER!" A guard's panicked cry shattered the uneasy calm, triggering chaos that would engulf them all. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MC : Died as a mercenary in his previous life to get transmigrated as a 15 year old kid in a HYDRA base undergoing experiments (The same one as Wanda and Pietro) and he got some unique power including a Gacha like power. World : Marvel (MCU + X-men movies + marvel comics) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you want to read ahead or just want to support me. Here's my patreon link. patreon.com/user?u=80975639 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [A/N] → I'm using the 'English is not my first language' card here. So you can treasure hunt mistakes in the fanfic for timepass. → It is a harem novel, well what else can you expect from a marvel fic.The number is not fixed, later will do a poll in patreon. →MC doesn't have a system so there's no mission or anything. The fic is mainly organisation building type and mc's personal growth as character. →No rape, No NTR, No yaoi →Chapter length : 1200-1400 , there will be longer chapters sometime and there are extra chapter ehich can be either too short or long, I can't guarantee.

0_Eclipse_0 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Getting the deserved rest

Well due to heavy rain in our area, there was constant electric cut and network was fuzzy so there were no upload. Today the sky had cleared out. My sincere apology for the delay.

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On a cold, snowy night, a sturdy RV sped down a lonely road. Equipped with special tires for snow, it safely navigated the wintry conditions.

Noah, the driver, finally approached the mountains he'd been aiming for. He veered off the road and parked in a snowy clearing nearby. With no proper mountain roads and darkness all around, Noah and the children decided to spend the night in the cozy RV, sheltered from the elements until morning light.

The RV had everything they needed—a powerful diesel generator for electricity and a high spot to avoid getting snowed in. Although it was a little cramped with all the children, it was still manageable. The boys and girls getting a bed each with Noah and Pietro in the front seats.

The night passed quietly, despite the snow outside.

The next morning, after a filling breakfast, Noah headed towards the mountains alone. With though he turned his body into light and tried to find an ideal location not to high up. It took him a while, but he finally found the perfect spot, about two kilometers from the mountains, to start building a wooden house.

Located at the base of the mountain range, Noah found a great spot—a wide, flat area surrounded by tall trees and green plants. A river ran nearby, and upstream, there was even a waterfall.

The heavy snow had covered everything in shimmering white.

Noah was very happy with the location and how hidden it was. He knew it was perfect for what he had in mind.

Over the next few days, Noah took on the task of clearing the surrounding trees and processing the wood himself. He started by laying the foundations, digging drainage channels, and cutting and stacking the wood—all on his own.

Building a wooden house wasn't too challenging for Noah, especially given his experience and the specialized tools he obtained beforehand. He even acquired a construction blueprint from a local furniture store to guide him.

As Noah tirelessly worked on building the wooden house, he found himself getting stronger each day. The physical labor of constructing the house became a sort of exercise routine for him. He also made sure to maintain the Sun breathing technique while working all the time, which helped improve his stamina and make his heart and lungs stronger.

Noah's determination and skill were evident as he completed the entire construction project in just under five days. His hard work paid off, and he felt proud of what he had accomplished.

The wooden house Noah built wasn't too big, about 200 square meters in size. Its design was simple and square-shaped, focusing on a rugged and straightforward look.

After finishing the construction, Noah began carrying heavy materials. Climbing in the snowy area was tough for most people, but Noah, used to physical activity and his superhuman strength, enjoyed the challenge.

After a day of moving all the necessary supplies, Noah asked each child to carry their clothes and washing items as they headed towards the wooden house together.

After trekking through mountains and rivers, the children were exhausted from carrying their loads up the hills. Yet, their faces beamed with smiles and anticipation because they finally reached their own home.

The journey was slow with frequent breaks, taking several hours to arrive at the square wooden house topped with white snow. Despite their fatigue, the children couldn't contain their excitement. Since most of them didn't have a place to call it their home, so the thought of living in a house with their newly made family was thrilling experience.

"Wow, is this really where we're going to live? It's so beautiful!"

"Brother Noah, you are incredible!"

"This is really amazing, Noah."

Surrounded by nature, the cabin was beautiful to the children, even Wanda and Pietro were equally thrilled.

Noah smiled warmly, ushered the children inside, and helped them make their beds. There were two large specially-made beds—one bigger for the boys and another for the girls.

After setting up the soft and warm beds, the children were too tired to do anything but lie down and listen to the quiet, peaceful sound of heavy snow outside the window.

However, after hours of trekking, they were not only tired but also hungry.

Noah stood up and started preparing dinner for the day. Seeing this, the other children also got up from their beds and pitched in to help. Noah was pleased to see their mature attitude.

In the days they had spent together, Noah had still not brought up his Breathing techniques. Besides building the wooden house, he had been observing the children's personalities.

As they spent more time together, Noah found that the children generally had good characters; they were not selfish like the people he frequently encountered in his previous life. Since the children had underwent some really gruesome experience, they knew how to be grateful and protect their newly connected bonds.

After they finished preparing dinner together, the fireplace crackled with warm flames. Around the dining table, Noah and the children eagerly ate their meal and then washed the dishes. Soon after, everyone began to drift off to sleep, feeling content and safe in their new home.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next morning, Noah woke up early.

First he drove the RV near Yekaterinburg and after entering it in a frozen laze, blasted it with light laser. He then entered the city alone, where he found a different car dealer and purchased a pickup truck through a phone order, completing the transaction by transferring money via homeless people. Throughout the process, he maintained extreme caution and did not reveal himself.

Next, he bought essential living supplies in the city, drove the pickup truck back to the mountains, and returned to the wooden house with a large bag of supplies.

By the time he arrived back at the cabin, it was almost noon. Wanda and the others had already woken up and worked together to prepare lunch, eagerly awaiting Noah's return.

As Noah carried the supplies into the house, everyone who had been sitting around the fireplace chatting immediately stood up excitedly to greet him. Noah affectionately patted the youngest girl's head, placed the supplies in the kitchen, and joined everyone for lunch.

Lunch was simple yet satisfying, consisting of bread, fried steak, lamb chops, vegetables, and stew, prepared using straightforward methods.

After enjoying the meal together, everyone gathered around the fireplace in their thick down jackets, chatting and keeping warm until it was time to wash the dishes.

Noah looked out at the group of children and spoke with a voice that carried both youthful optimism and a deep sense of responsibility. "From now on, this will be our home for the foreseeable future."

"We've all been abandoned and forgotten by the world. We've endured pain that most people couldn't even imagine," Noah continued, his words drawing everyone's attention as they reflected on their shared past and uncertain future.

"Our struggle isn't over. We'll still be hunted by those who are eager to get our bodies back at those experiment tables. The danger hasn't gone away. That's why we will stay here and bide for time now" Noah explained calmly but firmly.

"But hiding doesn't mean giving up. Our future is promising, but we'll need strength and courage to make it possible," Noah reassured them, his steady voice encouraging Wanda, Pietro and the others to believe in their own future.

"We are the Forgotten Ones. We don't need anyone else to rescue us. We have each other," Noah concluded, his simple yet confident words igniting a spark of determination in each person present, strengthening their unity in the face of adversity.

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If you want to contribute you can subscribe to my patreon account. I will finish uploading advanced chapters by this Sunday, then there will be regular uploads.

→ patreon.com/user?u=80975639

→Name >Eclipse<

0_Eclipse_0creators' thoughts