
Married to my enemy

*Just a heads up, this story is a mix of three different love stories with three different pov's* There are 7 Supernatural clans. Werewolves, Vampires, Angels, Demons, Sirens, Warlocks/Witches, and Humans. To avoid a disastrous war between the clans, the heirs of the supernatural clans must unite through marriage. Will the clans be able to unite? Or will the clans fall into an all out war?

Moonwatcher · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 5~ Nesrin's pov

Today was the day of the Ball. Tonight I would be announced as the future wife of Lukas, and then I'd go live in Angel territory. "We gotta get ready!" Cath said. I laughed "Cath, It's only noon, the Ball doesn't start until 8." Cath stared at me like I was missing the point "Yeah and that gives us 8 hours to get ready. 2 hours for makeup, 2 hours for hair, 2 hours to do our nails, and 2 hours to change" Cath listed. "You really think it will take 2 hours to change into our dresses?" I asked while smirking. Cath shrugged "You never know" She mumbled. Cath's face turned serious "You don't seem that upset about marrying Lukas" She observed. Yeah because I know that He actually loves me. But I would never tell Cath that, even if she is my best friend. "I'll do anything for my clan" I said. Cath eyed me suspiciously then shrugged. "I know I wouldn't want to be part of an arranged marriage. Even if the person I'm marrying is as hot as Lukas" She said while fanning the air. I giggled and shoved her playfully. "What are you two giggling about?" Kyle grumbled as he walked up to us. "We're talking about Lu-" "Lucy. We're talking about Lucy" I said while shooting Cath a warning glare. "The 10 year old hunter? What about her?" Kyle asked, confused. Cath looked at me smugly as if to say 'You are on your own' I ignored her. "Her hunting skills have really improved" I said confidently. Kyle just nodded absent mindedly. "Did you hear that Princess Asena was missing yesterday?" Kyle asked. My eyes narrowed. "Really? Have they found her? The Ball is today" I said. Kyle nodded "King Gabriel found her on the bounder around midnight and took her home" He said. I imagined a terrified Asena being found by Gabriel. He probably dragged her home screaming. I shuddered "I wouldn't want to be found by him at nighttime." Cath shivered in agreement. "What're you doing today?" Cath asked Kyle. Kyle shrugged "Just patrols and stuff. What about you guys?" Cath grinned, "We're going to be getting ready for the Ball tonight or course." Kyle gaped at us "All day?" He asked. "Apparently" I mumbled. Cath gasped and Kyle snickered. "Kyle!" Dad yelled from the camp entrance. "See ya" Kyle said before running off. Cath grabbed my hand and grinned mischievously, "Time to get ready." Before dragging me into our hut.


