

''Shall we go?'' Ichiro asked from the Slych who finally managed to stop his giggling after remembering his phone call with his girlfriend.

''Yes, let's go.'' Slych stood up from his bed and stretched his limbs.

''Great.'' Ichiro stood up and started walking out of the Medical Bay with Slych.

''Shouldn't we go a different way to the Hotel... Who knows if the People from Ramu sends another one after us.'' Slych said and stopped walking.

Ichiro shook his head. ''People from Enforcement Department is here, they are here to protect us, look.'' He pointed from the window towards one of the buildings, where a man with a sniper was aiming at them.

''Wave.'' Ichiro waved his hand with a slight smile.

Slych facepalmed and dragged Ichiro out of the window.

''See, we will be fine.'' Ichiro with a smile kept walking the corridors with Slych following behind him.