
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs




= Location: ??? , Reality: Earth - ??? =

[A.N. - definitely not 199999]

Santa laughed heartily, in his classic tone, "Ho! Ho! Ho! Let's share happiness and bring Christmas to the world."

 Alex, wearing a Mini-Santa costume stood there dumbfounded. His brain took some time to process the events that have been happening in his life. 'Just today, I realised, that I have been reborn in Marvel and I'm living in the Marvel Universe for my past 14 years and Now, I'm being kidnapped by Santa Claus and help him to distribute gifts. This is fu*king crazy.'

"Come young Alex, let's go", Alex came to present hearing Santa's words. He glanced towards Santa, who was sitting on the sleigh, having reigns in his hands. Santa spoke waving at him, "Hey, young Alex, come fast and sit here, we have a lot of work to do."

 Alex following his command, sat on the sleigh and Santa enthusiastically, spoke, "We'll make Christmas shine brighter. Ho! Ho! Ho!" With that sentence, the reindeer began to run on the snowy field, carrying the sleigh with them. Alex, due to his urge to complain, pointed at reindeer and spoke, "Umm, Mr.Santa isn't this sleigh supposed to-" but his sentence was cut short by the jolt and the Christmas sleigh rose in the air. Alex felt his gravity shift, but surprising, nothing happened, he didn't feel any adverse effects, like he had heard about, like those Jet-Pilots have to experience a higher amount of 'g', when flying and maneuvering. It was surprisingly good start, 'Did I jinxed it? Nah I have Santa for it. Nothing to worry. '

 Alex saw a beautiful landscape containing, a large snowy white field with snow covered trees, two beautiful moons, twinkling stars and Aurora Borealis in the night sky. "So beautiful!", Alex muttered, while Santa heard his words, laughed out loud seeing Alex mesmerized face.

"There's so much in this world you haven't seen, young Alex. Let's enjoy this wonderful occasion." Santa spoke while vigorously maneuvering the sleigh using the reign in his hands. While Alex heard Santa's words smiled, his attention was outside watching the natural view, which he saw for the first time. To him, it felt mesmerizing, he for the first time, felt such brilliance of nature and the refreshing feeling of being in nature.

'This ride is surprisingly easy' Alex thought watching the snowy ground below, 'no discomfort in this reindeer sleigh. It must be Santa using his superpower.'

"Young Alex, you can say, it's the power of the Lord, through which everything happens." Santa answered. Alex sat silently listening to Santa, Suddenly the sleigh picked up speed and started going faster.

"Doesn't that mean, every action we perform is determined by 'Him'? Then where's the free will in that?" Alex asked, voicing his intention to know further.

"Young Alex, don't confuse free will with the Lord's power. Free will corresponds to the choices which you can make in any situation. While Lord's power is through which reality is governed. In scientific words, the Lord's power is the energy and 'His' words are the laws of the universe." Santa explained while carefully maneuvering the sleigh.

"Young Alex, now hold onto my hand, this is gonna get slightly faster." Santa spoke with slight concern while stretching his hand towards Alex.

 Alex saw change in Santa's expression and realised the gravity of the situation. He took Santa's hand and asked, "are we not on Earth? Because I saw two moons in the sky. Earth definitely doesn't have two moons."

 Santa showed him a bright smile, his twinkling eyes shone like a star in the night sky, his voice sounded like a soothing charm, "Young Alex, it's good to have various questions at this young age, but to get an answer for your question, You must wait for a few seconds. Just watch it, young Alex, it will be adventurous. Ho! Ho! Ho!" Santa's energetic laughter echoed in Alex's ears. He understood Santa's words that he will be seeing something shocking. 

 Alex's intuition was spot on as, suddenly the Sleigh vanished from the air and Alex who was inside the sleigh experienced a slight trembling, and felt the entire surrounding change. Alex saw the snowy ground, and trees vanished instead, there was fiery hot ground, flames sprouting from everywhere, and a charred smell assaulted his nose. Alex was shocked to see this fiery scene, and he was further astonished, to see a group of creatures with grotesque appearances, fighting each other. When he saw them, their sight matched a certain race in his memories, so he asked Santa for confirmation, "are they demons?"

"Yes young Alex, they are demons, the sinful, vile creatures of hell and we are currently in its dimensional region, which is a part of Hell governed by many Hell lords, and this region is governed by, a vile demon calling himself, Mephisto. Young one, Beware of demons, they are harbingers of chaos, they never bring any good thing, only death, destruction and sins follow them." Santa spoke in a stern voice, reminding Alex of this dangerous place. "We'll be crossing soon, don't lose my hand, and don't fear this unholy demons, they can't do anything to us, the protective shield will keep them at bay"

 Alex just nodded in reply to Santa, as he was still in shock seeing such grotesque appearances of demons. He saw some demons with wings, flying behind them, trying to catch up with the sleigh, but the sleigh was fast enough to ensure that, to never reach in their hands. While some demons that tried to attack the sleigh from the front, were stabbed by reindeer horns or crushed by their hoofs. The protective shield on the sleigh, protected them, from any magical or physical harm and kept demons away from sleigh. 

