
chapter 6

Jie honchen anger in his voice said, "Trial disciple 6th stage of the initial foundation realm, how is he not trash? What right does he have to be with you, sister? ".

Su yan said," Mind your own business, that's our problem".

I said with a smile with a hint of mockery in it, "Brother, have you heard of this thing called 'love at first sight"'?".

Jie honchen with an angry face said "you, shut up. Trash like you isn't allowed to say anything while I am talking with Sister Su. Trash will always be trash! When I was your age, I had already reached the flowing qi realm and now I am at the peak of qi fusion realm. That's a difference of 2 major realms and 3 minor realms, what can you do against me?"

I just said with confidence " You don't have worry about what I can do brother".

Su yan then said " Out of the way, jie honchen. Thanks to the bunch of you of the disciplinary hall, he's injured. I have to treat his injuries immediately".

Jie honchen with a dark face said " don't think for a moment that anyone will be allowed to leave today".

He then ordered the disciplinary hall disciples " disciplinary hall disciples, kill anyone who tries to break out, this is an order!"

The disciplinary hall disciples encircled around us to block us from leaving. A fight could break out at any moment.

Meanwhile at the elder's hall a meeting between the elders was being conducted.

Every elder were eyeing the two young men who were the root of this problem.

Su mu while looking at the elder's said " esteemed elders the cause and process of today's situation is as I have reported. It is the whole truth".

Wei Zhuang with some crocodile tears on his eyelids said " No, it's because that Yang kai somehow obtained an artifact that was able to slice open my embroidered cloud locking mail. He then tried to kill me! "

Su mu quickly said with anger in his voice directed towards Wei Zhuang "Bullshit".


(A/N it's getting boring to write all the conversations)

The meeting started to decide who was in the right and who was in the wrong. The meeting was getting very heated because of how the grand elder was adamant on expelling Yang kai from the sect.

While they were having a heated discussion, a disciple came inside to report some urgent matter.

Disciple "I have something to report".

The fourth elder who was also the one who was incharge of the disciplinary hall asked "what is it".

Disciple "Sect elders someone has broken in the disciplinary hall's forest jail and rescued the perpetrators yang kai, li yuntian and the rest. Right now she's having a face off with senior brother jie honchen in the front of the the jail entrance".

Su yan's grandfather the 5th elder asked " who has the courage to barge in the forest jail of disciplinary hall".

The disciple gave an accusatory look towards the 5th elder but he didn't understand the meaning of it. But the grand elder quickly catched on What was happening.

The second elder had a question mark over his head. The grand elder urged the disciple "tell us".

The disciple with some hesitation said "it's.... Sister su, Su Yan".

The second elder quickly became infuriated and said "This girl! Can't she judge the situation at all?".

The grand elder asked with a winning grin over his and asked " So what about this incident with yang kai?".

The second elder with frustration written over his face said " do as you like, elder brother".

Hearing his grandfather not helping yang kai anymore,Su Mu looked towards his grandfather and said " Old bat, you can't do this grandpa".

Su mu said "Brother yang has saved my life, if we ignore him now, that would simply be ungrateful".

The second elder reprimanded his grandson " shut up".

The grand elder then announced " it is decided then, Yang kai has repeatedly ignored the rules. The disciplinary hall will hold him in the forest jail. As for su yan... Seeing that she's ignorant on top of it being her offence, we will let her off".

While they were about to relay their decision, Meng wuya entered and said " The elders are as imposing as always"

The elders were surprised to see treasurer meng because he doesn't ever participate in sect related issues.

The Grand elder asked "Might I know why treasurer meng has decided to visit the elders hall?".

Meng wuya didn't answer him and said " I will get straight to the point, i request a pardon for yang kai".

The grand elder was also a tough but to crack seeing that Meng wuya didn't answer his question he also didn't responded the other with a straight answer but said " Treasurer meng no one is allowed to step foot inside the elder's hall without the permission from one of the elders. I suggest you take a leave".

Hearing the grand elder's words Meng wuya didn't say anything but just vanished from their and next second he was sitting on the sect leader's chair.

Seeing sitting on the sect master's chair all the elders became angry.

But Meng wuya waved them off and said "Hoho, calm down calm down, I bring a message from the sect master".

Saying this Meng wuya showed the sect master token that proves his earlier claim.

Then Meng wuya started relaying the sect master's words, "As your sect master has said, start with the goal of resolving everything peacefully and simplify the situation as much as you can, don't complicate it! You twisted old men should stop sticking your nose into the issues of the young generation. Know some shame".

The grand elder was shocked and said " the sect master.... He said that?"

Meng wuya got up from the sect master's chair and started leaving while saying "I have delivered the message, now you decide what to do".

At the forest jail entrance.

A disciple came running towards jie honchen and said " bad news, brother jie. The board of elders have ordered us to release them".

Jie honchen was shocked will be an understatement "what?!".

The disciple again clarified " Brother jie the elders have discussed and agreed to it. No one is to pursue the matter any further".

Jie honchen looked a little reluctant to release yang kai but he didn't have any option.

Su yan, yang kai and the others returned to Su yan's residence and they had let yang kai sleep there and recover from his injuries. Because in the middle of walking Yang kai just decided to faint in the arms of Su yan.

The next day when I woke Su Mu came to visit me and gave me a lot of gifts that i didn't need but I still accepted them though a little reluctantly.

While at night I sensed that Su yan was in the next room changing and I was tempted to go and see but I wasn't a degenerate who just thinks with his lower half of the body.

Although I like her that doesn't give me the right to peep on her. I may not be a saint but I still hold my morals close to My heart.

The next day I was ready to return and informed Su mu about my departure.

After getting out of the Su residence I came to find Treasurer meng since I knew what he wanted from me.

After entering the pavilion I stood in front of treasurer meng and said "Treasurer meng I heard that you helped me to get out of the prison so I'll get straight to the point, what do you want from me".

Treasurer meng stood up from his chair and his hands behind his back and he said to me "what do you think I want from you?".

I replied " I have no idea". Even though I know what he wants.

Treasurer meng asked me a question very seriously "I'll ask you a question first"

I said "what" with confusion displaying over my face.

He quietly whispered in my ear "You're still a virgin, right?".

The talk went the same as the canon and then we went to meet with Xia ning chan.