
Martial Mage

Kai was reading his favourite novel's final chapters that some sends him secretly but one day chapters stopped coming instead a Message came. [what would you do if you were there ?] [where ?] Kai asked. [inside the novel...] and to his wish everything changed and he found himself inside the same novel. wait!! you think i will be panicked and stressed out cause i got transmigrated into a novel right ? wrong!!! i know this world like the back of my hand. i will become as strong as the protogonist.

Night_phantom · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


The trick i am going to perform is not mentioned anywhere in the novel it's just a vague idea that is generated from my mind while reading a particular chapter.

In that chapter the author mentioned that there are two types of body foundation in this world.

Martial Body Foundation:-

If someone builds a martial body foundation then he will never be able to use magic spells although he will feel mana but not like a mage instead his physical body will obtain an infinite potential of becoming strongest.

Mage Body Foundation:-

This body foundation will modify your heart and transform it into a mana storing and mana refining heart. With this foundation one can freely use mana and increase their potential of storing and refining mana to become stronger but this body foundation will not affect the physical body from outside.

A human can only obtain one of them in their lifetime but i will try to get both of them as this will increase my potential by leaps and bounds.

Once again no one has ever tried this method i am the first one to use it, but i am confident in myself.

Kai retrieved the auto-heating iron pot from his bag with other items he purchased beforehand.


After pressing the button the pot started heating.

"Okay so first i have to add 250ml of water..."

"After the water starts boiling add the flare grass..."

Wait till it starts boiling and releasing vapours.

5 minutes later.

Now it's ready, now all i have to do is add this last item with caution or else this cave will explode.

With the use of his finger Kai started pouring the blood of the crimson bat in the pot but instead of pouring it directly he poured it on his index finger slowly and started mixing the solution with the help of a stick.

"It's done... and it smells like shit. But i have to take a steam bath from this thing and start absorbing the mana."

The red steam coming out of the pot touched Kai's skin and he suddenly shouted...

"Ahhhhhh.....it burns.....fuckkkkkkkkk."

It burned when the red steam touched his skin but he still sat in the same position.

After 1 hour passed...

It hurts like hell but i have to start absorbing the mana now.

"Fuuuuu....." A hot steam left Kai's mouth as the dense mana in his surroundings started being absorbed.

The mana felt like cool air when it touched Kai's skin but after the mana went inside his body the burning sensation returned.

This process repeated itself for 8 hours...

"Fuck....i am only half-way in refining my heart and it feels like my life is on a one-way to hell."

Now that I've refined half of my heart into mage body foundation it's time for the crucial part.

In mage body foundation you will modify your heart for mana refining but in martial body foundation you will modify your body to refine mana.

As i have a mage foundation heart i can't modify my body to refine mana anymore that's why i will create another mana refining source that will help my body in refining mana similar to a martial body foundation.

That source will be a mana Core made out of purest mana.

Kai looked at a test tube filled with pure mana in front of him. Without any delay he picked up the test tube and drank the pure mana inside it.


"Haa... bottoms up."

"If i died here then i will consider that i never got transferred to this novel."

As Kai gulped the whole test tube a very intense energy surged throughout his whole body.

"F-Fuck... it's running wild...it will break all of my bones and muscles like this."

I have to focus and transfer all of it into my abdomen.

Suddenly blood started flowing out of his eyes, ears and mouth.

After 10 more minutes more blood started coming out of his arms and abdomen.

I have to focus on both my heart and my body's core if something goes wrong even by a small margin then both of them will explode.

I have to attach both of them together by a mana thread than my heart will become invincible. If someone attacked my heart than the mana Core will supply mana to my heart and heal it in a very small fraction of time and if someone attacked my core than my heart will supply mana to it and repair it.

It's like i have two hearts.

The blood coming out from Kai's body started changing colour from red to black.

52 hours later....

"Haaa... I finally did it. Now i just have to tes-" as Kai tried standing up his consciousness started fading away and he fell on the ground.

50 more hours later....

Huh...? Did I fall asleep ?

Kai suddenly stood up and ran towards his bag.

"Fuck...how long was i out ?"

Taking out a smartwatch from his bag he clicked on it's screen twice and suddenly a holographic screen appeared in front of him.

[Time: 6:09]

[Day: Thursday]

[Student Name: Kai Klan]

[Rank: not decided]

Fuck i was out for two days. I have to get to the academy. Today is the opening ceremony for the first year students i can't miss it. School will start at 9 I've 3 hours. Today my rank will be decided.


"Oh...hell no i smell like shit."

The mana Core must've refined my body by removing every impurities.

I will take a shower in the river's water.

Packing his stuff Kai looked at the ginseng and spoke.

"You are not ripe yet...i will come later."

After this Kai started making his way down the mountain.

Wow...my body feels very light.

It took him about 40 minutes to come down this time.

This martial body foundation is really something. The protagonist also chose this body as his foundation.

After taking a shower Kai's body glowed from sunshine not like he suddenly obtained 6-pack abs but his shaggy skin tightened around his muscles and made him look like an average student.

After wearing his cloths he looked at a slim tree in the distance and thought...

"Should I try my power level..."

Kai stood near the tree and let out a heavy air steam from his mouth.

"Fuuu....here goes nothing."

Collect your thoughts and collect mana in your body part that you want to use. That's how you use mana.

Collecting mana in his fist from the mana Core Kai suddenly felt a very powerful energy being supplied to his fist.

"Haaaaaa...." He shouted as hitted the tree with his all might.


The tree fell down.

"Good it's so-so...but this is not good." Kai said as he looked at his hand a purple mark got created on his fist.

It seems 5-6 bones got fractured. If you use mana with a weak body like mine than it is bound to happen.

Kai didn't feel that much pain due to the previous 100 hours of pain training this was like an ant bite for him.

Picking his bag he started running down towards the road to take a taxi to the academy.

Oh wait i never checked my status.

[Name: Kai Klan]

[Class: (Mage-F) (Martial Artist-F)]

[Affinity Element: -]

[Title: [Martial Mage]]

[Skills: none]

[Spells: none]

Wait what ?