
Marvel Earth 217: The Advent of Another Spiderman

Hello, This novel is a fanfic about spiderman in a new earth as a seemingly normal person. This person is a reincarnated but grew up normally not thinking anything of his life thinking it was just going to be like his other one. He finds out that Stark is a real company in this world but thinks nothing of it since there are a few companies with different names then he remembers them. That's until he gets bitten. Find out by reading this novel. Feel free to comment I will reply.

MuffinDud · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs

Marvel Earth-217: 3 Strict and Chill

Aiden and Lila entered the English classroom, the atmosphere seeming relatively normal. The desks were neatly arranged in rows, the chalkboard clean and ready for instruction. Mrs. Winterhalter, the English teacher, stood at her desk, her white hair a stark contrast against the dark wood. She had a demeanor of authority, and even though she was a bit older, her posture exuded confidence.

As they took their seats, Aiden and Lila exchanged a quick glance, nerves still lingering beneath the surface. The room filled with the murmur of conversations and the shuffling of papers as students settled in.

Just as the clock ticked closer to the start of class, the bell rang, its chime reverberating through the room. A couple of students hurried in, their expressions a mix of anxiety and apology. Mrs. Winterhalter's gaze shifted toward the latecomers, her stern eyes locking onto them.

"Late on the first day?" she said, her voice carrying a disapproving tone. "Well, it seems some of you still need a lesson in punctuality."

Aiden and Lila exchanged a quick, surprised glance as the late students were directed to the front of the room. Their names were called out, and they hesitantly stood before the class, faces flushed with embarrassment.

"Apologize to your fellow classmates for disrupting the start of our lesson," Mrs. Winterhalter instructed firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

One of the late students cleared their throat, their voice shaky as they spoke to the class. "I'm sorry for being late. It won't happen again."

Lila shifted in her seat, her surprise mingled with a sense of empathy for the students in front. Aiden's expression mirrored hers as he watched the scene unfold.

A sense of understanding passed between Aiden and Lila as they witnessed the scene unfold. However, their attention was drawn to another student who had stepped forward, a hint of defiance in her voice.

"But it's our first day, you can't expect us to be on time on the first day in a new school," the student challenged.

Mrs. Winterhalter's gaze shifted to the student, her stern expression unchanged. "And what is your name? It's proper to introduce yourself when speaking to someone."

The student hesitated for a moment before speaking, a touch of defiance giving way to a more respectful tone. "I'm Emily, ma'am."

Mrs. Winterhalter nodded once. "Thank you, Emily. Let me be clear: punctuality is a habit that should be cultivated from the very beginning. Now, since you've brought it up, Emily, let me introduce you to your classmates."

Emily's eyes widened as Mrs. Winterhalter gestured for her to introduce herself to the class. Clearing her throat, she hesitated for a moment before complying. "I'm Emily, and I just moved to the city. Sorry again for being late."

Mrs. Winterhalter's gaze shifted to the rest of the class. "As Emily pointed out, it's our first day. However, I expect all of you to manage your time responsibly. Today's incident aside, I trust that each one of you will be on time and punctual. As long as you don't dilly dally in the hallway, you should have no issue getting to class."

With that, the classroom atmosphere settled, the air a mix of anticipation and a newfound understanding of Mrs. Winterhalter's expectations. As Aiden and Lila exchanged a glance, they realized that the strictness was meant to foster discipline and responsibility. The bell that marked the end of the lesson couldn't come soon enough, yet it left them wondering if all the teachers in the school are like this.

As Aiden and Lila walked out of the classroom at the end of the lesson, they exchanged a glance. The conversation with Emily and her interaction with Mrs. Winterhalter had left them intrigued. They couldn't help but wonder if other teachers would have similar expectations and strictness.

As they walked down the hallway, deep in conversation about their next class, they were approached by another student – a young man with a bright, friendly demeanor. His tousled ginger hair caught the light as he walked up to them, a smile playing on his lips.

"Hey, you guys were in there too, right?" Jason asked, his tone friendly.

Aiden nodded. "Yeah, we were."

Lila chimed in, her voice curious. "I'm Lila, and this is Aiden."

Jason extended his hand, shaking theirs with a grin. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jason. First day and all, huh? Mrs. Winterhalter doesn't mess around."

Aiden chuckled. "Definitely seems that way."

Jason's expression turned more animated. "Hey, you guys heading to Math next?"

Lila nodded. "Yeah, we are."

Aiden added, "Looks like we're all in the same boat, huh?"

With a shared laugh, the three students walked down the hallway together, a camaraderie forming amidst the uncertainty of their first day. Jason's energetic presence added a touch of warmth to their interactions, and as they reached the math room, they couldn't help but brace themselves for another potentially strict teacher.

However, as they stepped inside, their expectations were turned upside down. The teacher, Mr. Myers, was nothing like what they had anticipated. He was an older man, bald and slightly on the heavier side, but his round face carried an amused twinkle in his eyes that was impossible to miss. His friendly smile was contagious, and the room seemed to instantly lighten as he addressed the class.

"Good morning, everyone! I'm Mr. Myers, and welcome to Math class. I promise, I won't bite," he joked, his jovial tone putting everyone at ease.

Aiden, Lila, and Jason exchanged surprised glances, the tension from the earlier class dissipating. Mr. Myers went on to encourage the students to introduce themselves, turning the usually mundane task into an opportunity for laughter and connection. The ice-breaking exercise seemed to set the tone for the class, and by the time the introductions were done, the initial nervousness had given way to a sense of camaraderie among the students.

As the bell signaled the end of the class period, Aiden, Lila, and Jason left the math room with smiles on their faces. The unexpected encounter with Mr. Myers had turned their expectations around, leaving them eager to return to his class.

The day continued, and lunchtime finally arrived. Aiden, Lila, and Jason found themselves seated at a table together in the bustling cafeteria. As they enjoyed their meals, they exchanged stories about their lives, their interests, and their experiences on the first day of school.

Laughter filled the air as they bonded over shared moments and a growing sense of friendship. The conversation flowed easily, and as they finished eating, their curiosity about each other's schedules surfaced.

"So, what do you have next?" Aiden asked, turning to Lila.

Lila smiled. "I've got Social Studies. How about you?"

Aiden nodded. "I've got Science."

Jason chimed in, his expression animated. "And I have Foreign Language."

As the lunch period passed, their camaraderie only deepened, and they left the cafeteria with a renewed sense of connection. The first day had brought them together in unexpected ways, and as they parted ways to head to their respective classes, Aiden, Lila, and Jason felt a mixture of excitement and anticipation for the days to come, each looking forward to their unique experiences in a new school environment.

The lunch period passed, and their camaraderie only deepened. As they prepared to part ways and head to their respective classes, there was a slight undercurrent of nervousness about not knowing anyone else in their upcoming classes. However, they couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that they had each other to rely on, a bond formed on the very first day of school that was sure to carry them through whatever challenges lay ahead.


Hey, Author here. How do you guys like the chapter? Want to see more! Comment and motivate me to continue.

If this isn't your style or you want me to try something else feel free to let me know.