
Marvel's: Atom

During his tenure on earth captain of the starjammers Corsair (Christopher Summers) has an encounter with a young Mutant baby named Nathaniel Adams. Corsair takes the abandoned baby along with him and raises him as one of the galaxies strongest freedom fighters. This is the story of Captain Atom

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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61 Chs

Fall of an empire!

After having come to a decision Atom and Rachel retired to their room to rest for the coming battle against the Scy'ar Tal. Rachel and Atom. Though unlike tonight Rachel's sleep was anything but pleasant. Rachel tossed and turned in the bed as she relived the execution of her entire family, unaware however that she was projecting the dream into Atom's mind once again.

Atom jerked up in a terror as sweat poured down his face.

" Rachel! Wake up."

Atom yelled to the woman as he shook her body.

" No... No please...I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to happen"

Rachel cried out.

" Rachel!!!"

Atom yelled as he continued shaking the woman.

" NO!!!!"

Rachel yelled as she shot up in the bed struggling to breath as tears fell down her face.

Atom grabbed the woman and held her tight in his arms as she cried.

" It's okay. It's okay. What happened wasn't your fault."

Atom said to the woman trying to comfort her.

Rachel clanged to the man's shirt for dear life.

" Those bastards can't hurt you anymore. I won't let them."

Atom stated.

" They... Took everything from me."

Rachel continued crying.

" And when this is all over, I promise you we will find the death commandos and we will end them for good. I'm sorry that I can't take away what they did to you."

Atom said to the woman as he rubbed the phoenix brand they placed on the woman's back.

" I'm sorry I can't give you back what you lost. But I promise I will do everything I can to give you the closure you deserve."

Atom declared.

Rachel's tears eventually started slowing down and her breathing returned to normal. Once he felt sure she was ready, Atom pulled Rachel back down into the bed with her still in his arms.

" I love this connection we share Rachel. Feeling you in my mind and in my heart is the greatest thing I have ever felt. And it is there you will be until my heart stops beating."

Atom declared his feelings to the woman as he held the woman close to his body.

" I love you, Rachel."

Atom declared his love for the woman profusely.

Rachel clenched the man's shirt and looked up into his eyes staring into his blue eyes as he stared back into her emerald ones. And without hesitation Rachel leaned up and kissed the man passionately.

Rachel soon broke the kiss and returned a declaration of her own.

" I love you too, Nathan."

Rachel said to the man with a gentle smile on her face.

Atom smiled himself and rested his head just Above Rachels, before finally slipping back into slumber.

The twenty-four-hour deadline flew by without hitch and Atom and the Starjammers finally joined Vulcan on his flagship.

" Well. Well. Well. Look what the cat dragged in. welcome to my empire."

Vulcan taunted as the Starjammers walked into his chambers.

Alex and Lorna both tensed with slight anger at his remark.

" We're still alive."

Ch'od leaned over to Raze and whispered.

" Aye."

Raze replied.

" Double or nothing?"

Ch'od asked seemingly having made a bet with the man.

Over in Vulcan's corner Deathbird was whispering to Vulcan.

" This is a mistake husband. They are too dangerous. Kill them now."

Deathbird said to the man.

" They'll keep their word... Besides the chancellors guard is joining us just in case."

Vulcan explained to his wife upon hearing his words both Atom and Rachel's eyes widened.

" The chancellors guard? Didn't you say..."

Rachel was in the process of asking Atom but was cut off by the arrival of Araki and his guard. The death commando's, those responsible for the deaths of Rachel's family.

" I am here, emperor. As commanded. What are your... K'ythri preserve us! The Starchilde!"

Araki screamed in terror as he laid eyes upon Rachel.


Rachel yelled in anger. Her telekinetic energy formed into the shape of the phoenix as she attacked the man.

" Commandos! Protect the chancellor!"

One of the guardsmen yelled.

The Guard immediately moved to kill Rachel, but due to her enraged state Rachel, overpowered the guards with ease.

" You killed my grandparents! I can see the guilt in your thoughts. You run the secret order. You signed my parent's death warrant. I want to hear you say it. SAY IT!"

Rachel demanded Araki admit his involvement in her family's death

Atom seeing the woman rage stepped in between her and Araki, and began holding her back.


Atom yelled as he held the woman tightly.

" Let me go, Nathan! You said you'd help me. You promised! They have to pay!"

Rachel yelled out in anger.

" I know Ray. But it has to wait. We have to deal with Scy'ar Tal, and we can't do that if we're at each other's throats. And we need all the help we can get, that's why we agreed to help Vulcan."