 The reindeer suddenly made some noise, Alex didn't hear them due to distance, but Santa nodded and smiled in the response and spoke, "It seems our wait is over, young Alex get ready for a surprise." As Santa spoke, Alex felt the shift again this time he felt change in dimension, now in front of him lay clouds illuminated by sunshine, .

 Alex felt, his entire being melted in sunshine, for the first time in life he felt his entire being healed, his physical body, his occasional headaches all of them vanished and he only felt light. Alex basked in the surreal feeling and Santa glanced at him with a grandfatherly smile, and joined his hands and prayed.

 The sleigh continued to move with the reindeer running on clouds. Alex, who came out of his euphoric feeling, was mesmerized watching the scene.

 Alex felt a hand on his shoulder, glancing at Santa he heard, "young Alex, what you experienced is the power of the Lord, I was guided by 'Him' to this Light dimension once, in this dimension one experiences healing and rejuvenation, with not only healing smaller problems of physical body, but also majorly healing one's soul on astral level. How do you feel now, young Alex?"

"Thank you very much, I never felt better than before. It's like being reborn. I now feel light, like all my problems have vanished. Thank you Santa, for bringing me here to experience this wonderful feeling." Alex smiled with gratitude, as never in his life had he experienced such a supernatural event. Witnessing the wonder of dimensional healing firsthand, he felt his every body and mental problems being healed.

 "Young Alex, now that you have been healed, let's move onto the next destination" Santa spoke joyfully as he felt the changes in Alex. He ordered "My dear children, let's go. Ho! Ho! Ho!" With that said, reindeer moved with tremendous speed that, Alex thought, 'They are definitely running even faster than any space rocket' and then, he felt it again. Feeling the sudden shift of sleigh, Alex wondered 'first Hell, then Light, now where are we going ?' But this time he felt sleigh didn't slow down its speed and kept going on. Santa spoke seeing Alex's confused face, "Usually, we don't move slower but it was important for you to get healed inside the Light dimension and now that our first destination is complete we'd be moving at our regular speed."

 Alex's face morphed into the look of realisation, as if he understood something, and asked Santa, "Does healing me, is the task you spoke of, being assigned to you by 'Him' ?"

"Now, Now, young Alex, this isn't the time for you to know about it. Your journey has just started. You will need to experience it, because even if i say it to you, you won't understand it. I can only assure you that, at the end of it " Santa the pointed at Alex, " you will realise the answer to your question. Now I assume, that you will keep being patient until then, won't you?" Santa spoke to him in such a mysterious tone that made Alex feel, 'surely this is just another trick designed by this old man.'


The sleigh travelled at rapid pace surpassing the limits of all previous speeds and crossed multiple dimensions skipping them at unimaginable speed. Alex felt his entire body changed while traveling into various dimensions at insane speed, he saw various dimensions, and his body accommodated according to rules of those dimensions and these changes made Alex feel sick, but nevertheless the journey continued.

 Alex seeing the situation couldn't hear to speak from sudden shifts of dimensions, but his conditions allowed only to speak mentally, 'damn, when is this gonna end', Alex seemed to realise that Santa is like trickster grandpa, who liked playing pranks on his grandchildren and laugh at them for getting tricked by him. Alex now felt the figure of those crazy oldies overlapping with this devious Santa. Alex closed his eyes and mentally prayed, 'God! Buddha! Holy Lord! anyone! please save me from this old man he's gonna get me killed.' While praying Alex felt the speed getting slow, and he opened his eyes and saw concrete buildings like earth, but the people were blue coloured beings. 'Definitely aliens' Alex thought 'but thank you for answering my prayers when I reach my home, I'll definitely donate a few dollars' He glanced at the white bearded old man, Santa. He felt the gaze of Alex and confirmed it by saying, "We're going to have a stop here. Young Alex, be ready."

 The sleigh moved towards a nearby mountain and landed on the ground without making any noise, 'so much for being gentle', Alex thought in sarcasm, as the after-effects of repeated dimensional travels lingered in his body until now. When he saw shining scarlet-red eyes of all reindeer directed towards him, he stopped himself, as if he heard them warning him to not speak any more. He felt if he spoke any more, he's going to get thrashed. 'damn, no privacy at all', Alex complained about his thoughts getting seen by even reindeer. He couldn't stop himself from his internal musings, as he lost himself in thinking 'how can i understand reindeer language? Does this come with Santa costume?'

 "Ho! Ho! Ho! My children are slightly mischievous, so just forgive them." Santa laughed at Alex's situation and spoke to him, he came out of the sleigh and offered some fruits to reindeer and spoke to them in low voice. Alex didn't heard quite clearly, so he waited inside the sleigh but he saw Santa turned and beckoned him. Alex nodded to Santa and went near him following his request.

 Just as Alex went near Santa, he felt Santa's entire demeanour changed. Alex felt powerful pressure emanating from old man, he heard Santa speak, "Young Alex, currently we are in the outermost area of our Milky Way galaxy. This planet is named Nibria-2, and it's people are called Nibrians. They have been affected by virus breakout just recently, more than one third of its population died in the incident, and today we'll be sending gifts to every family. So now hold my hand."

