
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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95 Chs

Chapter 91 Attack On Odin? Lord, You Are So Brave!

Then, just as Loki was about to rebuke Odin, a commanding voice interrupted.

"Old man, who gave you permission to take Loki? He can't go anywhere until Loki has finished his work!" The Holy Lord's voice echoed.

Loki's expression soured instantly. He hadn't expected the Holy Master to intervene like this.

"Holy Master, shut up!" Loki snapped without hesitation, turning to face the Holy Lord.

But the Holy Lord remained steadfast. He addressed Loki sternly, "Loki, have you forgotten your promises? If you dare to leave now, consider the consequences!"

Loki cursed inwardly. 

Thor, unable to remain silent any longer, intervened.

Originally, the purpose of him and Odin coming to Earth this time was just to take Loki away, and they didn't want to cause trouble.

But seeing the Lord actually call his father Odin an 'old man', Thor couldn't stand it anymore!

He looked at the Holy Master coldly and said:

"Demon, this is Asgard's business, not yours.

Also, you must apologize for your behavior just now, or I will make you pay the price!"


When the Lord heard this, he sneered again because the word "apology" did not exist in his dictionary!

That's right!

He is a little afraid of Odin's power, but as a powerful demon, he can't be cowardly!

Anyway, demons are immortal, so why should he be afraid!

But obviously, Odin doesn't seem to want to cause trouble this time; he just wants to bring Loki back to Asgard!

So, just when Thor was about to make a move, Odin stopped Thor.

"Thor, forget it! Our purpose here is only to take Loki away, don't do it!"

When Thor heard this, he could only raise the hammer resentfully and put it down again.

If it were before, he would definitely fight the Holy Master.

But after experiencing being deprived of divine power before, he became much more mature and stable.

Although he is still warlike, he will not engage in unnecessary battles.

Seeing Odin open his mouth to stop Thor, Loki quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because to be honest, he really didn't want any conflict between the demons and Asgard.

"Loki, time to go!" Thor declared, looking at Loki.

Loki met Thor and Odin's gaze and replied, "Sorry, I can't go back with you. I have other matters to attend to here. Give me some time, and I'll return when I'm finished."

Thor's anger flared at Loki's response. "Loki, what else could you possibly have to do? Don't you realize your mistake? While we may have forgiven you for your past transgressions, you cannot remain on Earth any longer. You must return with us immediately."

Thor, troubled by his unruly younger brother, couldn't hide his frustration, his tone growing more severe.

But Loki's anger ignited at Thor's authoritative tone. Just as he was about to retort, the Holy Lord interjected once more.

"As I said, Loki stays until he finishes his task," the Holy Lord reiterated, his voice stern.

Annoyed, Loki snapped back, "Holy Lord, can you keep quiet? I'll handle this myself!" He felt utterly exasperated by the Holy Lord's interference.

Meanwhile, Thor paid little heed to the Holy Lord's words, heading straight towards Loki, intent on bringing him back to Asgard forcefully.

Loki instantly resisted, unwilling to go without a fight. However, to his surprise, his attempts to use magic failed.

Confused and alarmed, Loki realized his magic had inexplicably vanished.

"How can it be? Where is my magic?" Loki exclaimed, bewildered and clueless about the sudden disappearance of his powers.

Then, a thought struck him, and he turned to Odin, who was nearby. "Father, why did you imprison my magic?" Loki demanded, his voice filled with frustration.

Odin met Loki's gaze and replied slowly, "Sorry, my child, this is for your own good. You must come back with us."

Without his divine power, Loki was unable to resist as Thor effortlessly lifted him up and returned to Odin's side. Though subdued, Loki protested vehemently, "Let me go! You can't take me away. I have to stay here, otherwise he won't let me go! Father, believe me! I can't leave here! It will only bring disaster to Asgard!"

Loki was genuinely frightened because he knew that returning to Asgard would attract the attention of the Cursed Blue, a threat far greater than Thanos.

However, Odin and Thor remained unmoved by Loki's pleas. Thor dismissed Loki's concerns with disdain, asserting, "As long as you are in Asgard, you are safe, no matter whom you've offended."

Feeling helpless, Loki struggled to find words to sway his father and brother. But before he could say more, Odin interrupted, "We'll discuss this when we get back."

With that, Odin activated Bifrost using his own divine power, initiating their return to Asgard.

Meanwhile, the Holy Lord was seething with fury. Feeling his dignity challenged, he lunged towards Odin, intending to capture him first. However, Odin effortlessly dispatched the Holy Lord with a single glance, leaving Loki to dread the consequences of their actions, knowing that trouble loomed not just for him, but for all of Asgard.

When Su Ke arrived with Ximu an hour later, he noticed a peculiar energy fluctuation earlier but initially disregarded it. In the Marvel universe, Earth often attracts significant figures, and Su Ke didn't consider every fluctuation noteworthy. However, when he received a distress call from the Holy Lord, he hurried over with Ximu.

