
Marvel Earth 217: The Advent of Another Spiderman

Hello, This novel is a fanfic about spiderman in a new earth as a seemingly normal person. This person is a reincarnated but grew up normally not thinking anything of his life thinking it was just going to be like his other one. He finds out that Stark is a real company in this world but thinks nothing of it since there are a few companies with different names then he remembers them. That's until he gets bitten. Find out by reading this novel. Feel free to comment I will reply.

MuffinDud · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Marvel Earth-217: 4 Field Trip!?

With lunchtime passing and their newfound camaraderie fresh in their minds, Aiden left the cafeteria with a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was about to enter his Science class, and the thought of not knowing anyone else in the room left him feeling a tad apprehensive. Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door to the classroom and stepped inside.

A tall man stood at the front of the room, his presence commanding attention. This was Mr. Warren, the Science teacher. A bald spot was noticeable on his head, surrounded by a ring of black hair. The vibes he gave off were a bit suspicious, something Aiden couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Good afternoon, class," Mr. Warren greeted, his tone smooth but with a hint of something that didn't sit quite right.

As the students settled into their seats, Mr. Warren's gaze seemed to linger just a moment too long on each one of them. Aiden found himself squirming under that scrutiny, but he forced himself to meet the teacher's gaze.

Mr. Warren launched into the lesson, discussing the curriculum for the coming weeks. But it wasn't long before the topic shifted to something that piqued everyone's interest – a field trip to a Stark Industries facility scheduled for a month from now.

"Now, students, listen up!" Mr. Warren's voice took on an excited edge, and he leaned forward, his eyes practically gleaming. "In just a month, we have a unique opportunity – a field trip to a Stark Industries facility. That's right, Stark Industries!"

He let the name hang in the air, as if it carried some sort of magic. The students exchanged intrigued glances, curiosity sparked by Mr. Warren's excitement.

"Stark Industries is not just any company," Mr. Warren continued, his tone reverent. "It's a symbol of innovation, advancement, and success. And this field trip is our ticket up in the world, our chance to witness cutting-edge technology and scientific breakthroughs firsthand!"

Aiden couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and skepticism. There was something about Mr. Warren's emphasis on Stark Industries that felt off, almost like he was trying to push an agenda. He knew that there was a company like that in one of the comics he read as a child but he thought it could only be a coincidence.

"So, mark your calendars and prepare yourselves," Mr. Warren declared, his gaze sweeping across the room. "This is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Stark Industries could very well shape your future careers!"

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the class, Aiden gathered his belongings, his mind buzzing with thoughts about the field trip and the peculiar aura surrounding Mr. Warren. Exiting the classroom, he joined the flow of students in the hallway, his curiosity about Stark Industries and his unease about Mr. Warren's motives intermingling as he headed towards his next class.

Little did he know that the events of the day were only the beginning of an unexpected journey, one that would take him far beyond the walls of Midtown High and into a world filled with challenges, friendships, and the unimaginable possibilities that awaited him.

Leaving the Science classroom behind, Aiden made his way to his next class – Introduction to Technology. He couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, knowing that Lila would be in this class too. It was comforting to have at least one familiar face amidst the sea of new experiences.

As he entered the room, his eyes scanned the faces, and he spotted Lila in her seat. Her presence brought a smile to his face, and he greeted her with a nod before settling into the empty seat beside her. The teacher, Ms. Harper, stood at the front of the room, her blond hair catching the light as she smiled warmly at the students.

"Good afternoon, everyone," Ms. Harper began, her voice cheerful and inviting. "Welcome to Introduction to Technology. I'm Ms. Harper, and I'm excited to guide you through the world of tech."

Aiden found himself drawn to Ms. Harper's presence. She exuded an air of confidence and a genuine passion for teaching that was infectious. It was clear that she knew what she was doing, and that in itself was reassuring.

"Now, I'm sure you've all heard about the upcoming field trip," Ms. Harper continued, her eyes lighting up. "We'll be visiting a tech innovation center at Stark Industries, where you'll get to see some amazing gadgets and technologies in action. Trust me, it's going to be an experience you won't forget!"

Aiden's excitement grew as Ms. Harper discussed the field trip, but his attention was quickly captured by her next announcement. She shifted her tone, adopting a playful yet serious demeanor.

"But before we dive into all the fun stuff, we have a little business to attend to. Safety first, after all!" Ms. Harper said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The class chuckled, the transition from excitement to a safety talk drawing their attention. Ms. Harper didn't waste any time, launching into a mandatory safety lecture with a twist. She transformed the usually mundane lecture into an engaging discussion, using relatable examples and interactive questions to keep the students involved.

As the safety talk went on, Aiden found himself genuinely interested. Ms. Harper's ability to take a standard topic and make it engaging was a testament to her teaching skills. He admired her dedication to ensuring the students' well-being.

"Now, I know we're all excited about the year ahead," Ms. Harper said, her smile returning. "But let's make a deal – let's all commit to being responsible and safe in this class. We're here to learn, explore, and have fun, but that doesn't mean we'll be careless. Remember, the last place we want to be is the nurse's office!"

The class chuckled again, and Aiden found himself nodding along with the sentiment. Ms. Harper's approachability and genuine concern for their well-being had already left a positive impression on him.

As the class continued, Aiden felt a growing sense of comfort. With Lila by his side and a teacher like Ms. Harper leading the way, the rest of the school year seemed much more manageable and exciting. As he listened to Ms. Harper talk about the world of technology and the endless possibilities it held, Aiden couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of curiosity and determination, ready to dive into whatever challenges and adventures awaited him.


Hey, Author here. How do you guys like the chapter? Want to see more! Comment and motivate me to continue.

If this isn't your style or you want me to try something else feel free to let me know.