
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
95 Chs

Chapter 94

At this moment, Loki suddenly stood up.

Loki looked at Su Ke and said, "Wait... Actually, there is no need for this. Don't the demons want the Earth? I will help you rule the Earth, and Asgard will not interfere in this matter! Please, let Asgard go, please?"

"I promise! What happened before will never happen again, and I will never betray you again!" Loki begged.

Although he is not a real Asgardian, he is full of feelings for Asgard.

So he doesn't want to see Su Ke destroy Asgard!


It is not up to him to decide whether to destroy Asgard or not.

It's up to Su Ke!

Looking at Loki in front of him, Su Ke remained silent but used his power to restrain him and bring him closer.

"Let him go!" Odin's voice thundered with anger, his Gungnir glowing fiercely once more. He was ready to defend Loki.

However, Loki intervened, saying, "Father, don't do anything! I'm fine!"

Odin clenched his teeth but refrained from launching an attack.

Finally, Su Ke spoke, his tone measured. "Loki, can I trust you again?"

"Definitely! I promise! Such a thing will never happen again!" Loki pledged earnestly. "From now on, you are my master, and I will never betray you! Please let Asgard go!"

Loki's expression was complex as he looked at Su Ke. "For the sake of Asgard, I have decided to become completely devoted to you."

The once proud prince of Asgard was now willing to serve a demon. It was a humbling decision, but one that Loki felt was necessary for the survival of Asgard.

"Loki!" Odin's voice rang out again, filled with anger and disbelief. He couldn't bear to hear his son referring to the devil as his master, especially knowing the power that this demon wielded, capable of bringing destruction upon Asgard.

But before Odin could respond, Loki interjected once more, pleading with his father, "Father, this is the only way I can protect you. Please, don't stop me!"

Odin's expression shifted from anger to a complex mixture of emotions. Beside him, Frigga couldn't hold back her tears. The situation was an unbearable humiliation for them both.

As the King of Asgard and the mother of the gods, they found themselves unable to protect their own son. Instead, their son felt compelled to surrender to a devil in order to shield them.

It was a profound humiliation for Asgard, a realm that had never faced such disgrace in its millennia-long history.

Odin harbored a deep desire to resist, to muster whatever divine power remained to confront Su Ke. But he knew deep down that even if he were to exhaust his last ounce of strength, he would still be no match for the demon.

On the contrary, such defiance would only serve to enrage Su Ke further, potentially leading to the complete destruction of Asgard.

As this realization washed over him, Odin's already weathered face seemed to age even further.

But Loki paid no heed to Odin's distress, his gaze fixed nervously on Su Ke, awaiting the demon's final decision.

Su Ke regarded Loki and Odin with a curious expression before finally nodding.

"In that case, I will spare Asgard. But your previous transgressions against me cannot go unpunished," Su Ke declared.

With a snap of his fingers, three additional planets hurtled toward Asgard...




With three deafening booms, almost half of Asgard's territory lay in ruins, eliciting cries of anguish from countless Asgardians.

Despite the flames burning in Odin's eyes, he knew there was nothing he could do to retaliate. He understood that intervening would likely result in the complete annihilation of Asgard.

Loki, though deeply uncomfortable with the situation, realized resistance was futile. He resigned himself to accepting their fate in silence.

In this manner, Su Ke achieved complete surrender from Asgard, a feat he found satisfying. Originally, he harbored no intention of obliterating Asgard entirely. Such an act would upset the balance between righteousness and darkness in the world, a scenario he sought to avoid. Instead, he opted to let Asgard go, having already inflicted significant damage and restored his lost prestige.

With Loki's imprisonment lifted, he regained his freedom. Seizing the opportunity, Loki turned to Su Ke and posed a question:

"By the way, my master, where is my brother? Please forgive him too!"

When Su Ke heard this, he remembered that Thor was still in hell.

With a thought in his mind, a portal instantly appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, a man whose body was charred was thrown out like garbage...

Who else could it be if not Thor?

"Tso Lan! As promised before, I didn't kill him!" the voices of Zhongsu rang out.

Su Ke smiled slightly, not expecting Zhongsu to be so obedient this time...

Obviously, Zhongsu was afraid of going against his will, which prevented him from leaving hell!

Sure enough, as the boss of demons, his majesty was still very useful!

"Thor!" Odin and Frigga shouted when they saw this scene, rushing forward to hug Thor.

Although they already knew that Su Ke must have taken Thor away, they never expected Thor to be in such a state...

The only comfort was that Thor was not dead, but merely in a coma.

Su Ke remained calm, as he had known for a long time that in the showdown between the Thunder Demon and the God of Thunder, victory would ultimately belong to the Thunder Demon.

This Zhongsu guy really didn't embarrass himself!

Immediately afterwards, Su Ke no longer paid attention to Odin and Frigga, but turned to Loki.

"Let's go," he said.

Loki glanced back at his parents and brother behind him, then nodded in agreement.

At that moment, a closed door materialized in front of Su Ke once again. He stepped through it, with Loki following closely behind.

As Su Ke and Loki departed from Asgard, the planets that had surrounded the realm slowly returned to their original positions, signaling an end to Asgard's crisis.

But the cost of resolving the crisis was unexpected and steep.

Meanwhile, on Earth...

Upon seeing Su Ke return with Loki, Shendu and Ximu rushed to greet them.