8 hours later we were ready. My hair was pulled into a loose side braid with some stray pieces curled. Cath did a classy smokey eye look with winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick. When I looked in the mirror, I couldn't believe it when I saw this new person staring back. "I love it!" I told Cath. "I know you do" Cath said while flipping her hair. Cath had her hair pinned up in a loose bun and some chunks were hanging by her face. I did a pale purple eyeshadow look on Cath with pale pink lipstick. Once we got out dresses on, We were ready. The whole vampire clan was going, except the elders. The elders simply said they were too old for Balls and for us to go and have fun. All the vampires let out a delighted yell that sounded like a cheerful battle cry and then we all sprinted with our vampire speed towards the abandoned palace for the party. Once we got there, a tall stone castle stood in front of us. Grey flags were flying high in the towers. Grey was a neutral color, or a color that symbolizes peace in the supernatural world. "I'm so excited!" Cath squealed. Me on the other hand, was sweating already and my heart was pounding. We entered through two tall wooden doors and stepped into the ballroom. The ceiling reached high above us with detailed paintings of different supernatural creatures and of our ancestors. Marble columns were lined up on each side and the floor was marble too. I found myself smiling as I looked around the extravagant ballroom. All six clans were clustered around and mingling. A lot of the Demons looked reluctant to even look at any one from another clan. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Peace Ball!" Dad proclaimed as he stood up on a small stage in the back of the ballroom. Everyone turned to face him and cheered. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder "Princess Nesrin, you're needed in the back. All the heirs are to be announced, you'll be entering with King Lukas" A servant said. I looked to say goodbye to Cath, but she was already flirting with a few Angels. I shrugged it off and followed the servant down a side hall to a small room. Lukas, Jack, Gabriel, and Amara were already in there. The servant bowed and closed the door behind me. I saw Amara sitting on a couch next to Jack, she looked pretty comfortable. Amara had on a flowy blue dress that went up to her neck and her hair was straight. Jack had on black dress pants and a white button up shirt with a blue tie. Lukas had the same thing except with a red tie and Gabriel had a black tie. Then I noticed what was missing. "Where's Asena?" I asked curiously. Gabriel growled in frustration "We don't know, Prince Jason and Princess Asena aren't here yet." That's weird, I thought. On cue, two werewolf soldiers dragged in Asena, who was kicking and screaming at them to let her go. The guards said nothing and closed the door and locked it quickly. Asena had on a small flowy green dress that fit her perfectly. "Asena? What's wrong?" Amara asked with concern. Asena looked up at us, she had on dark eyeshadow and black lipstick. She looked evil and beautiful at the same time. "Nothing" She muttered "I'm just being forced to do something against my will." Gabriel stiffened and said nothing. A warm hand grabbed my hand and I knew it was Lukas. Lukas smiled softly and brought my hand up to his lips and he kissed my hand gently. "Nesrin, you look beautiful." A blush creeped up my cheeks and I looked down. "Asena" Gabriel said. Asena looked up at him, frowning. "Gabriel" She replied. An awkward silence followed before a servant came bursting in. "Get ready" She said while opening a door that lead out onto the middle of the dance floor. I heard Dad's voice echo through the ballroom. "Now presenting King Jack and Princess Amara!" He proclaimed. Cheers followed and Jack and Amara shuffled out with their arms linked. "King Lukas and Princess Nesrin!" Lukas smiled and held my hand tightly. I squeezed back and found myself blushing. "My Queen" He murmured. I'm sure my face was a tomato after that. Once the light hit our faces, the crowd erupted in cheers, especially the Vampires and Angels. We smiled and went to the middle of the Ballroom with Jack and Amara. "King Gabriel and Princess Asena!" Dad shouted while gesturing dramatically to the door. There was a minutes pause before I saw Gabriel practically drag Asena into the ballroom. The crowd started screaming once again. Gabriel had a hand on Asenas lower back, leading her to the middle of the ballroom. I don't blame her, I'd probably act the same if I was forced to get married to a Demon. "Let the celebration begin!" Dad proclaimed loudly. On cue, dj music started playing and everyone started jumping up and down to the beat. Lukas grinned widely while spinning me around and placing a kiss on my forehead. "Wanna get a drink?" Lukas shouted over the music. I nodded eagerly and followed him off the dancefloor to the food and drinks. "So, tell me about yourself Nesrin" Lukas said before sipping his drink. "I'm 15, I love hunting and my favorite color is mint green" I listed. He nodded as I talked. "What about you?" I asked. "I'm 19, I like to train and my favorite color is red" He said. I listened eagerly. I wanted to learn everything about him. "What about your parents?" Lukas asked. "My Dad was the guy announcing us and my Mom is at home caring for the elders. She's the lead doctor" I explained "What about you?" Lukas bit his lip "My parents died when I was 16, I took over when I was 17" He said. I placed a hand over my mouth. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked" I said quickly. I'm so stupid! I knew I would mess this all up.

"Hey, its ok! I got over it" Lukas said while placing a hand on my shoulder. "Ok" I said. "So, have thought about us?" Lukas asked nervously. Have I? I looked down at the floor. "A little bit" I said quietly. Lukas fixed his gaze on me. "We're Mates, are you willing to accept me as your Mate and become my Queen?" He asked while leaning in slowly. My breathing quickened and I forgot what he asked me at first. "Yes" I breathed. Lukas smiled and kissed me softly. I kissed him back and pulled away quickly when I realized we were in the middle of a ball. "Not here" I whispered. Lukas nodded with understanding and took another sip of his drink. "Hey guys" Amara said with Jack behind her. "Hi" I said cheerfully. "This is some party" Jack said while looking around. "Yeah, the last time I was at a ball was when I was first born" I said. "Me too" They all said. "Wheres Gabriel and Asena?" Lukas suddenly asked. We looked around and didn't find them anywhere. Then I heard a loud roar "There's an indication" Jack muttered. We all turned and saw Gabriel punching a male Siren. "Asena's MINE!" Gabriel roared in fury. Asena was cowering back in fear at Gabriel's state. His eyes were glowing yellow in anger. "Gabriel" Dad said calmly "You're scaring your Mate." Gasps echoed through the ballroom when he said Mate. I should tell them that we're Mates too, I decided. "Dad, me and Lukas are Mates too" I admitted. Everyone gasped again and all of the Angels started whispering among themselves. "Me and Amara are Mates too" Jack said while wrapping an arm around Amara's waist. Everyone was silent with shock. "Well this is a coincidence!" Dad said slowly. "Well let's celebrate our new leaders!" Asena's Dad exclaimed. Everyone seemed to snap out of it and started dancing again. A bunch of people came up to us and congratulated us. A flustered Asena walked over to us with Gabriel on her heal's. "Hey" She said. "What happened exactly?" Jack asked. Gabriel growled and looked away. Asena glanced at Gabriel with annoyance. "Some guy was talking to me and Gabriel freaked out. Apparently I'm his Mate too!" She said with anger and walked over to the drink table without another word. Gabriel looked longingly after her. "Gabriel" I murmured. He turned to face me. He looked so helpless. "Treat her right," I said. Gabriel fixed his gaze on mine and Lukas wrapped an arm around my waist. Gabriel nodded slowly and made his way over to Asena.