Atom explained to the irate woman.

" But..."

Rachel tried to argue with the man.

" I know, my love. I know. And I intend to keep my promise to you. I swear it upon my father's grave. Please my love just wait a little longer."

Atom pleaded with the woman.

Rachel's energy slowly faded away. She looked up at the man with rage and sadness in her eyes.

" Soon?"

Rachel asked the man.

Atom leaned down and gently kissed Rachel before answering her.

" Soon, my love. I promise."

Atom promised the woman.

Rachel nodded and started relaxing in the man's arms.

Araki took a breath of relief...

However, Atom's eyes began glowing red. He turned around and without word or warning vaporized Araki.

" You Murderer!"

Hypernova of the commando's yelled.

Vulcan smiled and raised his hand stopping the woman from attacking.

" He killed my niece's family; therefore he killed my family. I would have killed him myself eventually. So, his death is inconsequential. Stand down."

Vulcan ordered the death commando's

" Now, that that's out of the way. Why don't we get down to business?"

Vulcan asked Atom as he got up from his seat.

" Agreed."

Atom replied.

Vulcan chuckled and then gestured for everyone to follow him to the command deck, there the group began going over their plan of attack.

" How cozy, my whole Armada together again. Welcome major-general. Shall we go kill some Scy'ar?"

Vulcan asked

Atom stepped forward and spoke.

" No, that's the wrong move. We need to take out that damned weapon first. Ch'od was able to track the energy readings from the first attack and found the source location of the star. If you want to stop these people, this is how you do it. Send the armada to defend the crystal and send in a strike team to take out finality."

Atom explained to the group.

" Okay, it's your call."

Vulcan said to the man.

" The Starjammers and the imperial guard will go after the weapon. And Ka'ardum and the fleet will defend the crystal."

Atom explained to the men and women.

" All right, we launch within the hour."

Vulcan exclaimed.

The group all nodded in agreement and set off to prepare themselves.

The Starjammers returned to their and ship and within the hour the ship alongside the praetorium both jumped into Scy'ar Tal territory and once they arrived, they were shocked by their discovery.

" Ch'od. Raza. Report!"

Atom radioed to the two men.

" The praetorium made the jump with us. Multiple contacts. Scy'ar tal.

Raza said

" Proximity to the gravity field is playing havoc with the sensors. Hrm. Poor word choice."

Ch'od said

" Clever aliens."

Vulcan praised

" Dear lord I thought it'd be just one."

Alex said in shock.

" Credit to the Scy'ar yes?"

Ch'od asked as they all stared at the multiple stars in the Scy'ar armory.

" They are not doing this half-assed if that's what you meant buddy."

Atom exclaimed.

" It's a solar nursery. There must be dozens of stars here. All in one place. They're using it as an ammo depot."

Rachel explained to the group.

" There's no way!"

Lorna said.

" They have the means to destroy every planet in the core systems."

Alex said

" They could destroy every planet in the Shi'ar empire."

Atom and Gladiator both said.

" My empire. Prepare the guard. Every single Scy'ar here Dies! And that's just for starters."

Vulcan said.

" And that's just for starters."

Vulcan and Atom both said ominously as they thought about all the death and destruction the Scy'ar Tal could do with their arsenal of stars.

" Nathan."

Rachel called out to the man.

Atom turned towards the woman and looked down at her in confusion.

" Be careful out there."

Rachel said to the man.

" You as well my love."

Atom said as he gently raised and kissed the woman's hand.

Atom slowly started walking away and seaparated with Rachel.

" ENGAGE!!!"

Atom and Vulcan said to their forces.

The two fleets began battling one another.

Vulcan and Atom both disembarked from their respective ships and began tearing through the Scy'ar Tals forces with ease.

" Let's see what you can do... Brother."

Vulcan sneered at Atom as they flew side by side.

" Shut up and kill them all."

Atom exclaimed.

" For once you and I agree on something. You heard him my guard, kill them all."

Vulcan said as he and Atom continued tearing through multiple ships causing them to explode behind them.

Atom and Vulcan both landed on one of the ships and began decimating the crew.

Vulcan and Atom killed all but one of the Scy'ar Tal. Keeping him alive long enough to get the information they needed.

" Now then, alien why don't you tell me about your finality."

Vulcan demanded as he held the alien by his throat.

" Damn. Feel the heat on this side. Even with the force fields it's like we're standing on the surface of the sun. Rachel, are you reading me? We're on the main deck and are proceeding to the core."

Atom exclaimed before asking the woman on the other end of the radio.

" Pretender your end is near. The eldest, he comes for you."

