
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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95 Chs

Chapter 69 Tell Me, How Do You Want To Cooperate?

Sure enough, in the next second, he heard Su Ke say:

"No! I want you to continue with what you came to Earth for!"


Hearing this, Ebony Maw was instantly speechless.

What is his purpose in coming to earth?

Definitely to get the Earth's Space gem!

Definitely also help Loki rule the earth by the way, this is the previous deal with Loki!

But now that the earth has a demon of the moon, how can he still rule!

As far as Loki's strength is concerned, let alone the Moon Demon!

Even facing the Holy Master, he has no chance of winning!

What's more, Infinite Gems is something that can change the universe, Ebony Maw does not believe that the Moon Demon is not moved!

But if this is the case, how can I complete this matter?

Isn't this nonsense?

Seemingly aware of Ebony Maw's thoughts, Su Ke then said:

"I'm not interested in your affairs, the earth is just my temporary residence! As long as you don't destroy this place, I won't interfere in whatever you do!"

The Holy Master on the side was somewhat upset when he heard this.

Because Julan could obviously help him rule the world, but Julan did nothing and asked him to cooperate with other people, which really made the Lord very speechless!

But definitely, the Holy Master only dared to think about these words in his heart, he didn't dare to say them out.

In any case, the cooperation will continue, after all, the original intention of the Lord to rule the earth has never changed!

Ever since, the Lord looked at Ebony Maw again.

"Tell me, how are you going to cooperate?"

Although somewhat surprised, Ebony Maw probably understood Su Ke's meaning at this moment.

Also know that Thanos' plan can still be carried out!

This made him heave a sigh of relief.

After organizing the language briefly, Ebony Maw said:

"Our original plan with Loki was that we would provide Loki with an army to help Loki invade the Earth, and then Loki would give us something..."


Before Ebony Maw finished speaking, the Lord interrupted him.

Hearing this, Ebony Maw first glanced at Su Ke.

Because he was worried that Su Ke would be interested in Infinite Gems, but then, thinking of Su Ke's strength, Ebony Maw suddenly didn't care anymore..

With Su Ke's power, if he is really interested in Infinite Gems, then he can't stop it...

That being the case, why think so much?

So he said directly:

"Space gem in Infinite Gems!"

Infinite Gems?

Space gem?

What is this?

The Holy Lord was dumbfounded when he heard this, because he really didn't know what it was.

Only Su Ke understood.

Sure enough, he guessed right, Ebony Maw and Loki really came for the Space gem...

Seeing that there was no special change on Su Ke's face, Ebony Maw continued:

"That's right! This is the content of the transaction!"

"We'll give you an army to help you rule the planet, but you have to give us the Space gem!"

"After getting the Space gem, this transaction will be considered complete, and we will not come to Earth again!"

The Lord thought about it, and felt that this deal was not bad!

As long as you find that Space gem, you can exchange for a powerful alien army to help you rule the world!

Originally, the Lord also had his own army, the so-called dragon army!

But the dragon army of the Holy Lord is very afraid of magic, and they have almost no resistance to magic.

But it's clear that this alien army isn't afraid of magic at all.

It just filled the shortcomings of the Dragon Legion!

Even if his dragon army is sealed by then, these alien troops can still fight for him!

Thinking of this, the Holy Master was a little moved in an instant.

But then, the Lord still felt the need to seek Su Ke's opinion.

But before he could speak, he saw Su Ke nodded at him.

The Lord instantly understood what Su Ke meant, and then looked at Ebony Maw and said:

"I agree with this cooperation!"

The matter seems to be over at this step, but it is not...

Because Ebony Maw suddenly thought of Loki who was killed by Su Ke before!

I saw him said with a troubled face:

"Dear Moon Demon, the Loki you killed just now is the prince of Asgard. If you kill him, it will definitely arouse Odin's anger!"

"Odin may block our plan at that time, have you thought about how to deal with this matter?"

In fact, Ebony Maw doesn't like Loki either, because Loki is too cunning and has no loyalty at all!

But having said that, Loki is the prince of Asgard after all, behind him is the King of God Odin!

Even Thanos must give Odin face!

But Su Ke directly shot and killed Loki!

It's a headache for Ebony Maw because Odin gets angry and that's scary...