

''Hahahaha.'' Giron covered his face and laughed until tears streaked down from his eyes.

Irwing's eyebrows twitched; he has never felt so humiliated before, ''W-What's so finny!'' He girly squealed and even misspoke.

''Pfft...'' Michael was the first one to burst into laughter, he tried to stop his laughter, but it didn't help that Sariel and Rafael started laughing as well.

''W-What the fuck was that sound, hahaha...'' Sariel covered his face, but everyone still heard clearly his peals of laughter.

Irwing looked around the building and saw even some distinct members of the Martial Arts club, who was minding their business silently laughing.

Only the men with black suits didn't seem amused. Their faces were red in anger, and they wanted to rip their heads off.

''Hahahaha!'' Rafael laughed louder than others; he didn't even bother to cover it.

''Pfft...'' Giron wiped his tears and said, ''Oh my, I have never laughed so hard before.''