The Scy'ar choked out as Vulcan squeezed his neck.

" Oh, here we go."

Atom said bluntly as the eldest walked into the room.

" The not shi'ar pretender. The not Shi'ar. I am pleased you've come together. This way you will not die alone. By their own choice finality will take the Shi'ar, much like they took the crystal from us. You will not stop this."

The eldest said.

Atom and Vulcan stared the man down.

" I don't plan on dying here today, you ugly son of a bitch."

Atom declared.

" The only ones dying today are you Scy'ar!"

Vulcan declared angrily.

The two men raised their hands and fired large waves of energy at the eldest blasting him off of his feet. The Eldest yelled out in pain as the energies surged through him.

The eldest grit his teeth and raised his hands, firing energy of his own.

" UHHHHH!!!"

Vulcan yelled out as he was blasted in the face.

" Lorna, do you hear me? Don't let Rachel come in here! No matter what!"

Atom radioed to the woman.

" Nathan? Nathan, what's going on?"

Rachel asked in a panic.

" Nothing love. But this place is too dangerous!"

Atom explained.

" Well, too bad. I'm here to help anyway."

Alex stated as he joined the man in attacking the eldest.

" Alright, fine. Vulcan, tell the guard!"

Atom was yelling before he was suddenly grabbed by the eldest.

" Shit Atom!"

Alex yelled as the man was slammed against the ground.

" Ugh! Vulcan, Tell the guard! Whatever they do. they need to blow this station up!"

Atom exclaimed as he blasted the eldest off of him.

" With me on it? I don't think so. Guard! Your emperor needs you. Teleport to my location now!"

Vulcan ordered.

The imperial guard heeded Vulcan's call and immediately arrived and started attacking the eldest.

" Protect the emperor!"

Gladiator yelled out.

" More alien puppets? Are the M'krann the only free people in the universe? The end of the Shi'ar is coming. You are not Shi'ar... You need not die with them!"

The eldest decreed, but his words fell on deaf ears as Gladiator and the guard pressed their attack.

" We are Shi'ar by our actions creatures and long as the imperial guard stands so will it."

Gladiator said before knocking the creature back. As the creature falls Vulcan and Atom both blast him in the stomach knocking him further away.

" To defend those who enslave you is madness! The end comes for all who stand with the Shi'ar murderers."

The eldest said as he blasted Gladiator in his face.

" Will someone burn out his tongue!"

Vulcan yelled in anger.

" You are right about one thing eldest. The end will come for all. Even you!"

Atom said as he and gladiator attacked the man.

As Atom and the Shi'ar fought with the eldest, Alex looked around to see that the other Scy'ar weren't attacking. They weren't even watching.

" I think I..."

Alex suddenly started yelling, however Vulcan quickly shut him up.

" HAVOK!! If you aren't going to help, then move damn it!"

Vulcan yelled to the man.

" No! Vulcan! Atom! Gladiator! Work together! Attack as one, fire on the same points! Try to overload him!"

Alex yelled to the three men.

They all instantly began firing upon the eldest body together in a bid to overload the man's power

" Don't let up! Keep on him!"

Alex exclaimed.

" Argh!!!"

Gladiator yelled as the eldest grabbed him by the throat.

However, the eldest grip on the man's neck slowly but surely started waiver. The eldest struggled with all of his might to continue on, but the combined might of the four was more than even he could handle.

And finally with one last yell of pain, the eldest collapsed too the floor in defeat.

" We've done it. He's finished."

Gladiator stated as he got to his feet.

" That's what he gets for touching me. That's what they all get."

Vulcan exclaimed.

" No, it's not over."

Atom stated as he watched the Scy'ar gather.

" Brothers! Eldest! Eldest! Eldest!"

The Scy'ar yelled in unison.

Suddenly the aliens began turning to dust and the Eldest began glowing. The man then got up off the ground and began powering up once more.

" You seek to break our brotherhood, puppets? The m'kraan cannot be broken. The end cannot be stopped, we will have what is ours."

The eldest said.

" Oh, come on!! You've got to be kidding me!!"

Vulcan complained.

" And the Shi'ar will pay!"

The eldest screamed as he speed blitzed Vulcan, Gladiator, Alex, Atom, and the other Imperial guards.

" ARGH! Vulcan! Alex! Gladiator! Get up!"

Atom yelled to the men as he returned fire on the eldest.

" Ugh! Kill... This thing..."

Vulcan groaned.

" No, Vulcan stop... Look at him! Use your power! The other Scy'ar, I think are helping him somehow. Can you see any energy?"

