
new profession?and disciples

The notification sounded globally, echoing in the minds of all players: "Earth is now merged with the Martial Peak universe, Tongxuan Realm. Completely merger in 100 years. All players from Earth can leave after reaching Level 1. Current level: 0. You need a cultivation technique to level up. Mission: Become a cultivator."

Some players were confused, while others were excited. "What does this mean?" asked a player named LunaLynx.

"It means we're stuck in a game world," replied a player named ExMetixWarrior, his voice calm and collected. "We need to find a way to survive and level up if we want to return to Earth."

"But how do we level up?" asked a player named StarlightSage.

"We need a cultivation technique," said ExMetixWarrior. " Otherwise, we'll be stuck at Level 0."

The players looked at each other, some in disbelief, others in determination.

"Let's find a village," suggested ExMetixWarrior. "The map shows we're near Blackwind Village. We can start there."

The other players nodded in agreement, and the group headed towards Blackwind Village.

As they walked, they introduced themselves: LunaLynx, a healer; StarlightSage, a mage; ExMetixWarrior, a warrior; and AeroAce, a rogue.

Together, they ventured into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

As Su Chan and Yang Yan approached the village, Su Chan asked, "Yang Yan, are these professions like in a game thats in their status?"

Yang Yan replied, "Yes, you can also get a profession if you want, Su Chan. There is a random profession draw in the new player system, which gives you access to a profession. Alternatively, you can choose a custom profession,but it only give you commen profession unlike in random drow in which you can get legendary or even hidden professions but it's based on luck. Players also have a Destiny Shop where they can buy profession scrolls and other resources using lifespan, but it's extremely expensive."

Su Chan's eyes widened with excitement. "I'm rich, so I don't care. Open the Destiny Shop and show me the professions and heavenly treasures!"

Yang Yan smiled and opened the Destiny Shop, revealing a vast array of professions and treasures. Su Chan's eyes scanned the list, and his gaze fixed on the "Contract: 3 Professions" item. It granted the user the ability to acquire three professions simultaneously, while others could only take one. The price was terrifying - 90 million years of lifespan. But Su Chan had infinite lifespan, so he didn't hesitate. He bought the contract, and a notification sounded: "Ding! You can now access three professions at the same time."

Su Chan's gaze focused on a profession that made his heart race - Necromancer: The Shadow Monarch (Divine Grade). The price was 90 million lifespan, but he quickly bought it and used it. A ding sound confirmed the successful acquisition of the Necromancer profession, and Su Chan felt a surge of excitement. He had never felt so powerful in his life.

With his new profession, Su Chan could command the shadows to do his bidding, summoning an army of undead minions to fight for him. He felt invincible, and his confidence soared. He was ready to take on the world of Martial Peak, and no one could stop him.

A ding sound sounded: "Please choose a code to summon the shadows."

Su Chan thought for a moment, and without hesitation, he chose the word "Arise".

A new notification sounded: "Ding! 'Arise' is set as the code for summoning the shadows. Current shadow count: 0."

Su Chan's eyes gleamed with excitement as he tore the void and teleported into a forest teeming with demonic beasts. With his void blade in hand, he swiftly cut down three beasts, and as he approached their lifeless bodies, he uttered the command: "Arise!"

The power within him surged, commanding the souls of the beasts to obey his will. The shadows of the beasts stood before him, fully loyal and transformed into their human forms,due to the influence of his power that gives the shadow a huge boost in their power. A spider demon, a snake demon, and a horse demonic beast now stood at his command.

Su Chan saved them in his shadow army, and his shadow count increased to 3. He named the horse demon "Night", its eyes and fur glowed with a dark, purple light, hia fur is like purple flames ,giving it a majestic appearance.

The spider and snake demons transformed into two beautiful shadow demon girls, su chan named them : "Lilith" and "Viperia". Su Chan was pleased with his new shadow army and dismissed them with a thought, watching as they vanished into thin air.

With a smile, Su Chan tore the void once more and reappeared in Black Wind Village. He entered the Destiny Shop and purchased another profession for 90 million lifespan: a Mage-type Divine Grade profession, "Sorcerer Sage", which comes with all attributes and more.

