
Marvel's God of wrath

The true personification of wrath is has arrived. This is more for fun.

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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30 Chs

X-men vs The Avengers!

" What are you doing here stark?"

Asura asked, demanding an answer from Iron man.

" uh who are you? Look pepper boy I'm not here to speak to you."

Stark said trying to move around Asura.

Asura put his hand on stark's chest and pushed him back.

" You are now."

Asura said.

" Tony!"

Cyclops yelled as he and the rest of the x-men ran outside.

" What the hell are you all doing here?"

Scott asked.

" Whoa, those are the avengers. Iron man, Ms. Marvel, Doc samson, She-hulk, wasp, wonder man, Songbird. Wait is that bishop too?"

Santo said

" Why are they here?"

Julian asked.

" I don't know, but I get the feeling they aren't here to chat with X-men. Let's go."

Noriko said as she and the other new X-men left to join the others outside.

" Stark, I'll ask again, why are you here?"

Asura asked stepping into the man's face.

" I'd answer him tony. Asura isn't exactly known for his patience with potential enemies."

Emma said.

" He's an X-man stark. He has a right to know why you're here. Just like we would."

Cyclops said.

" I came to ask you guys to reconsider registering. If the X-men register, then that would encourage others to do so as well."

" You want to use us as your own personal scapegoats."

Asura yelled

" That's not it. We just want to help you guys."

Carol stepped forward and spoke.

" Hm, let me think about it. No. Now leave."

Asura said.

" Or you'll do what?"

She-hulk asked

" Piss me off and you'll find out."

Asura said glaring daggers at the woman.

" You need to calm down boy."

Bishop said.


Asura yelled.

" I'm no traitor, but I know that this is the right thing to do for our people. The government will protect us if we support them."

Bishop said.

" Like they've supported us all these years? Have you forgotten how much the government that you're defending right now has tortured our people?"

" that's not."

Bishop tried to argue.

" How many mutants? How many innocent Men, women, and children were murdered, experimented on by the very government you're protecting? Answer me that question and tell me how you are not a traitor."

Asura said. The venom in his voice apparent.

" You should choose your next words very carefully boy."

iron man spoke up.

" Or what?"

Asura growled.

" Or you'll be taken in the hard way."

Iron man said as the shield helicarrier appeared.

" Tony! This isn't what we agreed to."

Carol yelled.

" They're not listening to reason Carol, so unless they take the deal this is going to get violent. Now, I suggest you stand down and do as I say. After all it's all of us against the ten of you."

Iron man said before the doors of institute opened.

Asura and the X-men all turned to see The New X-men leading the student body out into the courtyard.

' Stepfords are you with me?'

Asura asked

' We're with you'

The girl's answered

' New X-men are you with me?'

' We're with you.'

Noriko and Julian answered.

'X-men are you with me?'

' We're with you.'

The X-men said.

' Mutants are you with me?'

Asura asked

' We're with you!'

The mutants all yelled.

Asura smirked, grabbed his blade and turned around to stark. Holding the blade just inches from his throat.

" Stark, You march your superpowered army to our home. You threaten us with imprisonment. You Threaten our children. I've chosen my words carefully stark. You should have done the same."

Asura said.

" Does he speak for the rest of you?"

Iron man asked.

Cyclops powered up his vizor and blasted Iron man in the chest.

" Does that answer your question."

Scott asked

" Ugh! Arrest them all!"

Iron man yelled.

The battle between the X-men and the avengers began.

" You look like hulk; do you fight like him too?"

Asura asked as he engaged, she-hulk

" You tell me little man."

She-hulk said as she punched asura in face. Asura looked at the woman and smiled.

" If that's the best you can do, then this is going to be a very painful experience."

Asura said as he drove his fist into Jen's stomach sending her flying across the yard of the institute through the forest. Asura went after the woman as wonder man followed.

The stepford sisters and Emma frost battled against Ms. Marvel. Using their diamond forms to overpower the woman.

Laura and Logan battled against the shield agents cutting them down but not fatally.

Santo and Julian battled against Doc samson. His strength not a t the level of the hulk's but still strong enough to contend with the two mutants.

Shadowcat and iceman battled against bishop.

" Is this what you do to your friends Bishop?"

Iceman asked as he blasted the man with ice.

" I didn't want this bobby, but you guys just wouldn't listen to reason."

Bishop said as he broke free from the ice.

" Because we want to keep our kids safe."

Kitty said as she phased Bishop through the ground.

" Is this what you had in mind when you came here today stark?"

Cyclops asked as he fired at the man.

" I didn't want this. But you've forced my hand Cyclops."

Iron man said as he fired back at the man.

" Colonel Reyes. Any day now."

Stark said radioing to the colonel for the sentinels to help detain the mutants.

" Not gonna happen stark. The mutants have stayed out of your little civil war. You only came here because captain America is kicking your sorry assess."

Reyes said.

" Fine! Reed Bring in the hammer."

Stark said as he returned fire on Cyclops.

" Are you sure tony? If we do this, we could drive the mutants to join Captain america."

Reed Richards said.

" We have no choice reed. The mutants were stronger than we gave them credit for. We can't afford to lose here. Now drop the hammer."

Iron man said.

" Okay tony."

Reed said as he deployed a container from the helicarrier.

The fighting stopped briefly as the container dropped.

" What is it?"

Julian asked.

" Trouble."

Logan said recognizing the smell.

" But it seems off somehow. It doesn't matter I suggest you all prepare yourselves."

Logan said as the container opened.

Out of the container came Thor in all his godly glory

" We're fucked!"

Julian said as he and all the mutants looked upon the god of thunder.

" By order of shield you are all under arrest!"

Thor said

" Surrender peacefully now or suffer my wrath."

