
Marvel : Beyond Horizons

"Thrusted into the chaotic world of Marvel, Alex must learn to survive in the once thought fictional, now a real world." -(Image used from Pinterest.) ________________ -Hello Readers, Like many, It's my first story and the grammar may not be up to the best. 'Thank You for Reading'

kaizer20 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs




= U.S.A., Earth - ???, Sol, Milky Way Galaxy =

= 24 Dec 2003, 22:00 =

Alex gets interrupted from his sleep by his ringing phone, 'ugh! Who the heck is calling me? Let me sleep a little' thinking such he rolled on his bed again ignoring the ringing phone, which for some case didn't stop, and finally, being the loser of this match, Alex, woke up and picked the phone which showing Unknown number, he spoke with an irritated voice,

Alex: hello.

Unknown number: hello sir, may I ask if you currently possess a health insurance? Our company-

Alex directly cut the call without hearing any further, knowing it was a usual insurance company sales pitch or likely being a scam, irritated him, almost lashing out on the caller for waking him up at mid-night. But suddenly he remembered ' Hmm, it's midnight of Christmas Eve, might as well keep myself awake till 12, and I don't know if I may be able to sleep now. Damn those insurance schemes!

Thinking of Christmas he realized that, he completely forgot the present Uncle John spoke of during the call. 'let's check', unable to contain his curiosity, he went according to uncle John's instructions, 'Brown cupboard, last compartment, ah! Here the gift' finding a box, wrapped in sparkly wrapping paper. Alex took the box and sat on the sofa near the heater. He selected random music channel after switching the T.V. on. Christmas music and Christmas Carols were broadcasted on various channels.

Alex, seeing the gift, contemplated his previous Christmas with Uncle John, who gifted Alex a new bicycle and a large pizza, which both of them passionately enjoyed eating. Alex went on reminiscing about his past life, of which he doesn't know about. Who he was? What did he do? His name, identity and relations. Alex didn't know any of it, all the knowledge and information he acquired was somehow related to watching movies, series, reading manga, fan-fiction etc. He found it everything seemingly sketchy because he only found limited memories of his past life and none of them about his personal life of that time. 

Alex, again got lost in his reminiscing, seeing the gift box he was holding, 'Uncle John, John Felton, my only relative in this world, my parents died in a flight crash and Uncle John, the only brother of my mother, Lucy Felton-Spencer, became my guardian as my father was an orphan. He's a nice man but always busy with business work. Occasionally visited me on holidays or every 1-2 months, while always away for work and granny Lee who took care of me, died 2 years ago. And Me, Alexander Spencer, currently 14 year old, living in Chicago, attending Chicago High school. Nothing unusual in my background except my parents were geologists traveling around the world. Did they encounter something to make them die? That's the only mystery. Uncle John didn't say anything about it. Just informed me that they died from a plane crash.'

The Christmas song woke him up from his musings, and made Alex realise 'it's time, just one minute left for 12 o'clock. Hope Uncle jhon is fine let's call him.' Alex tried to call Uncle John numerous times but failed, 'maybe he's busy or gone to sleep, I'll just wish him through text.' So, Alex texts uncle John a message saying 'merry Christmas uncle John' which costed him ten cents, but Alex felt happy that he greeted his only relative in this world, and he also had a gift in his hand. 'It's a good and warm Christmas' Alex thought, smiling and feeling satisfied for having a gift on Christmas. 'Thank you, whomever you are.'

Alex's session of feeling gratitude ended abruptly by power being cut. He glanced outside confirming it wasn't just his, but power cut happened to the whole community. Feeling the change in temperature due to absence of working heater, Alex warmed his hands and went for storage with torch to fetch wood. He needed to have fireplace with fire to die from cold snowy night. 

Alex now fetched woods went for the fireplace in the drawing room, but suddenly he heard a voice, he gripped on of the long wooden piece tightly as weapon to defend himself. He cautiously approached the drawing room, where he met a towering figure. The darkness in the house and natural moonlight outside crated contrasting effect reminding of his pervious nightmare.

Alex felt that unknown fear again, 'who is it at this time? A Thief, robber or maybe serial killer. God help me today's Christmas.' He hoped that somehow he could survive this ordeal but he knew that it's chances were low. He gathered courage and spoke loudly, " Who is it? "

The figure replied in a heavy voice, "hello son, are you there help this old man"

'Bullsh*t, pure bullsh*t. How can one get inside a locked house? Is he a lock picker thief? I need to be careful and wait for chances to to strike perfectly and survive. It's matter of survival. Help me Christ, Lord, Budhha, whatever you are, help.' Alex thought, and hurriedly prepared himself to defend. 

His wishes seemed to be answered, as the figure spoke "No need to involve the Lord, I'm just his messenger and envoy, you see young Alex. I mean no harm."