Next, he bought another Divine Grade profession for 90 million lifespan: an Assassin-type profession, "Shadow ", with the features of invisibility, camouflage ,and greater agility, and more.

Su Chan's eyes widened with joy as he gazed upon his new professions and shadow army. He felt invincible, ready to take on the world of Martial Peak.

The scene ends

Here are Su Chan's professions and their abilities:

*Necromancer: The Shadow Monarch (Divine Grade)*

- Ability 1: Summon Shadows - Summons an army of shadows to fight for Su Chan

- Ability 2: Shadow Control - Allows Su Chan to control and command his shadows

- Ability 3: Soul Bind - Binds the souls of defeated enemies to Su Chan's will

- Ability 4: Shadow Armor - Grants Su Chan a shadowy armor that absorbs damage

- Ability 5: Dark Magic - Allows Su Chan to cast dark magic spells

-Ability 5: shadow world - all of his shadow will live in this world

*Sorcerer Sage (Mage-type Divine Grade)*

- Ability 1: Elemental Magic - Allows Su Chan to cast elemental magic spells (fire, ice, lightning, etc.)

- Ability 2: Mana Shield - Grants Su Chan a mana shield that absorbs damage

- Ability 3: Spellbook - Allows Su Chan to learn and cast new spells

- Ability 4: Magic Amplification - Increases the power of Su Chan's magic spells

- Ability 5: Arcane Insight - Grants Su Chan insight into the arcane arts

*Shadow (Assassin-type Divine Grade)*

- Ability 1: Invisibility - Allows Su Chan to become invisible

- Ability 2: Camouflage - Grants Su Chan the ability to blend into his surroundings

- Ability 3: Shadow Step - Allows Su Chan to teleport short distances through shadows

- Ability 4: Poison Mastery - Grants Su Chan the ability to create and use poisons

- Ability 5: Assassination - Increases Su Chan's critical hit chance and damage

*Shadow Army*

- Lilith (Spider Demon)

- Ability 1: Webbing - Creates webs to immobilize enemies

- Ability 2: Poison Fangs - Deals poison damage to enemies

- Viperia (Snake Demon)

- Ability 1: Venomous Strike - Deals poison damage to enemies

- Ability 2: Slippery Escape - Allows Viperia to escape from danger

- Night (Horse Demonic Beast)

- Ability 1: Majestic Presence - Increases Su Chan's charm and intimidation abilities

- Ability 2: Shadow Hooves - Deals damage to enemies with shadowy hooves

Note that these abilities are just examples.

The players continued their discussion, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation.

"I'm telling you, we need to be careful," ExMetixWarrior said, his eyes scanning the surrounding area. "If we're in the Martial Peak universe, we need to join a sect as soon as possible and become stronger before the Tongxuan Realm seal breaks and the strong cultivators come to kill us or make us slaves."

"What are you afraid of?" AeroAce asked, his voice filled with confidence. "We're players, we can level up with XP. We just need a cultivation technique."

"Let's go and find some powerful cultivator and become his disciple," StarlightSage suggested, her eyes shining with determination.

"I want to be a disciple of a beautiful and handsome master," she added, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"First, we need to quickly find a sect to join," ExMetixWarrior said, his voice filled with urgency. "We're in Black Wind Village, the starting point of Martial Peak. There are three sects that rule this area: High Heaven Pavilion, Storm House, and Blood Battle Gang."

"But don't forget, it's a real world, and we enter it as players," StarlightSage cautioned. "It will completely merge in a hundred years, and we will become a part of this world. There should be some changes in the original timeline of MP, Martial Peak, and maybe there will be more protagonists."

ExMetixWarrior nodded in agreement. "Yes, all players agreed. Let's go join the sect we like."

StarlightSage and ExMetixWarrior looked at each other and smiled knowingly. "You read the MP?" StarlightSage asked.

"You also?" ExMetixWarrior replied, and they both laughed.

Meanwhile, Su Chan watched the scene unfold with a cunning smile. "It's going to be interesting," he thought to himself, and left the village, summoning Night as he went.

