
Chapter 56

Chapter 56 I became a monster!

Chapter 45:

New York, Hell's Kitchen.

Dirty, chaotic, crowded, dangerous, and filled with the smell of garbage all the time, this is a paradise for gangsters and criminals, and the last refuge for those who are down and out.

Felicia covered her hood and ran away hastily from one low building to another in the streets.

Her body is agile and dexterous, and she can easily overcome obstacles and complex terrains.

But behind her, dozens of black and white gangsters were relentlessly chasing her, and the numerical advantage restrained her to a certain extent.

In particular, there is a big man wearing rhinoceros armor at the end, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

It is one of the underground king's recent recruits, the Rhinoceros.

"You can't run away! Black Cat!" He yelled and launched into charge mode, crashing into her like a train. After collapsing several walls, he finally stopped Felicia.

Felicia, the black cat known to Rhinoceros, looked sad.

That night, she only remembered that she fainted after being forced to inject the serum by the Electro.

When she woke up again, she suddenly found that she was lying on a test bed! Not far away, there is a green monster that can only be seen clearly!

This frightened her, and she instinctively got up and ran away.

But the situation outside is also very bad!

The sudden city-wide blackout caused chaos and conflict, even though power outages seemed to have been restored in some areas.

This made her run very far in one breath. When she came back to her senses, she realized something was wrong.

She seemed to have become too dexterous and her physique was different from ordinary people. At the same time, her body suddenly began to heat up and her scalp was numb, as if something was about to come out.

The pain ensued, making her consciousness a little blurry. Felicia could only find a place to hide and concentrate on fighting the sudden pain.

She knows that this may be caused by the genetic serum, and she may become a monster like those victims…!

This scared her.

She only remembered that during this process, two tall men seemed to have noticed her and walked towards her, as if they wanted to do something to her. In desperation, she made some resistance.

When she regained consciousness, she saw only two lifeless corpses in front of her and herself with blood on her hands.

"No…it's not me." Felicia panicked, realizing that she had killed someone, even if it was not of her own free will.

The images of the Green Goblin, Electro, and Lizard Man were still vivid in her mind, which made her flee the scene in fear. The bodies of the two homeless people were later disposed of as accidental deaths during the riot conflict.

She didn't dare to go to the street, so she ran as far as possible to the alley, to a place with few people, until she came across a window.

Felicia froze as her reflection passed through the window.

She saw the reflection in the glass, which had long cold white hair, and two white cat ears on the long hair.

Felicia trembled subconsciously, and the cat ears in the reflection also moved.

At the same time, she finally felt that there was a fluffy cat tail extending from the end of her spine…

"No…" Felicia couldn't believe it, "I became a monster!"

Kill it! People still undergo such changes, Felicia dare not contact other people at all.

The call from Harry on her phone was also ignored by her. In confusion, she… returned to her former home, Hell's Kitchen.

The plot behind it is very cliche.

She was born here, with a father who was a skilled thief, and several younger brothers and sisters.

Although she worked hard to break through the restrictions of her original family, she still had many problems.

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

For example, she still has to support her younger brothers and sisters, and her family is still burdened with a considerable amount of debt.

As good as death, the creditor… is still a force under Kingpin's banner.

Soon, she was targeted by Jin Bin's people.

When she was young, she was even taught by her father to steal.

She falsified this part of the information when applying for a job at Osborne, otherwise Osborne would never accept an employee with such a poor family background as the chairman's secretary.

This part of the concealment was also the reason why she did not dare to contact Harry again.

Now that she has lost her job, in order to repay her debt, she can only change her name to Black Cat and return to her old profession of thief, which her father once gave her.

During the process, she discovered that she didn't know why, but she had no resistance to those shiny gems, and she soon fell into them.

Until today, Felicia finally paid off all her debts, but what she didn't expect was that Kingpin had no intention of letting her go.

In one operation after another, Kingpin had long discovered Felicia's specialness.

How could he give up when he was recruiting superhumans, so after it was over, he semi-forced to recruit Felicia.

Felicia disagreed, and the two sides clashed, which led to the current scene.

"It will be good for us all if you join us, Black Cat." said the Rhinoceros.

"No, never! I don't want to become a desperado like you."

Her words angered the Rhino Man, who shouted: "Don't forget, you are just a thief!"

"And…" Rhino Man The person threatened: "You don't want anything to happen to your father in prison and your lovely brothers and sisters, right?"

This sentence instantly hit Felicia's weakness, making her powerless,

"No, Don't be like this…"

"You have no choice!"

Felicia was silent.

How she hoped that all this was just a nightmare, that she would be injected with serum, mutate her body, and become a thief again… After

so many years of hard work, she was so fragile that she couldn't resist a blow. In less than a month, , was beaten to pieces.

At this critical moment, a beautiful white figure fell from the sky.

After searching for many days, Gwen finally found Felicia's traces. He spread his glider and fell from the sky.

"Hey! Big guy, stop your weird threats!"

"Spider Woman?" The Rhinoceros saw Gwen and asked Don't be afraid and say:

"This is Mr. Kingpin's business, you'd better stay out of it!"

He himself has an amazing physique. After getting the rhinoceros armor given to him by Kingpin, he became even more powerful, and bullets can't hurt him. He no longer poses a threat. The bricks and stones are as fragile as paper in front of him. He has not yet encountered any opponent.

If you can't beat the Black Superman, you can't beat the slender Spider-Woman!

"Kingpin?" However, when Gwen heard Kingpin, not only did she not panic, she was actually a little excited.

It has been so long since the hero debuted, so naturally she has heard of this New York underground king.

However, in the past, Jinpin's power was suppressed by the Black Superman, so it was difficult for her to have direct contact with them, and they were often just kittens and puppies.

I didn't expect that I would meet Felicia this time when I was looking for her.

"It seems I hit a big fish this time!" she said.

"You will regret your offense!"

Seeing that Gwen was not afraid, the rhinoceros roared, rushed forward, and punched Gwen.