 Alex followed his advice and clasped Santa's hand and he felt sudden shift, just like previous dimensional hopping ones, but this time it's intensity was minimum. Alex thought, 'my immunity to after-effects of space transfer has increased, well definitely a good thing.'

 Alex followed his advice and clasped Santa's hand and he felt a sudden shift, just like previous dimensional hopping ones, but this time its intensity was minimum. Alex thought, 'my immunity to after-effects of space transfer has increased, well definitely a good thing.'

 The surroundings changed, this time it was a large house made from trees and metal. It was night time, children were playing near a fire while adults were cooking food. 'It seems like a community' Alex thought as he compared them with humans and found no difference except their body structure. 

 "Young Alex!" Alex came out of his thoughts to Santa's voice, "I'll be talking to them, just follow behind me" Alex nodded, indicating his acceptance to Santa. 

 They both carefully walked towards Nibrian community, which alarmed them. Some immediately took weapons while few females ran and brought children inside the community. Santa smiled and said " Greetings residents of Nibria-2. I have come to your planet to deliver supplies." Hearing Santa, the Nibrians talked among themselves while I thought 'did these people speak English or did I understand their language.'

 Alex carefully observed to find the answer, while two of Nibrians came forward, they both had alien tech weapons, 'definitely alien guns' Alex spoke mentally while analyzing them, '5'10, gravity maybe higher to earth, so more weight. These two must had formal training.'

 The male Nibrian with shorter hair spoke, "Can you confirm your identity, because Xander prime didn't informed us about any upcoming supplies."

 Santa nodded and took out an alien device, seemingly of hologram technology and showed it to them, while the other most probably female one, checked the hologram by scanning it from device on her hand and nodded to the male one and showed him something on her device. The male Nibrian sighed in relief and spoke to us," I apologize for our mistake and for not realizing that you are a distinguished citizen of Xander. It is an honor to have you as our guest, but due to our current situation, we were unable to properly greet you. On behalf of Nibrians, I, Harkyn, extend our sincerest apologies to Your Excellency." And Harkyn bowed to us. 

 Santa spoke smilingly, "There's nothing to apologize Harkyn. You stood and helped your people at time of need and your efforts didn't get wasted as you saved many lives for such let me present you your gift." and Santa took out a large box from his sack and handed it to him. And then he gifted one to the female one a small sized gift box. Both were dumbfounded by the unexpected gift but Alex thought, 'they deserved it, saving people in virus outbreak is really something even if they maybe immune to virus. Saving lives deserves a gift.'

 Santa then turned to Alex and said, "go, share the Christmas gifts with those children" pointing Alex towards the group of children. Which Alex nodded and walked towards the children. Some of Nibrians were alarmed by this, but Harkyn spoke resolving the situation saying, "No need to worry, he's a guest and came to help" while swinging a big hammer. 'Did he get a hammer as gift? I think he can become a good friend of certain Norse hammer God.' Alex laughed mentally thinking about it, while walking towards the children. He spoke to them, "Greeting, I'm came with that old man, we are here to share a gifts to you to celebrate a festival of our planet, called Christmas, and I have bought gifts for everyone of you." The children ranging from various age and heights smiled and Alex handed them gift boxes from the sack. Alex wasn't surprised when he saw sack never emptied of gift boxes, 'it must be Santa's powers nah! He'd probably deny it and will say it's the gift of the Lord'. Every one was happy receiving gifts, their smiling face made Alex realise his situation and he felt grateful of being able to live such wonderful life untill now. 

 Everything was going great untill, an unexpected situation happened, One child snatched another's gift and ran but next second the gift box vanished and went back to the victim. 'I think, I underestimated this old man, he's quite calculative and clever' Alex thought witnessing the situation and proceeded his task of giving out gift boxes and greeting everyone 'Merry Christmas'.

 "Young Alex!" Santa beckoned as Alex completed his task. He walked near Santa, and observed that, Santa also gifted presents to adults also. 

 "They deserved it" Alex spoke agreeing with Santa's actions, while the old man laughed and praised, "Ho! Ho! Ho! It seems our young Alex is quite compassionate"

 Santa then faced towards the smiling community and spoke in loud voice, "Now that we have completed our task, we will get going." People of Nibrians objected and asked their guests to stay but Santa and Mini-Santa teleported to their next destination to share the gift of Christmas. 

Thank you for reading (a chapter of 2.8 k words).

I got confused and had personal reasons so, chapter got delayed, confusion is because, I didn't have clear ideas on how do I wite alien planet stuff. I have never written one.

Another is that, I had to upload it today, So due to deadline, maybe the quality of chapter is affected.

I'll try not be lazy next time.


Maybe From next chapters, the story will focus on Alex and his life as Christmas will get over and Santa will be gone. In next chapter.]

Hope you liked this chapter and please forgive my grammer and point out any inconsistency if you find, I'll fix it.

kaizer20creators' thoughts