As they approached the High Heaven Pavilion, Su Chan sat on Night's back, looking majestic. Night ran at ten times the speed of sound, entering the sect with a flourish. Everyone was dumbfounded, shocked, and envious of the majestic figure of the two.

Yang Kai, the protagonist of Martial Peak, was also amazed. "Master, you look very cool," he said, his eyes fixed on Night. "Can I also ride it?"

Su Chan nodded, and they both sat on Night, riding through the mountains and village, buying fruit and eventually returning to Su Chan's mansion.

As they dismounted, Yang Kai looked at Night in awe. With the wave of su chan night disappear into thin air "Master, what was that? How do you do that?"

Su Chan smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "It's my summon, I can summon him at my will."

Yang Kai was amazed. "Master, you are so cool."

Su Chan chuckled. "You know some sweet talk, Kai'er. But now, you're too weak for this. Once you become stronger, I will teach you this."

Yang Kai smiled mischievously. "You' find it, Master," and he was excited to become stronger as soon as possible, rushing off to train.

The other players, including LunaLynx, AeroAce, and StormBringer, watched the scene unfold, their eyes filled with admiration and envy.

"Su Chan is so cool," LunaLynx said, her voice filled with awe.

"I know, right?" AeroAce replied. "I want to be just like him when I grow up."

StormBringer nodded in agreement. "He's definitely a role model for all of us."

As they spoke, they continued their journey, joining the sects they liked and starting their journey to become stronger cultivators in the Martial Peak universe.

ExMetixWarrior turned to StarlightSage, his voice was serious. "Hey, you see that? In this timeline, Yang Kai has a master named Su Chan, and he's very powerful. I can't see his status, but his name is in golden color, just like the protagonist. He's an important figure in the MP world."

StarlightSage nodded, her eyes shining with interest. "Yes, the timeline is different, and maybe he's the other protagonist."

ExMetixWarrior's eyes widened further. "Hey, is it possible that he's a transmigrated person from Earth, with a system, and knows about our system?"

StarlightSage nodded, her face lit up with excitement. "And maybe his system has our system's functions, or maybe it's the same. Maybe he was the MC of some novel or manhwa."

The two players looked at each other, dumbfounded and shocked. StarlightSage was thrilled, her eyes sparkling with fan-girl excitement. "I want to be his disciple, lover, or more!"

ExMetixWarrior was taken aback by her enthusiasm. "But first, let's think of a way to meet him and become his disciple."

Just then, a crack appeared in space, and a figure materialized before them. "You two are quite smart. That's right, I am a transmigrater, and I have the same system as you" in mind,Just think it as you want fools, my system is far superior to yours."

They gazed at Su Chan in awe, their minds reeling with the implications. Su Chan smiled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Let me tell you my story. I was a high school student in India, 18 years old, when I died accidentally. I transmigrated into the young master of the Su family from the Tongxuan Realm. When I was born, I came here to play with the protagonist, Su Yan, and Xia Ning.and other beauty's Yang Kai was my student, and Su Yan and Xia Ning were my wives."

ExMetixWarrior and StarlightSage were dumbfounded, their eyes wide with shock. They gave Su Chan a thumbs up, and he smiled, pleased with their reaction.

Su Chan continued, "by the way Nice to meet you and. I'll give you a token of my friendship." He touched their heads, and a light entered their bodies.

"What is it?" they asked in unison.

Su Chan explained, "Players from Earth will lose all memory about Martial Peak novel or manhwa.in about 10 minutes , It will be completely erased from the internet or people's memories so they don't interfere with the plot. But I've added a protection to your memories as a token of our friendship. You won't forget anything about the novel world and plotline. You can do what you want and prepare yourself to deal with powerful cultivators."

The players nodded, grateful for Su Chan's protection. Su Chan smiled mischievously. "Now, let's go to the sect. I'll take you as my disciples."

StarlightSage and ExMetixWarrior grinned at each other, thrilled at the opportunity. Su Chan tore the void, and they disappeared, reappearing in his mansion in front of Yang Kai.

Yang Kai's eyes widened in amazement. "Master, wow, that was so cool! Can I also do that after I become stronger?"

