
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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95 Chs

Chapter 60 I'm Just A Psychiatrist!

At the moment, Wolverine only felt as if he was being crushed by a planet, even though his bones were made of Edelman metal, they were still crushed one by one!

This pain is simply unbearable!

At this moment, Su Ke suddenly felt a wave of thoughts wanting to invade his brain.

Looking back, it was Professor X!

In fact, Professor X was completely overwhelmed by this sudden scene, and he didn't remember to help until Wolverine's painful screams sounded.

But then, Professor X discovered something was wrong.

Because of his self-proud Super Ability, he couldn't invade Su Ke's brain...

That feeling is like a person floating in the endless sea, full of despair.....

"Professor, do you know it's rude to do this?"

At this moment, Su Ke's voice sounded in Professor X's brain.

At the same time, a powerful mental force erupted in an instant, causing Professor X's brain to become chaotic in an instant.

For a while, Professor X almost fainted...

At this moment, Professor X doubted his life. In terms of Telepathy, he has never lost to anyone so far!

until now.....

He actually lost!

And it was a complete loss!

What he didn't know was that he didn't lose to a human, but to a demon!

For demons, their spiritual power is as vast as the ocean, and it is simply beyond the control of a human being.

Even if it is as strong as Professor X, it cannot control the mind of a demon.

After waking up a little bit, Professor X's face was already extremely shocked.

And at this time, Wolverine was so suppressed that he couldn't even scream. Under the strong pressure, his body was bleeding everywhere, as if he was about to die at any moment!

But definitely, Su Ke knows that he will not die so easily.....

"Su Ke! Stop!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and it was Wanda.

Although Wanda didn't like Wolverine's attitude just now, it was obvious that if Su Ke wasn't stopped, then Wolverine might really die...

And Wanda already knew the purpose of their coming here from the professor just now, so there is absolutely no need to kill them!

Su Ke glanced at Wanda, and then said to Professor X: "Since Wanda is begging for you, let's forget about today!"

The next second, he stretched out his hand, and Wolverine, who had been crushed into the pit before, flew up again under the control of a force, and then hit the ground heavily.

Definitely, this guy is not dead yet, and the wounds on his body are also recovering at a speed visible to the soft eye.

From time to time, there was a slight sound of metal strikes.

Su Ke knew in his heart that this was because the adamantium metal in his body was repairing itself...

After confirming that Wolverine was still alive, Professor X looked at Su Ke, but at the moment, his eyes were full of shock!

You must know that before coming here, he discovered through Ability that there are two mutants here, one of which is an omega-level mutant!

For this reason, he hurried over with Wolverine, intending to bring the two Mutants back to the Mutant Academy.

But he never thought that there are not only two Mutants here, but also another person with incredible strength...

"who are you?"

Professor X asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm just a psychiatrist!"

Su Ke said lightly.


Upon hearing this, Professor X was instantly speechless.

Because according to the information he learned before, Su Ke is really a psychiatrist, and even helped treat the captain Rogers yesterday.

But having said that, how can there be such a powerful psychologist!

With this kind of strength, even if Su Ke says he is a god, Professor X will believe it!

Among other things, if he is enough to instantly kill Wolverine and his own strength, would anyone believe that he is just an ordinary psychiatrist?

Suddenly at this moment, Wolverine woke up.

But when he saw Su Ke, Wolverine looked like she was looking at a monster!

The experience just now was simply a nightmare for him, he almost thought he was really going to die!

That feeling frightened him more than meeting Magneto...

And at this moment, Su Ke's eyes suddenly turned to Wolverine.

"This is the first time, so I choose to forgive you, but if there is a next time, I will definitely crush all the bones in your body into powder!"

Su Ke said lightly, but his tone was full of killing intent!

When Wolverine heard this, his complexion instantly became ugly, but he dared not say a word...