Alex asked the man as he got to his feet.

Atom and Vulcan both looked at Alex before focusing on the eldest.

" Yeah, I can feel the energy going into him."

Atom stated.

" The eldest takes his power from his people. Maybe his entire species. Let's see what we can do about that."

Vulcan sneered as he realized what he could do to the man.

Atom and Vulcan both started glowing. The two men raised their hands and started siphoning the energy that was flowing into the eldest body.


The eldest yelled in pain as the two men drained his energy

" No! What have you done? I cannot feel my brothers!"

The eldest said as he began to panic.

" Eldest? What is happening? I do not understand. What should we do? Are...Are you the eldest?"

The Scy'ar asked.

" Not anymore."

Vulcan said as he and Atom, both gorged themselves on the power of an entire species.

" Rachel... Do you hear me? What's happening out there?"

Atom radioed the woman and asked.

" What did you guys do? It's like they've lost communications... They're still fighting. But it's like they don't know what to do anymore!"

Rachel exclaimed.

" Heh! Sounds like we win. Now, to put the coup de grace to the king."

Vulcan sneered

He and Atom both raised their fists at the man.

" No one threatens my empire!"

Vulcan said as he killed the Scy'ar

" Good ridance!"

Gladiator said.

" Agreed!"

Atom said as he agreed with the two men.

" Now, then time to do the same to the rest of their species... But first!"

Vulcan was saying before he turned to atom. He then raised his fist and blasted the man as hard as he could launching the man from the ship and into outer space. Gladiator following close behind the man.

Atom recomposed himself just in time to clash once again with the mighty gladiator.

Both men let out a battle cry as they traded blows with one another.

" Never, figured you were a man without honor, Gladiator!"

Atom exclaimed as he punched the mighty gladiator in his face sending him reeling through space.

Gladiator tumbled as Atom flew after him.

" My duty is to the emperor! For that i will gladly sacrifice my honor!"

Gladiator exclaimed as he started retreating from the fight.

Atom looked on in confusion, wondering why Gladiator had suddenly retreated from the fight. However, it wasn't long until the man's question was answered.

Atom turned and realized he was dead center in the star field and racing right towards him was a probe similar to the one on planets edge. The probe opened up right in front of Nathans face.

' NATHAN!!!'

Rachel yelled out telepathically.

Atom's eyes widened in terror as the stargate opened and multiple stars were dropped right on top of him. Atom was engulfed in the explosion.

Rachel weeped as she and Korvus alone retreated from the battlefield.

On Vulcan's ship Alex alone was left standing against Vulcan and his guard as Lorna and the others were rendered unconscious.

" You have a choice Havok. Kill me. And watch your lover die. Or kneel before me and beg for mercy."

Vulcan explained to the man his only two options.

" Havok..."

Ch'od called out to the man as he struggled to keep his consciousness.

" Polaris wanted me to give you a message, yes? This can only end one way."

Ch'od exclaimed before passing out again.

" I know."

Alex said somberly.

He drew all of his power in and in an instant shot a blast so powerful into the ground it destroyed the finality in its entirety.

" Mentor! The weapon! Destroyed. The entire station is going to explode!"

The guardsmen yelled to Vulcan.

" You unbelievable bastard. Do you know what you cost me? I should kill you right here..."

Vulcan exclaimed in anger.

" You SHOULD kill me now, Gabriel! Because if you don't, I'll never stop coming after you. Do you hear me? I'll never stop."

Alex yelled to his brother.

" Get us out of here, Cal'syee. All of us."

Vulcan screamed to the woman in anger.

The Woman did as asked and Jumped the praetorium back into Shi'ar space leaving behind the remains of war, as they returned home.

After a few minutes the explosion from the earlier stars finally cleared and instead of charred remains. Out from the smoke emerged an emerald shield. Inside the shield Captain Atom floated aimlessly through space. Suddenly the shield dispersed, and a man appeared above Atom.

" Made it just in time."

The man said in relief.

" Who are you?"

Atom asked as he looked up at his green Saviour.

" My name is Hal Jordan. And I'm the last of the Green Lanterns." !!!!!!

Hal explained to the man

" And I'm going to help you take down, Vulcan. But first I need to get you back with your friends that got away."

Hal said to the man.

" But the rendezvous..."

Atom was trying to explain but Hal raised his hand and smirked at the man.

" Oh, don't worry. I know just where they are. Now, you need to rest. I'll wake you when we arrive."

Hal said to the injured man.

Atom nodded and quickly drifted into sleep as Hal's light wrapped around his body once again.