Su Chan nodded, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Yang Kai, these two are my new disciples and your juniors. Take care of them."

Yang Kai nodded, and the three introduced themselves.

Su Chan gave them cultivation techniques from his system according to their professions which he give them from system because their orignol was too week and a high-grade technique, Lunar Steps, to Yang Kai.and the two "This technique will allow you to move with the grace and swiftness of the moon," he explained. "With Lunar Steps, you'll be able to traverse vast distances in a short amount of time and avoid attacks with ease."

Yang Kai's eyes widened with excitement as he received the technique. "Thank you, Master!" he exclaimed.

StarlightSage and ExMetixWarrior also received techniques from su chan ,Su Chan's system, tailored to their individual strengths and abilities. They thanked him profusely, eager to begin their cultivation journey.

Suddenly a ding sound sounded,"Ding"hidden mission completed , rewords twin lotus ,finger of flowery sword technique and true art of mara technique. Su chan was amazed and quickly claimed the rewards.

As Su Chan held the Twin Lotuses, he felt a sudden surge of energy. The Soul Warming Lotus (Mild Soul Lotus) began to radiate a soothing warmth, nourishing his soul and calming his mind. The Flawless Purifying Lotus (Flawless Purifying Golden Lotus) glowed with a gentle light, purifying his body and cleansing it of all impurities.

Su Chan felt his soul and body being rejuvenated, as if a refreshing breeze was sweeping through him. His fatigue and injuries were washed away, leaving him feeling revitalized and strong.

The Twin Lotuses began to integrate with Su Chan's being, their energies merging into a harmonious balance. His soul and body were now nourished and protected by the lotuses' power.

The Soul Warming Lotus continued to nurture Su Chan's soul, strengthening his spiritual foundation and amplifying his mental clarity. The Flawless Purifying Lotus purified his body, removing all impurities and imperfections, making his flesh stronger and more resilient.

As the integration process completed, Su Chan felt a sense of unity and balance within himself. His soul and body were now in perfect harmony, thanks to the Twin Lotuses' power.

With a sense of wonder, Su Chan realized that the Twin Lotuses had not only merged with him but had also merged their powers, creating a new, unified energy that was now coursing through his being.

The notification appeared, asking if he wanted to merge the Finger Of Flowery Swords and True Art Of Mara. Su Chan's response was eager, and the merge was complete, resulting in the True Flowery Art of Mara.

Yang Yan's voice rang out, congratulation: "Su Chan, you've successfully merged the techniques! Congratulations on obtaining the True Flowery Art of Mara!"

Su Chan grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thanks, Yang Yan! You're as lovely as ever. How about a celebratory date?

Yang Yan chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Su Chan, you're always so confident. But I'll play along. Let's see what you're capable of!"

Su Chan winked, his smile charming. "Hehe, you won't be disappointed. Prepare to be dazzled, my dear Yang Yan!"as they talked the players.

With their new techniques in hand, the trio set off to cultivate, their hearts filled with determination and anticipation for their journey in the Martial Peak universe.

Their status

_name _StarlightSage_(luna)

- Technique: Lunar Mirage (Cultivation Technique)

-lunar steps (cultivation technique)

- Profession: Legendary Moonmage

Description: StarlightSage's Lunar Mirage technique allows her to cultivate the power of the moon, creating a powerful aura that enhances her magic and abilities.


- Moon Energy Cultivation: StarlightSage can cultivate the energy of the moon to increase her magical power and endurance.

- Illusionary Shield: She can create a protective barrier of illusions, making it difficult for attacks to land.

- Dreamwalker: StarlightSage can enter the dreams of others, gathering information and influencing their thoughts.

Profession: Legendary Moonmage

Description: As a Legendary Moonmage, StarlightSage has mastered the ancient art of lunar magic. She can harness the power of the moon to create powerful illusions, manipulate the tides, and even control the cycles of life and death.


- Lunar Magic: StarlightSage can cast spells tied to the cycles of the moon, including illusions, healing, and elemental attacks.

- Moonlight Affinity: She has a natural affinity for the moon's energy, allowing her to absorb and redirect its power.

