
Marvel:Birth Of The One Eyed God

What happens when two powerful beings end up having a dispute. The only way they could solve it is by using an insignificant mortal nothing could go wrong right?. Witness the birth of the ONE EYED GOD

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3 Chs

Name Of Saviour/New Home?

Oc-Now knowing what I am what I can be what I can potentially overcome i channel chakra to my legs and the ground beneath me breaks and before i knew it I stood beside a tin man who looked like they were on their last legs.

Tony-(Internally:Who is this kid but then it hit me yinsen said they kidnapped a kid with absurd abilities and slaughtered his family, but if he's not mistake super speed wasn't one of them pretty sure he was supposed to be a healer but just by looking into his eyes fear filled my being just what could've of these monsters done to whats seems to be a twelve year old for his eyes to look like that).

Hey ki…

Oc-Ignoring Tony i remember a technique that the 2 tails jinjurike used she sent chakra to her nails to elongated them and become sharp as blades.

So I took a page out of her book but made them look like more animalistic and it resembled that of victor creed.

It was weird that I can remember all I watched and in my past life yet not the life itself other than the body I'm inhabiting or now mine.

But throwing these conflicting thoughts to side I proceeded to butcher every last one of these greedy sum bags all I could hear were their screams in Arabic but that did little from me clawing their face off of gutting them heck even tearing out their jugular but soon it came to end as I could sense my body slowing down.

I then frowned it seems I need to train my to exert more power so knowing I'ma about to collapse soon a release more power than I should and grabbed Tony leaping into the air and zooming off for the 3 minutes before I collapse in the same place Tony did in cannon.

Tony- What the fuck did I just witness. My dad

used to go on and on about the prowess of captain America but now that I'm imagining it he doesn't have shit on this kid. If my pops were I live I would rub this in his face(He hasn't forgave him yet like in Ironman 2).

While thinking on what other abilities this kid may have or if he was this strong why did he stay locked up. However my train of thought stoped when I head sound of a chopper. Instantly I grab the kid and put him on my back. Dam he's heavier than he looks.

Trenching across the sand I shout and it worked the chopper started descending and boy was I glad when he I saw him.

Rhodey- Next you ride with me, who's the kid

Tony- Long story and even then all I know are bits and pieces of his. When he wakes maybe he answer you questions but if I'm being honest not a good idea heard he's been through a lot of shit.

Rhodey- Say no more let get on, it's glad to have you back.

Tony- Thanks almost thought you guys stopped looking for me,( Internally- I think it's best if I keep the little guys secret, while he knows he can trust Rhodey it's essentially his duty to report anything back and on top of that he knows the military are full of greedy bastards).

*Time Skip- Runway*

Tony- It was a two hour long fight. By the first hour the lil man woke up. Rhodey being the professional he was proceeded to ask the kid with a bunch of questions. Like where is he from why dose he have a lost of blood on himself where are his parents why was he imprisoned in a terrorist encampment what his name. While I could see the kid getting pissed I two wanted to know about him more, boy I wished I stepped in because what I heard put my sad story of my parents dying to shame.

Oc-(Internally- System how should I respond)

System- Repeat after me.

Oc- I was a from a small village in located in the Middle East, named sunakagure or other wise know as the village hidden in the sand.

If it sound Japanese its because it is we are descendants from those who came from the edo period who migrated and mingled with those from Arabia and Egypt.

Are way of income was by selling minerals, exotic plants and performing medical services. The group dubbed as the ten ring raided are home took are belongs. And then took me.

You see my family or more specifically my father was in charge of the village he had special talents you could say but that was not enough to save us.

And going back to the reason why the took my is because they heard I'm a genetic anomaly. I have quite denser bones my immune system is greater than most adults who eat healthy and are physically fit, I can sustain my self with out food and water for longer periods of times than most however no by much Im no Moses after all but I think my best trait is that I have a increased healing factor think captain America.

So white all that they thought one I was genetically enhanced of 2 I had superpowers which I don't. And for the blood they toured me thinking I would confess to their delusions and I will give them a way to be like me.

At this point I inwardly smirked I can't believe they brought this shit. Well Doesn't matter when I get situated ima see what rewards I earned.

Tony- At first i wanted to interject because I thought back to what I thought that happened but the more I thought his story dose check out i mean they are a terrorist group and I mean no way an 11 year old kid had those capabilities. I mean it most be the desert playing tricks on my mind and it didn't help that I was in a severe calorie deficit.

Hey kid what's you name.

Oc- My name I can't seem to remember pretty sure I lost it during all those torture sessions

Me seeing him wince mad me laugh in side I guess I know when to push the right buttons.

Tony- Dam probably should've not brought up his days if imprisonment.

Well you have a time to think about it however what do you think about living with me.

Oc- Dam Im good, are sure i don't want to impose.

Tony- Not at all from now on you can call me uncle Tony or big bro.(Internally- He's just like me actually nah he went through worse way worse and At and a really younger age it would do him some good to have some sort of parental figure no matter how bad I am, an p.s I'm going back on my decision I'm Tony fucking stark I'm could be half dead but I know sure as shit of what I saw and to say the least I'm getting to the bottom of this shit, cant have little bro going to the dark-side).

Oc- The I accept giving him a small smile while I keep my eyes looking lifeless like I been through so much shit and again I'm 2 dam good.

Name suggestions for the OC down in the comments. I most likely have to think of one you may not like.