
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Cómic
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 74: Symbiote join

  Dum didn't know that he was going to be ruined and ruined. Dumu, who trusted his talents more than Reid himself, was full of pride after success.

   The news these days is Dum. He emphasizes the importance of this plan to people every day, as well as the outlook for the future.

  Zord couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

   And the Black Queen also found a clue from the explosives, which pointed directly to Western Europe.

   "Western Europe?"

  Zod thought about many possibilities, but he never thought about Western Europe.

  Western Europe refers to the western part of Europe bordering the Atlantic Ocean and nearby islands. It includes seven countries including Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Monaco, as well as developed European capitalist countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Greece.

   Things suddenly became complicated. Zod even wondered if he had made a mistake. The target of the explosive was not himself, but a terrorist attack?

   But in the case of a terrorist attack, the power of explosives is too great.

Let the Black Queen continue to track down the clues, while letting the animalized soldiers assist. After all, some places are difficult to reach by electronic products, and most of the animalized soldiers are mercenaries. They have seen all the scenes. It is better to let them do it. .

   The other is the study of symbionts. The life structure of the three symbionts, whip, riot, and tear, has been explored clearly by Zord, and can even be replicated.

However, Zod thought for a while, erased the self-awareness of these three symbiosis through spiritual power, and then let them form a set of fusion symbiosis battle suit, just like Deadpool has put on several symbiosis before. The power of is far stronger than a single symbiont.

   "Isn't this the unit G of the strong reproductive armor Cap, it's just that it lacks weapons such as particle cannons and high frequency swords."

Zord Tsk said that the symbiote is the closest thing to the colony cell. If there is Kryptonian biochemical science and engineering technology, it is not a problem for Zord to get the colony cell and the colony armor. However, who made him empty his hands. Of it.

   Thinking of this, Zod is very envious and jealous of Clark Kent.

   Although it is said that spawning is actually a disease of symbionts, considering that the offspring produced by symbionts are stronger than them in all aspects, Zod made tears appear to lay eggs.

   The tearing of the cell was modified by electromagnetic force, and the eggs were laid as desired.

   When the new symbiote sensed the power of Zod, it immediately pounced on him.

  Zord directly uses electromagnetic force to move the molecules around the symbiote quickly, generating high temperature, which makes the symbiote directly retract.

   Symbiote can replicate the host's ability, but Zod doesn't want others to get his own ability, so he will try to avoid using symbiote.

   He found an animalized soldier as the host for this symbiote. After the symbiote possessed the animalized soldier, he immediately attacked Zod.

"too weak."

With the movement of Zord's finger, a small but never weak magnetic field force shifted the surrounding magnetic field, and the binding force between atoms appeared subtle changes. These subtle shifts in the atomic structure were reflected in reality. A powerful twisting force.

   The symbiote in front of him suddenly twisted into a twist, and there was no way to break free from the invisible and huge power.

"What is your name?"

  Zod used electromagnetic force and super vision to observe this symbiote in detail.

   Very good, this symbiote is indeed stronger in all respects than tearing, and even appears resistant to ultrasonic waves and flames, but it is not that high.

   The symbiote realized the power of Zod, and the animalized soldier it possessed was not mentally ill, so it still had a normal thinking.


   The symbiote said its name.

   "Very well, have you seen your three kinsmen? They are disobedient, so I erased their consciousness. I think you don't want this to happen, right?"

   Zod said.

   Roar looked at the whip, riots, and tears. They blended together in a vague way, and it looked like a symbiote.

"...what do you want?"

   roared and went silent for a while, decided to compromise, and then looked for a chance to escape from the earth, the earth is too terrible, it is not as harmless as it seems on the surface.

"You can maintain a symbiotic relationship with him, but from now on you have to serve me and listen to my orders. Of course, I don't expect you to be honest and obedient, so I have implanted in your consciousness. My mental power, as long as I think about it, your consciousness will immediately disappear, you know?"

   Zod said.

   Roaring face is ugly, but it also knows that it has no choice, so it can only choose to obey.

  Zord nodded in satisfaction, the roaring power is stronger than Spider-Man~www.mtlnovel.com~ If the symbiote can be used, it is not without value.

   At least it's okay to be a thug.

   As for the three-in-one symbiote, Zod thought for a while, and left them in the laboratory. They are likely to be used in the future, so don't waste them.

   Now Zod desperately wants to know if the venom has given birth to the massacre, and the massacre is also a good thug.

   It's too wasteful to just let a mental illness infect it.

   Fortunately, Zord had left an eye on him before, allowing the Black Queen to monitor Eddie and Venom's every move, as well as wherever they had been.

So far, no signs of venom spawning have been found. In order to ensure sufficient surveillance, Zod used electromagnetic force to modify some of the nano robots, so that they have 4K high-definition cameras and night vision capabilities, and let the black queen control these nano The robot performs surveillance work.

  Zod was enjoying the big beef barbecue from his own farm, and wondered when to get a few wagyu beef over to raise it. After all, he hadn't tasted the taste of wagyu beef.

As a result, there was a report on the TV news that there was an escape from an independent prison. The mortal's name was Carl Lucas. He was an African-American and was born in Harlem, New York, so the police speculated that he might return. New York City.

   Zod calmly drank Coke, Marvel World really can see news about the event every day.

   Carl Lucas is the Luke Cage that Zod is looking for.

   Luke Cage, whose real name is Carl Lucas. He used to walk on the streets when he was young, but as he grew older and his relatives passed away, he decided to give up such a life, but one day he was framed by his friends in the past and went to jail. In order to get out of jail earlier, he voluntarily accepted the super soldier to reproduce the past. Planned experiment.