- Dreamweaving: StarlightSage can create and manipulate the fabric of dreams, using her magic to influence the subconscious minds of others.


_level 0

- Technique: Divine Judgment (Cultivation Technique)

-lunar steps (cultivation technique)

- Profession: Legendary Avenger

Description: ExMetixWarrior's Divine Judgment technique allows him to cultivate the power of the divine, creating a powerful aura that enhances his physical abilities and combat prowess.


- Divine Energy Cultivation: ExMetixWarrior can cultivate the energy of the divine to increase his physical strength and endurance.

- Divine Strike: He can unleash a powerful strike that deals massive damage and imbues his enemies with holy energy.

- Angelic Wings: ExMetixWarrior can summon wings of light, allowing him to fly and move with incredible speed.

Profession: Legendary Avenger

Description: As a Legendary Avenger, ExMetixWarrior has mastered the ancient art of holy warfare. He can harness the power of the divine to create powerful illusions, manipulate the forces of justice, and even control the cycles of life and death.


- Holy Magic: ExMetixWarrior can cast spells tied to the power of the divine, including elemental attacks, healing, and illusions.

- Divine Affinity: He has a natural affinity for the divine energy, allowing him to absorb and redirect its power.

- Angelic Blessing: ExMetixWarrior can imbue his allies with holy energy, granting them increased strength and protection.

As they departed, Su Chan watched them with a smile, his eyes shining with pride. "They have potential," he thought to himself. "I'll keep an eye on them and guide them when necessary. Together, we'll shape the future of the Martial Peak world."

Su Chan system status

*system status:

*Name: Su Chan

*professions :

-Shadow monarch (necromancer type divine grade)

-Sorcerer sage (mage type divine grade)

-Shadow (assassion type divine grade)

*Mission: none

*Realm: Dao source 2nd order (level 116)

*Experience needed: 52300(level up)

*Combat Power: Great emperor 2rd Order

- *Trait:*Essence of faith of goddess Heaven's Destiny (Revised) - Level: Legendary

- *Title:* Xing Tian - "Heaven's Salvation"

- *Talents:*

- Eternal Lifespanless - (Level: Legendary)


- Supreme All-Bloodline 0.18%unlocked(Rulers Bloodline of Multiverse)

- Divine Dragon Bloodline

-Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline)


-space dao 9th rank

-time dao 9th rank

-sword dak 4th rank

*Special Physique:

- Divine Succubus Dragon Body

- Chaos Body

-Unyielding Golden Skeleton


- Divine Dragon Source

-supreme source

*Cultivation Techniques:

- Chaos Cultivation (100% mastery)

- Dragon Transformation Technique (100% mastery)

-wood release technique (100%mastery)

-Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record

- True Yang Secret Art

-inner world creation technique (supreme rank)

-Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration(legendary rank)

-lunar steps

-finger of flowery sword

-true art of mara

-true flowery art of mara

-Lunar Mirage (Cultivation Technique)

-divine judgment (cultivation technique)


- Teleportation

- Elemental Control (All elements)

- Dragon Transformation

- Dragon Breath

- Dragon Roar

- Dragon Claw

- Clone Technique


- Divine Tree Awakening:

-Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration - (Level: Legendary)

-Shadow summon



*world :

-inner world

-Shadow world

_shadow count: 3


- Divine Chaos Golden Eyes

-Eternal mangekyu sharingan (kamui,amatirasu &Kotoamatsukami)

-Demon Eye of Annihilation

*System Spirit Girl: Yang Yan

*Multiverse Travel Function: 100,000 points need

*Universal World Map: Available

*Lottery: 10,000 points (draw)

*Store: Available (open)

*Current Experience Points: 558,700 points

*Inventory: Antique Incense Burner

tell me if you like it the new cultivation the technique are from i'm an evil god manhwa that our mc got as the reword of the hidden mission and also its a fan fiction

and all the people from this parallel earth has now forgotten about martial peak because of our mc freedom the omnipotent being do this for him except for his new disciple who will not interfere and himself all think it as a cultivation game world is merged with reality in earth you know

HeavenlyDemonGodzcreators' thoughts