
Marvel/Dc: Rebirth Of The Honoured one , Dominate The Universe

Traveling across the American Comics universe, Su Ke finds himself the first of the eight evils in "Jackie Chan's Adventures"! Devil of the Moon: Curse Blue! It's the devil who wants to hit the earth with the moon at every turn... Forget it, the earth should not be destroyed for the time being, let's find a place to settle down first! As a demon, Gotham City is very good! As the saying goes, Gotham City is simple and honest, and Arkham is full of talents!

writer_in_disguise · Cómic
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95 Chs

Chapter 53 Captain America And Carter!

"Then what if we can help you stay with Carter?"

Suddenly at this moment, a voice sounded from behind.

When Rogers heard this, he immediately looked back at Su Ke who was not far away with an incredulous look on his face.

"What do you mean by that?"

Rogers couldn't help asking.

Seeing this, Wanda on the side immediately explained:

"We thought of a way to make you and Carter spend the rest of your life together!"

"But definitely, it's only in your consciousness, if you can accept it, then we can let you be together now!"

"But there is one thing I must tell you, everything you will experience later is just a dream! After waking up from the dream, he will still return to the real world!"

When Rogers heard this, he was silent again for a moment, because he also knew that he couldn't go back, and it seemed that the only way to be with Carter was in a dream..

Although I don't know how the two people in front of me could do such a thing, they shouldn't be lying.

But at this moment, Su Ke at the side smiled meaningfully.

Because he knew in his heart that if Rogers really wanted to be with Carter, there was no other way!

Time Gem can do just that!

Using the power of the Time Gem to send Rogers back in time, and then let him and Ka live out his life, it's so easy!

And in the final episode of Avengers, Rogers did the same!

After defeating Thanos thoroughly, in order not to affect the world, Rogers returned to the past with a few gems, and planned to return the gems to various places.

However, after the task was completed, Rogers did not choose to go back to the future, but married Carter agent in the past and lived his life...

Definitely, this is the original plot, as for whether it will happen in the future, Su Ke doesn't know, and he doesn't want to care!

He just wanted to deal with what was in front of him.

And at this moment, Rogers finally made up his mind!

He looked at Su Ke and Wanda firmly and said, "I accept! Please help me!"

When Wanda heard this, she immediately looked at Su Ke.

Seeing this, Su Ke stopped talking nonsense.

In the next second, the obstacle in front of Rogers suddenly disappeared.

Rogers paused for a moment, then finally stepped in.


Rogers tremblingly called Carter's agent not far away.

The moment he heard this, Carter looked over in surprise.

"Rogers...you...you're not dead?"

Carter said tremblingly.

"I didn't die, I came back alive! I swear, I will never leave you again!"

Rogers said with a smile, and hugged Carter tightly.

Su Ke and Wanda didn't leave, they still stood there observing everything about Rogers.

Ever since, they saw Rogers and Carter walk into the palace of marriage and have several children.

Then the child's child had another child, and by this time Carter and Rogers were well into their teens.

Finally, Carter passed away!

Rogers also ushered in his death not long after....

After he died, he appeared in front of Su Ke and Wanda again, and his appearance did not change at all.

It's just that the expression on his face looks sober now.

Although to Su Ke and Wanda, the time has passed only a few minutes, but to Rogers, he has lived his life!

The bits and pieces of this life have also become the memories of his life!

Wanda stood aside, feeling moved because she just witnessed the life of Rogers and Carter.

Although this life was just a false fantasy that did not exist, it still moved her very much.

As for Su Ke, his face was expressionless, because he thought it was really nothing to look at...

In any case, the task seems to be successfully completed this time...

"Captain, how do you feel now?"

Wanda asked cautiously.

She needed to make sure Rogers was back to normal.

Hearing this, Rogers looked up at Wanda and Su Ke, then smiled and said:

"Thank you for helping me fulfill my last wish, I won't be addicted to it anymore!"

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief, because it was clear that Rogers was back to normal.

"Rogers, look forward! And in the future, there may not be no way for you to really go back to the past!"

Su Ke said with a smile.


Hearing this, Rogers immediately looked at Su Ke in astonishment.

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

asked Rogers.

"It's not interesting, I just want to tell you that the current technology is so advanced, maybe someone will develop a tool that can travel through time in the near future, and then you can go back!"

Su Ke smiled and said, not willing to explain too much.

However, these words are enough to make Rogers excited.