
Martial Heart Asura

The story of an ordinary guy in college that got transported in another world and learns that the world is a magical world where demons and gods live. "This world is more exciting than my previous one, your demons and gods be prepared to meet my sword and be slaughtered by me the Asura King" Author's Note: This is my first novel to be written I hope you guys like it. And if you find any grammar mistakes please inform me and I will try to fix PS: Thanks to my friend Piper_arts for making the my cover. And also welcome scrubs to my novel where trash can also be good so try reading it before you throw it in the trash bin :) Schedule: 4-5 chapters every week. Word count: 2000 plus words

Bloody_Autumn · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
76 Chs

Chapter 11: The gains and the system

Mia was stunned by the illusionary image she saw made her have the urge to kneel down and pay respect to the figure in front of her.

But the image quickly dissipated just like how it quickly appeared. She was stun for second and stared in horror at the boy in front of her.

Autumn was oblivious to her reaction and instead close his eyes to feel the changes to his body.


A chain like sound resounded in his body making him feel like some kind of restriction was broken on his body, giving him a sense of clarity in his mind.

Then a cold voice made Autumn came back to reality.


"Congratulation host for completing the condition of the ancient will of the Asura"

Gain Recognition of the King

Gain Will of the King

Gain Asura King Image

Congratulation on the host to leveling up to 10!

Congratulation on the host to crossing the realm to War Division!

Congratulation on the host to leveling up to War Division level 1!

Congratulation on the host to leveling up to War Division level 2!

Congratulation for the host to leveling up to War Division level 3!


System updating.... 1%

Countdown 47:59:59

Skills can be viewed and gain levels while updating!


Recognition of the King- You have caught the attention of the ancient will of the Asura clan seeing your resolve in the path slaughter they have recognize you as worthy of having the title King.

Will of the King- As a king in the path slaughter, your will shall be recognized by everyone who meets you making them fear you and dare not step in your way, for they will be cut into two.

Effect- If you activate this aura every creature will feel fear and awe to you making your enemies have 80% decrease in all attributes for those who are lower level than you by 1 or less, 40% for those in the same level, and 20% for someone who is one or more high leveled than you.

Asura King Image- Summon an image of yourself behind your back with the height 2 meters equipped with a black coat, blood-red crown, and a 1.4-meter sword.

Effect- Once summoned increase all of your attributes by 2x multiplier but can only be used once per day. Last for 30 minutes.


Autumn was stun for the notification he receives, especially the recognition of the asura clan making him feel quite proud but then it quickly crushed by his experience of combat in the mental world. He learned a sentence in the mental world while he was training and refining his swordsmanship.

"Don't be proud or arrogant in combat, it will be your downfall the next moment you realize it"

Autumn learned this sentence the hard way and got killed twice because of his arrogance making him more humble.

After that, he looked at the next reward he received and deemed that it was useful in combat especially if he is surrounded by many enemies.

Then he was stunned by the last reward, this is like adding wings to a tiger making his already strong combat power double. But what interested was the description of the skill wondering what would he look like if it was summoned.

"I will check that in the future if times give an opportunity"

Autumn thought silently.

Then looked at Mia that was staring at him and touch his face while murmuring.

"Am I that handsome? Weird I don't seem to have anything on my face"

Mia was stun by the words of Autumn and quickly look away while slight blushing.

Autumn just shrugged helplessly and started to walk into the forest to start training while also implementing the experience he got in the mental world to reality so that his body can either become used to it or move instinctively when any danger approaches.

Then Autumn stop and remembered something, he turns around and asks Mia.

"Are you gonna follow me to train or go back to the city?"

Mia looked hesitantly at Autumn then looked at her little sister and her face was covered with resolve.

"Yes, please teach me your technique, Master!"

Autumn was stun by the word 'Master' and quickly told her.

"Don't call me master, you can just call me Autumn or Max"

Then Mia hesitantly said.

"Yes, Autumn"

Autumn then walked over to her side and picked up Sarah in a princess carry and started walking to the forest while Mia was still stunned, she quickly snaps out of it and ran to catch up with him.

As they got deeper to the forest Mia didn't notice that the corpse of the bandits was gone leaving only bones and clothes even the blood in the ground disappeared just like it never even happened. Except for the bones and other belongings that were left behind, it seems like a battle never happen here making it look like some group was devoured by a wild beast.