Approaching the scene, Su Ke discovered the body of the Holy Master lying headless on the ground. Perplexed, he wondered why the supposedly immortal Holy Lord's head was severed.

Just then, the voice of the Holy Lord rang out, confirming his presence. Following the sound, Ximu located the Holy Lord's severed head in a nearby puddle.

"Shindu, what happened to you?" Su Ke inquired, baffled by the unsettling sight.

Although feeling a bit speechless, Ximu still retrieved the head of the Holy Master from the puddle.

"We'll discuss it later. Let's put your body back together first, okay, brother?" the Holy Master, now with only one head, implored Ximu.

Feeling ashamed of his current state, the Holy Master swallowed his pride and requested Ximu's assistance in reattaching his head to his body.

Without harboring the resentment towards the Holy Lord that other demons did, Ximu complied and approached the Holy Master with his severed head, eventually handing it to Su Ke.

Taking the Holy Master's head into his hands, Su Ke understood that the Holy Lord must have incurred someone's wrath. Nonetheless, he proceeded to place the head back onto the Holy Master's neck.

In Su Ke's expectation, the Holy Master's head should have instantly reattached to his body upon contact, thanks to the restorative power of the dog spell. However, to their surprise, the head fell off each time Su Ke attempted to reattach it.

This unexpected turn of events piqued Ximu's curiosity as well. As someone who also possessed the power of the dog spell, Ximu understood the miraculous healing abilities it granted, making the Holy Master's situation all the more abnormal.

Faced with this perplexing situation, Su Ke held the Holy Master's head and inquired, "Holy Lord, what happened? Who did this to you?"

The fact that the power of the dog spell remained within the Holy Master's body yet failed to facilitate his recovery suggested that his attacker possessed formidable strength, capable of overriding the dog spell's healing properties. This revelation left Su Ke intrigued, prompting him to seek answers.

At this critical moment, the Holy Master grasped the gravity of the situation and hurriedly recounted what had occurred.

"I don't know what happened. I was conversing with Loki when suddenly, a one-eyed old man appeared with another man. They came to take Loki away," the Holy Master explained. "I was prepared to attack the old man in my anger, but before I could act, a ray of light flashed, and I found myself in this state! Damn it! Who is that old man?"

As the Holy Master spoke, his frustration was palpable. The realization that his assailant's attack had nullified the potency of the spell, rendering his body irreparable, only fueled his ire.

Upon hearing this account, Su Ke immediately surmised that the one-eyed old man was likely Odin, accompanied by Thor.

Inspecting the wound on the Holy Master's neck, Su Ke detected a peculiar energy signature that appeared to be inhibiting the dog spell's effectiveness, preventing the Holy Master's recovery.

Determined to resolve the situation, Su Ke reattached the Holy Master's head to his body and silently invoked the system to absorb the energy from the wound. To his astonishment, he discovered that it was the energy of the Gungnir, Odin's spear.

It became evident that Odin had resorted to using the Gungnir to incapacitate the Holy Master, knowing that conventional means were futile against a demon's resilience.

Despite the audacity of the Holy Master's direct assault on Odin, Su Ke couldn't help but acknowledge Odin's cunning strategy in neutralizing the threat.

With the absorption of the Gungnir's energy, the dog spell within the Holy Master's body reactivated, swiftly restoring him to his complete form.

As the Holy Master regained mobility, he turned to Su Ke in surprise and inquired about the situation. Sensing the Holy Master's confusion, Su Ke redirected the conversation.

"Holy Lord, do you know the identity of the old man who attacked you?" Su Ke inquired.

"I have no idea," the Holy Master admitted, shaking his head. However, a realization dawned on him. "But Loki referred to him as father, so he must be Loki's father, Odin."

Indeed, Odin was Loki's adoptive father, .

Su Ke nodded affirmatively and elaborated further:

"Yes, he is indeed Loki's father, but he also holds the title of the King of Gods."

"You may not be familiar with the name, but you surely know about the Ancient One."

At the mention of the Ancient One, the Holy Master's expression soured instantly. He was well aware of the Ancient One's formidable power, having been ensnared by them before, narrowly escaping entrapment.

As realization dawned upon him, the Holy Master turned to Su Ke with a look of surprise.

"Wait... are you suggesting that the old man we encountered is also a formidable sorcerer?"

Initially dismissing the old man's capabilities, the Holy Master now reconsidered, recognizing similarities between his power and that of the Ancient One.

However, Su Ke shook his head, dispelling any misconceptions.

"No, what I meant is that the old man surpasses even the current Ancient One in power. His abilities are potent enough to inflict significant harm on demons."

Though Odin's displays of strength were infrequent in the films, his reputation preceded him. Notably, his enchantment on Mjolnir remained unbroken until his demise.

Despite Odin's formidable prowess as a Level God Father, his father, Bor, was an even more formidable force, operating on a universal scale. Bor's intervention had saved Asgard from destruction wrought by the curse blue.