
MARTIAL PEAK : Reborn as Yang kai

Shenxi katuro an average japanese young man who liked reading chinese novels and watching animes got reborn in martial peak after dying unexpectedly

evilgod729 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

Black wind mountains

After walking along the way for sometime yang kai came to the location of black wind mountains .

After looking around yang kai saw that there were some mortals who were gathering plants and hunting animals after glancing at them once he started to climb the mountain .

The black wind mountain was not really like any other typical mountain it was covered by a huge forest and was the home of different types of fierce beasts and stronger 3rd or 4th grade monsters usually resided near the summit Because stronger monsters rarely went out of the forest . near the bottom of the peak there was many small mortal villages and the people residing in these villages lived carefree lives .

as yang kai started climbing higher and higher people started appearing less and less and as he climed higher the frequency at which the monsters attacked him also increased .

All of the monsters here are too weak not even enough to help me cultivate the blood burning pills

said yang kai in his mind as a frown appeared on his brows .

"little brother you should not climb any further this place is very dangerous " just as yang kai was about to continue climbing he heard a voice calling him turning his head he saw a a thick and strong middle aged man with an axe one his shoulder standing near a tree .

yang kai was a little surprised as he saw that man

" there are still mortals who dare climb this high and come to this place" then he slightly shook his head as it mattered little to him if someone was here before him .

just when he was about to ignore this man and continue climbing a faint sense of premonition rose in his heart he vaguely felt the chaos scripture warning him to not leave this man here or he would miss something very important today .

yang kai as intelligent as he was decided not to ignore this premonition and came closer to the man and asked in a low voice " uncle who are you why are you here at this place ?" .

hearing him ask this the middle aged man frowned "I am very well known near the villages here it is really strange for someone not to know me .

This child does not look like an ordinary person as he was able to come this far" thought liu wei

"little brother let' first sit here uncle has hunted two big boars today let uncle grill the meat and we will talk while eating ".

yang kai thought a minute before nodding it was already afternoon and he was also very hungry so he decided to accept his offer as he sat on a tree trunk and watched liu wei first cook the meat .

after the meat was cooked both started eating while eating yang kai asked his previous question "uncle you have not answered my previous question yet. what are you doing here? . you don't look like an ordinary person" .

"Hah well first of all this question should not be asked by a kid who is alone at a place like this" after saying this when he saw the deep and unfathomable look in yang kai's face .

liu wei felt as if he was dealing with was not some kid but a person who had lived for countless epochs.

not caring anymore he started telling yang kai his story " my name is liu wei also called the 'monster slayer' I am pretty well known near here and live in the weishan village with my wife and son. few days ago my son got seriously ill . after visiting many doctors one of them said that to cure my son i would need a herb called blackmoon flower.

which is purely regarded as a legend but the doctor said that if I keep climbing this mountain may be I can find it. so I am here " after narrating his story liu wei looked down with a sad face .

after listening his story there was like a flash of light in yang kai's mind as he started sorting all the clues together ."Haah now i got it why the scroll was telling me to listen to this man. what a cliche plotline in the original story there was no mention how yang kai got the black book but now connecting all the holes and according to yang kai's character he should have helped this man and after this got the black book .

scratching his head with a look like he was in deep thought yang kai decided to follow the plotline .

" I really wouldn't have cared if this person died here but now i have to help him to get some clues".

what a meddlesome plotline thought yang kai .

before standing up and saying "uncle we should not loose hope in this situation I belive that you can definitely find the herb and cure your son"said yang kai with a righteous look .

Hearing his words as if light of hope returned his eyes liu wei stood up and clenched his fists "yes you are right i should really not loose hope

let's start finding that herb "after saying this he quickly dived deeper in the jungle and yang kai silently followed him also with hope to know if his guess was correct. .

Both of them travelled deeper in the forest and fought various monsters .

2 days later.

after a battle both of them were having their fill and chatting about each other .

hah uncle you are really strong you killed two bears alone .

kid you are also strong you are so young but can already kill fierce beasts .

after travelling for few days yang kai found that liu wei was also a cultivator and he was in the 3rd layer of body tempering without knowing it himself

just as he chatted with liu wei yang kai was deeply disappointed in his heart as even after 2 days he has not gotten any signs of the black book.

"was my premonition really wrong" just as yang kai was thinking there was growl near him

roar roar!! turning his head he saw a big tiger like beast coming out of a cave near them .

liu wei quickly walked infront of it and started confronting it .

slash sound was heard as a black axe choped in the air after attacking several times liu wei was still unable to harm the beast .

"Run kid this beast is not something we can handle" .

yang kai quietly watched the battle . He was thinking "If my guess is right in the canon yang kai would not have been able to kil this beast as this a 5th level body tempering beast . Then what happens should I help this man or run like how yangkai would have acted" .

After thinking for a while yang kai decided to act like that in the canon .

"uncle how can i leave you here as a disciple of a righteous sect" .after saying this he picked his sword and started entagling the beast .

liu wei also started fighting more fiercely with the

the beast .

cling an arm was chopped of liu wei as he dropped on the ground bleeding heavily .

"Uncle" yang kai quickly came to help him.

"kid you run away I will try to stop this beast"

lei wei clenched the axe with only one arm with a look of sacrificing himself .

seeing this yang kai made a look he was in a mental conflict after which he nodded with a pretending to be sad expression .

"kid you go to my village and say to my wife that I have died and to take care of herself"

My son and wife I am really sorry I really failed both of You.

after which he closed his eyes and gave a mighty roar as he jumped on the beast .

yang kai with a very sad look on his face ran towards the entrance of the forest .

after running for sometime the sound of battle quickly ended and he heard the sound of a beast chasing him .

thud yang kai stopped running and looked behind him he saw the tiger like beast appear with blood in it's mouth giving him a cruel stare .

seeing this yang kai stopped. a cruel smirk appeared on his face as he jumped on the beast and gave a kick on it's head instantly killing it .

"what should I do now was my effort in these two days really waste "yang kai did not care about liu wei's death but the thought that the he lost the final clues about the black book worried him .

"HAH it's really difficult trying to act like a fool for 2 days after shaking his head yang kai decided to give a final try" he decided to visit liu wei's village if he could find some clues. after making his decision yang kai walked towards the bottom of the peak.