"Loki, you bastard!" the Holy Lord immediately erupted in curses upon spotting Loki.

However, Loki remained expressionless in the face of the Holy Lord's abuse, seemingly unaffected. In truth, he was completely under the demons' control now, with little left to care about.

"I'm going to urge them to build the machine as soon as possible. We can summon the Chitauri army in a few days," Loki declared to Su Ke before striding off purposefully.

Observing this, the Holy Lord couldn't help but feel curious. Loki's behavior seemed unusually focused and determined compared to before.

"What's going on? He seems different. What did you do to him?" the Holy Lord inquired, directing the question to Su Ke.

Su Ke replied casually, "It's nothing. Rest assured, what happened before won't happen again." He opted for a brief response, not wanting to delve into detailed explanations with the Holy Lord.

Although the Holy Lord felt a bit perplexed, he trusted that Su Ke must have resolved the situation in Asgard. Otherwise, Loki wouldn't have returned with him. This led the Holy Lord to wonder if Su Ke had defeated Odin, a thought that surprised him considering Odin's known strength.

Eager to refocus on Earth matters, the Holy Lord promptly resumed discussing the impending invasion.

"In the next few days, we'll take action. Remember your promises," he reiterated to Su Ke and Ximu.

Ximu, while somewhat irritated by the Holy Lord's persistence, still affirmed his commitment. Meanwhile, the Holy Lord turned to Su Ke, only to find him already departing through a portal without a word.

Holy Lord was left feeling somewhat dejected, but he had nothing more to add.

Back at the villa, Ximu retreated to his room to prepare for the upcoming conflict. Despite Su Ke's skepticism about the Holy Lord's chances, Ximu remained determined to give his all, considering the possibility of success.

Later that night, Su Ke contemplated the strength of both the Avengers and the Holy Lord. He couldn't help but feel taken aback by the apparent disparity between the two sides. The Avengers roster likely consisted of Captain Rogers, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, and Iron Man Tony Stark. Thor's absence from the Avengers was expected, given his recent incapacitation in Hell at the hands of Zhongsu.

And even if Thor desired to return, Odin might not permit it.

However, the imbalance between heroes on the side of righteousness troubled Su Ke. Despite the bolstering of black aura with the addition of Shendu and Ximu, along with Loki and the Chitauri army, righteousness appeared disproportionately weak.

Su Ke sensed a need for another hero to maintain the balance, but couldn't identify who it might be. Nevertheless, he pushed the thought aside, knowing the answer might reveal itself during the impending Battle of New York.

Unexpectedly, the next morning brought Nick Fury's arrival in front of Su Ke's house. The bald-headed man stepped out of a car, greeting Su Ke warmly.

"Good morning, Dr. Su!" Nick greeted cheerfully.

Yet, Su Ke was momentarily struck speechless upon seeing Nick. Instantly, he knew why Nick had come.

Cutting straight to the point, Su Ke responded bluntly:

"Nick, if you've come to recruit me for the Avengers this time, I suggest you tread carefully," Su Ke warned sternly.

"Because my reaction might not be pleasant. And trust me, you don't want to see me angry. The repercussions could be severe."

When he heard this, Nick was instantly shocked. Because he suddenly thought of those HYDRA agents killed by Su Ke... The horrific scene at that time is still etched in his memory...

But soon, Nick regained his composure. After calming down a little, he said, "Don't worry, it's not about that! You've already turned down that offer before, so I won't bring it up again. I'm here for a different reason this time. The Avengers have just been established, and those guys aren't very coordinated. I hope you can help with that. As a psychiatrist, it falls within your job scope, right?"

Coordination? When Su Ke heard this, he was momentarily speechless. He knew that Nick's idea of "coordination" was just another way of asking him to join the Avengers.

Just when Su Ke was about to refuse Nick and tell him to leave, he had a sudden change of heart. He remembered something and asked, "By the way, is Uncle CHen here too?"

"Definitely! Uncle chenhas been at S.H.I.E.L.D lately," Nick replied. Although he didn't understand why Su Ke brought up Uncle Chen, he nodded in confirmation.

Then, with a mysterious expression, Nick continued, "Maybe you don't know yet, but we have another secret weapon against demons."

"A secret weapon?" Su Ke's interest was piqued. "What's the deal with it?"

"I can't explain it all in just a few words. Why don't you hop in the car with me? I'll fill you in on the way," Nick proposed.

Feeling intrigued, Su Ke decided to hear Nick out. He followed Nick into the car, and as they drove towards S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick began to unveil the mystery behind the secret weapon.

To put it simply, the so-called secret weapon was actually a person—an unexpected addition to the Avengers team. And this person was none other than Jackie Chan from "The Adventures of Jackie Chan."

Although Su Ke had accepted the idea of a unified world where anything could happen, he couldn't help but find it absurd that Jackie, an ordinary person, could join the Avengers. It seemed ludicrous to him.

However, as Nick explained further, Su Ke gradually began to understand the situation. Jackie had stumbled upon the ruins of a god and discovered a powerful suit of armor there. Through a series of events, Jackie had become imbued with unexplainable powers, akin to those of a god.

With newfound strength and abilities, Jackie had become a formidable addition to the Avengers, equipped to face the challenges posed by demons and other threats.

As Su Ke processed this information, he couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable twists and turns of fate.

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