Just as his name being spoken, Alex felt his body hair straightened, he felt fear that his identity was exposed, 'Did someone have specifically come here to kill me? I didn't even live a day in this universe properly, and I'm going to die'

"No young Alex, I assure you I'm not here to harm you I'm just a messenger and I brought you something special" Alex was in panic as the heard the voice again, but this time he saw that dark figure slowly move towards him. Alex for the first time felt his rapid breathing, beating heart and blood coursing through veins. More importantly, Alex felt his body froze, he couldn't move an inch. Alex shouted 'No, no, no, I don't wanna die, please mister whoever you are, I didn't do anything I'm just an innocent person-'

Alex's pleas were cut short, and he realised he couldn't speak, like his lips were sealed. 'What how, f*ck! This is a bigger problem. Who is this? Mutant Telepath? Sorcerer? No, maybe a Time traveller'

"Ho Ho Ho! Young Alex you amuse me. I must say your thoughts are really wild but fret not, I understand that my unannounced visit may have been stressful to you but this is a very important task I have to finish." The being shouted loudly, which Alex felt like he had heard it somewhere. He heard it again "Ok young one, let's change the venue."

He heard a loud snap and the surroundings began to change, Alex saw himself standing on a mountain and up above, the most gorgeous cluster of stars, he even saw the famous green Aurora Borealis. Alex felt this situation was unrecognizable just a second ago when he was in his house and now here.

"Gorgeous isn't it, young Alex" Alex followed the voice to see an old man with large beard, wearing Christmas-themed red winter clothes, carrying a sac and reindeers behind him. Alex felt an urge to ask, "Are you Santa?" Alex felt slight surprised as, he could speak again. 

"Hmm. Yes, that's what people call me." The old man replied with soft smile. 

"Wait, you're the Santa, as in the Santa Claus, you're real, wait this isn't right, did Marvel have Santa in it? Damn, comic writers." Alex felt that everything he thought was being spoken out aloud, he felt creepy about this. 

Santa replied with a grandfather-like smile as, he faced Alex, "Haha, relax young Alex, yes, I'm Santa Claus and this time I'm here for you. You see, the Lord has sent me with special assignment, that is for you."

"Me?" Alex felt confused but spoke again " Wait did you say Lord, does the mean God, as in like Jesus"

"Young Alex, let me make this clear for you." As he spoke surroundings changed, Alex realised that he's inside his high school class, sitting on his bench, and suddenly Santa voice sounded again "Young Alex, when you are in school you become a student"

"When you play soccer on the ground, you become a player" Alex again found himself, in his sportswear standing on the soccer ground, and then everything dissolved like smoke and at last, he felt himself again on the mountain, beneath the beautiful sky.

"One's identity is majorly defined by his actions, and thus we perceive the Lord in different ways as what our mind can perceive, different names, different face, different identity but all are one" Santa spoke with a soothing voice that, Alex felt his fatigue was gone but his curiosity led him to ask "Are you talking about the creator?"

Santa smiled brightly, he's teeth blended with his white beard "creator or destroyer both are also just identities, young Alex, though to simplify, you can call him as anything you like. This universe is filled with the Lord."

Alex felt confused again, but he realised this is marvel, and asked "Is he, The One Above All?" To which Santa with his sparkling eyes, smiled mischievously and spoke, "Young Alex, everyone's destiny is different, the path they choose are different, the choices they make and situations they face are different. You have been given a choice, what will you do now?"

Alex was sure that, this was a trap this old man has laid from the start. He felt that, this old man knew everything about him, he wasn't dumb to not recognize that the Santa in front of him was a mind reader and a very powerful person, So, Alex made his mind and spoke the truth

"I don't know. I'm afraid, afraid of dying again. I don't wanna go into this crazy world, even if I may have lived my 14 years in this world. I just want to survive. you know right, how crazy this world is, magic, superpowers, mind reading, alien invasion, big robots and universal beings. I'm just afraid of them. What if they found me, and they know I'm from outside, what if anyone uses this knowledge in wrong way.. I'm afraid" Alex felt he spoke everything he and and he realised what was happening to him. He spoke his inner thoughts to an unknown being calling himself Santa without even thinking.

"Young Alex, you must have heard that 'knowledge is power' but excessive knowledge becomes a burden, that's your case Young Alex. Fear is a vital element for survival but don't forget that fear doesn't necessarily have to be perceived in a negative way. Maybe you fear that others may misuse the knowledge you know, then let me tell you, there's at least thousands of time travel incidents happening at current situation from various timelines and various eras. Ok enough talk about this. Let's change this venue again," As Santa Claus spoke, the surroundings changed again.

Alex found himself in an alien place, two shining moons up ahead in the sky, lost in the scene Alex heard Santa's deep voice again "Can you help this old man, young Alex" Alex saw, a cart in front of him, full of sacks and gift boxes led by four reindeers.

"Sure" Alex replied with a smile, as he knew about what Santa was going to do next. When he approached the cart, Alex saw reindeer for the first time this upclose. They were adorned with Christmas theme bells and other ornaments.

"They are beautiful, right? " Santa spoke from behind.

"Yeah, they are" Alex replied, glancing towards Santa, and asked him "so, you're gonna send gifts?"

"No, not me, We are" Alex watched as Santa smirked and pointed towards himself, and he felt a change, he realised seeing himself, Santa has changed his clothing to matching himself. Red jacket, red pants, leather boots, and belt, with a sack behind, carrying gifts. Alex realised, He became a mini-Santa Claus on Christmas.

Santa laughed heartily, in his classic tone, "Ho! Ho! Ho! Let's share the happiness and bring Christmas to the world."

[Thus Our Alex followed Mysterious Santa on The Christmas ]

This chapter was near 2k words.

Making a large chapter will make it uncomfortable to read. so, I'll upload upto here.

Further in next chapter.

Thanks for reading and comment if you have any suggestions on the story.

kaizer20creators' thoughts