
Married to the CEO ...

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jewelintrovet · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Leaving him behind

The weather today was cool. The graduation ceremony was over in a blink and like Arya expected but hoped otherwise Charles didn't come to see her graduate. The old him would have bought the biggest bouquet of roses he could find. She sighed at the thought.

She was in the dorms with Kyle as they packed a few remaining things. Kyle was supposed to catch an evening flight. The two sat on the bed and went over their  photo album making the most of last memories . Kyle basically became her sister. They did everything together even though she majored in arts commercials as she wanted to become a producer unlike Arya.

In their  fairy tail where dreams came true she was going to be a movie producer and Arya would be one of her many main lead actresses.

We were dividing the pictures some remaining with her and some going with Kyle.

Kyle knew nothing about her rough relationship or so she thought. She never told her as she didn't want to burden her with her  problems.

Charles was a guy Kyle was never fond of after all. They started dating when they were in year two. Kyle and Arya were still friends then... not sisters. She remember they almost broke their friendship over him.

Kyle never liked Charles from the start. She said he made her uneasy. Arya just assumed she was jealous.

If only she had listened to her maybe she would be speaking a different story today. She thought.

Out of embarrassment Arya didn't tell her when things were nolonger okay with her and Charles. When she came home beaten she made sure to cover herself with makeup and put on a smile.

Kyle never questioned her so she assumed her excuses were believable.

"Oh one more thing before I forget, " Kyle  said and paused as she searched for something in her suitcase.

"Happy 25 birthday in advance Arya! " she squealed in joy.

"Thanks Kyle.... that's considerate of you, " Arya replied now emotional.

"Jeez stop crying already before I cry too, " she said wiping her imaginary tears.

"Before you open..... I discovered since I won't be there on your birthday I might as well celebrate it now," (pause)  she went to her closet and came back with a small cake for two. It had a candle shaped 25 on top. She lit the candle and came to Arya.

"Happy birthday to you,

  Happy birthday to you

  Happy birthday to you Arie

  Happy birthday to you, " she sang

"Here make a wish, " she said as brought the cake for her to blow.

I wish to be happy and free

Arya said in her head and blew the candle.

"Hip hip hooray, " she jumped in joy.

Kyle never failed in making her smile. She has a bubbly personality, very lively and always managed to make people feel welcome.

She is a two sided coin though. Very friendly to everyone but a monster if you crossed her loved ones. Arya can't remember how many people she got into fights with these past four years because of her.

Arya was never one to solve problems with violence. She is always the good cop between the two of them.

"Open your present, " she said and Arya shook the box and heard nothing.

"What's in there? " She asked her

"Its a surprise now open and see, " she said.

Arya opened the box and was met with a white strip. She didn't need to look twice to know what it was.

In surprise Arya looked up to her for some explanations. 

"I know I know, " she said her voice coming out uneasy

"I mind my business Arya and the day you became a sister to me you too became my business, " she replied

" I don't know when or how it began but all I know is one day you changed Arya. Your smiles became fake, you -you were never the same, " she paused

"So I opened your phone one night and read everything in your diary. I know you are being abused by Charles Arie,..... I know it all. The make ups.... I know you more than anyone Arya and I know you don't like heavy makeup. So you putting it on only made it more suspicious, I don't know maybe you don't value our friendship enough to tell me those kinds of things but...., " she never got to finish as Arya hugged her tightly and soon enough was a crying mess.

"Its not that... I. I.  I didn't have the backbone to tell you not after you told me to leave him in the first place, " she said between sobs "I didn't want to burden you with my problems, '' Arya cried

"Oh Arya, " she said as she petted her back

"So what do you say... wanna go home with me? " she asked as she wiped Arya  tears.

"Of course  , " she said as she wiped a tear from her as well.

That was common between the two when one of them cry the other does as well.

Only this time they were tears of joy. She felt a heavy weight off her shoulders. Could this be the answer to her wish? 

Freedom and happiness?

Hey 👋 readers with that our second chapter is over. Tell me what you think of it in the comment section.

What impression does Charles give?

What about Kyle?

And lastly Arya?  Will she be able to move forward from Charles grip?  After all what binds a person is more mental than physical.

They might fly from Charles' reach but will Arya get over his actions.

What do you think of Kyle's actions towards her discovery of her best friend's relationship. Do you think she made the wise choice by keeping quiet for a while then offer her a way out or should she have talked to her flat out? 

See you in the comments section 🤗