
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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95 Chs

Chapter 62 Return To Gotham!

Wanda and Quicksilver acted like nothing happened.

After a brief tidying up, they followed Su Ke to work at the psychological clinic in Hell's Kitchen.

Strictly speaking, today is actually the first day of official opening.

After all, Su Ke and Wanda went to S.H.I.E.L.D yesterday, so the clinic was not open either.

I don't know if the people in Hell's Kitchen are mentally ill, but the business on the first day was not bad, receiving a total of ten guests.

Because they are all ordinary people, Su Ke naturally handed over all these people to Wanda.

Relying on her own Telepathy, Wanda completed all the psychotherapy almost without hindrance.

Although it is a bit overkill, the Ability of Telepathy is really suitable for psychotherapy..

Early the next morning, Su Ke woke up and drove straight to Gotham.

Because today was his working day at Arkham Asylum.

No way, even if they open a branch in New York City, Su Ke will go to Arkham Asylum to work.

After all, he really liked the atmosphere here.

Sure enough, Arkham Asylum is still very crazy, but there are fewer familiar faces. Obviously, these guys have escaped from prison again.

But this is not a bad thing for Su Ke.

Because if these guys escape from prison, the whole Gotham will be even crazier.

As a demon, Su Ke loves such madness...

It's a rare time to come back, Su Ke decided to stay for a few days before leaving, anyway, there is no rush for Holy Master's affairs.

When seeing Su Ke come back, Selena and Harley were instantly full of joy.

Selena was okay, but Harley was so excited that he wanted to rush to hug Su Ke, watching Selena's expression bewildered.

Harley even took the initiative to sit next to Su Ke during the meal!

Serena looked at the two guys who behaved intimately in front of her, and finally realized it all at once.

Immediately afterwards, she said with a look of disbelief: "Wait...boss, Harley, you...you two are not together, are you?"

When Harley heard this, his face turned red instantly, but it was regarded as acquiescing.

Originally, Su Ke actually didn't intend to take the initiative to admit this kind of thing, because he originally wanted to talk about it after he took down Selina.

But when things got to this point, there was nothing he could do if he didn't admit it. After all, he wanted to give Harley a title.

As a result, Su Ke smiled slightly, and then directly hugged Harley's waist.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right!"

Su Ke laughed.

When Harley heard this, his face turned red again.

However, when she heard this, Selena was completely stunned, because she had no idea when this happened!


Come to think of it, it all seems to have happened after that medical dinner in New York...

Because Harley's name for Su Ke has changed since that medical dinner!

From the previous owner to Su Ke!

She didn't understand why before, but now she understands everything...

Thinking of this, Selena felt a sudden heartache, because Su Ke also invited her to that dinner party, but she didn't think it was interesting, so she didn't go.

Thinking about it now, if I had gone with Su Ke then, maybe she would be the one with Su Ke now!


Thinking of this, Selena was suddenly shocked again, she was shocked by the weird thoughts in her mind!

It's really strange, what does it have to do with her whether these two guys are together or not?

Although thinking this way in her heart, Selena only felt that the food in her mouth was a little sour at the moment...

Obviously, she is jealous...

Naturally, Su Ke also noticed the change in Selena, and he just smiled slightly because he knew that he would be able to take down Selena soon!

After dinner, Su Ke took Harley and Selena around Gotham again, admiring the unique madness of this city.

Then, when they got home at night, Harley naturally followed Su Ke home!

As for Selena, she went back angrily.

After a big fight, Su Ke just felt comfortable all over, definitely, if Selena also came along, it might be more comfortable...

But wait and see...

Overall, Su Ke is very satisfied to be back in Gotham again!