Thor said before an object crashed down right in front of him.

A person stepped out of the smoke carrying two bodies.


The mutants yelled.

" So, this is the god of thunder? What a joke."

Asura said as he held both onto, She-hulk and wonder man's bloody bodies.

' No way he beat both she-hulk and wonder man by himself? And there's not even a scratch on him. What kind of monster is he?'

Tony wondered now seeing the gravity of the situation.

" Tony, I warned you this would happen. This isn't justice call him off now tony."

Carol yelled.

" Carol Danvers. You were once a friend of the mutants, so I'll give you this one chance. Leave now, unless you all want to end up like them.

Asura said as he held up the beaten and bloody bodies of Wonder man and she-hulk

" Let them go now or else."

Thor said as his eyes began to spark lightning.

" Fine I was done with them anyway."

Asura said as he chucked both of the avengers towards Iron man and the others.


Thor yelled as he swung his hammer at Asura.

The X-men and the avengers all stopped and watched as the two powerhouses began their fight.

Asura blocked the hammer but was struck in the face by thor's fist. The attack knocked Asura back. Asura retaliated by Punching back at thor. Hitting the man in his face and stomach drawing blood from the god.

" You dare strike me?!"

Thor yelled


Asura yelled back as he struck the man in the face sending him flying. Asura ran after the man pursuing him through the air.


Thor yelled as he swung his hamme down at asura striking the man with a bolt of lightning slamming him back down into the ground. Following it up by slamming the hamme down into his chest. Lightning blasted out from the crater they were in blinding everyone who was in close proximity to their fight.

" Did thor do it?"

Iron man asked.

" Asura!"

Laura yelled.

The lightning stopped and a smoke cloud appeared covering the two men. Suddenly a figure was launched from the smoke cloud and Landed harshly next to the avengers.

" THOR!"

Iron man yelled as the smoke cleared revealing the god of thunder.

" I'm fine stark. Rock giants have crumbled under the blows of the mighty mjolnir. I fear This BEAST will not be as obliging."

Thor said wiping blood from his mouth.

Asura stepped out of the smoke cloud appearing to have suffered no injuries at all.

' Is this really all thor can do? No, Something's wrong. There's no way his attacks should be this weak. Think, what happened during the civil war run. !!!! That's it I remember. This thor is a fake that was created by Reed richards and Tony stark. I see, clever trick tony, but Attacks that weak aren't going to work on me.'

Asura thought with a smile.

" Is this really all the so-called god of thunder can do? I'm disappointed. I thought the avengers were supposed to be Earth's mightiest heroes. From where I'm standing you don't look all too mighty. You don't even look like heroes."

Asura taunted.

" Cursed BEAST. I don't care if we get the others. But By my WORD AS A GOD, YOU WILL FALL!"

Thor yelled as he attacked asura again.

The two meeting each other with their fists.

The collision sent members of the X-men and avengers flying. The two began trading blows. Each collison creating a shockwave. Each blow that fell on asura he returned twice as hard. Blood began to stain the men's hair. Thors golden locks now a crimson red. Asura's White now tinted red as he was losing less blood than thor.

" You left your guard down."

Iron man yelled as he appeared behind Asura to attack him.

Laura acting swiftly got between Asura and Iron man and was blasted away.

" Filthy Clone."

Iron man said as he blasted the girl.


Asura yelled in a rage.

" Now isn't the time to get distracted."

Thor said as he hit Asura in the face with his hammer sending the man flying.

" You should have stayed in your place you filthy wretch."

Thor said as he looked down on Laura's burned body.

" Pay for insolence."

Thor said raising his hammer over the girl.

The X-men went to intercept the man, but were stopped by the avengers, minus Ms. Marvel, Rejoining the battle.

" As Thor went to swing his hammer a blood curdling Roar was heard quickly shutting the battle down again as everyone looked to find the source.


Asura yelled as he rocketed in the sky. Pulling his arms and legs into his chest before flexing them. A bright light erupted from his body. The people looked on in shock as Asura reappeared.


Asura said as 4 other arms grew from his body.


Asura yelled.

Disappearing from the sight of those below Asura reappeared in front of Thor. The god of thunder unaware of the danger right in front of him was Slammed by Three different Fists sending him flying. Everyone turned to see asura standing where Thor had been. Iron man went to blast him, however Asura disappeared again. This time appearing in front of Iron man. Asura Punched Iron man in the chest, breaking every one of his ribs in the process before drilling the man into the ground.


Asura yelled as he began tearing Iron man's armor from his body. The remaining avengers moved to help tony only for them to be met by the X-men. Once again, the battle turned heavily in their favor.

Thor slowly began to stir from the crater he was in.

' Oh no you don't.'

Asura said before appearing in front of Thor.

Thor looked up to see the rage on the man's face his body burning off the blood that was on it. Thor went to punch at the man before Three fists slammed him back down into the ground again. Asura continued to pummel Thor with his six arms until the man was a bloody mess. The only thing visible on Thor was his swollen face that was covered in blood.

Asura grabbed the bloody body of the god and dragged i back towards the Avengers.

When he arrived the avengers and X-men all stopped their battle again. The avengers looked on in horror as Asura held up the near lifeless body of thor.


Asura ordered


Carol yelled

" Let him go and I promise the Avengers will never bother you again."

Carol said.

" GOOD!"

Asura yelled as he threw the broken body of Thor to her feet.

Asura made his way over to the crater where Laura was and picked up her unconscious body.

" I'm sorry my love. You got hurt because of me."

Asura said as he carried the woman towards the Mansion followed by the Mutants.


Asura said while glaring at the defeated avengers. And with that final warning. Asura and the X-men all went into the school to help their wounded leaving the Avengers to carry the four bloody bodies of their team mates back as well.