
Chapter 2 The Beast

Just as I was about to smash into the nice green lawn of the x-mansion all of my momentum was suddenly stopped thankfully with no discomfort for pain from the sudden stop 

slowly getting off the floor and catching my breath from screaming almost the entire way down I look around at the nice house I'm in front of. I say house lightly because that bitch is huge like the biggest building that wasn't a skyscraper I have ever seen.

after managing to get my breathing in order I finally had the necessary brain power to think of the extras Rebecca gave me(I'm not gonna stop calling her that because thinking of her as god makes me violently constipated).

having a feel around my body for any extra feelings that would signified that I had powers I finally found it after only a few seconds of looking. Taking a big breath to focus on the task at hand i reach inwards to try and pull the power to the surface.

with all my focus on trying to figure out my powers I didn't notice that a group of people in the court yard had stopped what they where doing and had looked over to me 

POV 3rd person

"Who do you think that is" a vaguely Asian teen asked the person across from her 

"no idea haven't seen him before so could be a new kid" a brown haired teen about the same age responded 

"I don't think so I mean wouldn't professor x have told us about a new student" the girl asked 

"yeah he probably would have do you think he is an intruder" the boy guessed 

"I don't think so he isn't doing anything but standing there" 

"Well I can't feel any changes to the air around him so hopefully he isn't an enemy"

as they were talking the boy suddenly snapped his eyes open


snapping my eyes open when I finally felt one of the powers jump up to the surface like an eager puppy I noticed a massive amount of colour radiating from the mansion and from below as well.

looking around with this new vision I can see arcs of red and blue running throughout the area and travailing in almost random directions 'hm so the first power I use is electricity ha' 

feeling the power starting to course through me I couldn't help but think 'this feels fucking weird, like I expected it to feel different but damn I feels like I stuck my tongue in a power outlet without the pain'

concentrating on the feel of the power I brought it to my skin and out into the air around me. Watching the lightning brake from my skin I can't help but wonder why it was white instead of blue or red like with Cole 'I guess it changes cuz I'm not like Cole'

"excuse me young man can I ask what you are doing" Turing my head to the voice I saw a large blue furred man with two people beside him. On the left was a white teenager with fluffy brown hair and the same coloured eyes, and on his left was a similarly aged Asian girl with black eyes and hair. Both were wearing casual clothes while the big man in front was wearing a lab coat over what looked like a black and yellow jumpsuit.

"uh nothing" the blue dude how is obviously THE BEAST (aka Dr Henry McCoy) is not impressed by the look on his face 

"ok truthfully I just got my powers like 2 minutes ago and am trying them out so I don't hurt anyone by accident if I can't control them" that seemed like a good excuse 

"what do you mean 'them' do you have more than one you are aware of" damn that was quick kinda expected that reveal to take longer 

"yeah I got a bunch that I can feel around in me, it feels like 8 plus a basic brute and mover package" I don't think it would be a good idea to hide any abilities from them 

"That is a very exact number for someone who just got their powers and what do you mean brute and mover package" beast asked but that makes sense normally people with powers don't immediately know all their abilities off the bat and the PRT classification would make sense to people from marvel.

"oh that's simple they all feel different, and a brute is a classification for people with increased strength, durability and/or regeneration and a mover is someone with increased speed, flight and/or teleportation" man I love the classifications from Worm so much more then any other I have seen.

"hm interesting way of classifying powers young man but I must ask what you are doing on our lawn are you seeking attendance here at Xavier's school for gifted youngsters" oh yeah forgot all about where I was for a second 

"Yes sir" I mean there wasn't anything else I could say I would love to go to this school it's one of my biggest fantasies.

"well it might be possible but for now let's start slow what's you name" shit I hadn't thought of a new name I could go with my old one but who wants to be called Peter. I'll just go with

"Alex, my name is Alex Mercer" as the words left my lips I felt the world stop and a large amount of information suddenly smashed into my brain. I had the full life of a young man named Alex Mercer shoved into me, luckily it was a mostly boring life of an orphan had a few fights here and there but all around normal life.

as I was getting over the sudden influx of knowledge I felt the world start to speed up and by the time I was fully settled everything was moving at normal speed again and Dr McCoy was starting to speak again.

"well it's lovely to meet you Alex I would love to talk to you about any other power classifications you have come up with after you are all settled" man this is why I love him he's like the coolest x-man ever (well technically iceman is the coolest by definition but what ever)