
Married to my Arch Nemesis

Arabella was a secret operative who worked for the government. but one cold night, someone killed her. She finds herself awakening in the body of Princess Raina Khitrov–the brain dead suicidal wife of the first Prince of Ramoni Kingdom. Tumbled into the noble world of royalty of the twenty-first century, Arabella was dumbfounded and frightened beyond her wits but with the help of a mysterious voice in her head, she began to live a new life of riches, glamour and power. What she didn’t know was that with every imbalance in the deviating working of the universe came a sinister price to pay. She realizes that the voice was beginning to controlling her actions, thoughts and consciousness. Strange gapes began to occur in her memory and much more disturbing things were happening around her. She comes to a shocking realization that she might just be a helpless marionette for the voice to play and an unpredictable danger to her new husband and their two year old son. She had no choice but to leave far away from there but her husband just blinked at her? He was puzzled looking at her. The bundle of burden he owned wasn’t the same anymore. It was as if her internal color and form very completely altered. What will happen when Raina will realize the dark secret behind the voice or will her husband really want to keep her when he realizes that the new Raina might just be the worst evil?

ravenrose1 · Ciudad
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11 Chs

The Queen's Sudden Visit

A string of black sedans rushed along the Highway that was built solely by the Khitrov Royal Household for the Zamorti Palace of the Ramoni First.

Tires screeched and the caravan came to halt in front of the luxurious foyer.

The whole staff of the palace was lined up neatly in front the carved wooden doors that led inside.

A guard dressed in black suit with black shades stepped forward and respectfully opened the car door before stepping aside.

"The Captain of the royal guards of His Highness, The Ramoni First greets the Queen of Ramoni Kingdom." Adrian addressed in a monotone voice and bowed. He presented his right hand for the Queen to accept.

A woman clad in a long velvet dress elegantly stepped out. A fur shawl was hanging over her elbows and her acquisitive blonde hair were twisted in to an elegant bun adorned by diamond hairpins. She raised her pointed chin into the air giving an aura of nobility. Despite her aging features, she was holding herself with pride and arrogance.

The servants immediately bowed and welcomed her in unison. They casted their eyes down and didn't dare look their queen in the eye.

Queen Mariposa waved her hand in the air and sauntered towards the entrance. Realizing that her son wasn't present to welcome her, her lip curled in distaste.

"Where's Azazel?" she inquired. Her sharp voice sending the servants flinching in their boots. A butler gingerly stepped forward and bowed.

"My apologizes, Queen. His Highness had an important phone call to attend and couldn't come to receive you."

"What could be so important when the Queen herself is gracing his palace with her presence?" Mariposa glared at the poor butler who further shrinked into himself.

"Get out of my sight! All of you!" she hissed from between her teeth. God she hated seeing these low life servants but it won't sit well with her either if they didn't wait for her at the entrance with their heads bowed in fear. The servants immediately scrambled away at the first chance they got and heaved a sigh of relief. She had no idea that even those lowly servants weren't so fond of breathing the same air as her.

The butler led the Queen to a guest room and Mariposa took her seat.

"My Queen, His Highness will be here shortly. Would you like some refreshments?"

"Do you think am here to enjoy? Go get my son right now!" Mariposa rebuked. Annoyed by get ring treated like an outsider. She was was the queen! She owned this Kingdom and this palace too if she said so.

"As you wish, My Queen." the butler excused himself and after half an hour of waiting, Azazel appeared at the guest room. He was dressed in a three piece dark maroon suit with a black under shirt. His raven hair were styled away from his forehead. Despite her anger, the queen had a sudden surge of Pride thinking that she got to call such an alluring and handsome man like Azazel Ramoni Khitrov, her son. Her gleaming eyes dimmed when she saw the top three buttons of his shirt open in a wayward manner exposing that unpleasant ink on his chest. It was against the royal codes to not look prim and proper and despite her plentiful hard work, this son of hers never learned the sophisticated ways of the royalty.

No wonder, he wasn't chosen as the heir to the throne despite being the first born!

She stopped putting effort in her rebellious first son when she had a filial second son.

It seemed that Azazel lacked the luck of being born as a royal prince not to mention he got himself such a worthless wife. She couldn't even call the woman to her tea parties, afraid that she might sully her and the royal household's reputation.

"So what brings you here?" Azazel mutters dryly. He was a busy man. Entertaining his stupid mother gibberish talk was the last hang in his agenda so she better be quick.

"Does your mother needs to have a reason to visit her son and grandson? Now that I have seen you, you have lost some weight and look at those dark circles under your eyes. Aren't you getting plenty of sleep? If it's because of that ungrateful woman then I am really disappointed in you!" she glared.

"Are you done?" Azazel fixed his mother with a stare who was starting to jab at his short temper.

"You are really a piece of work my dear son! You and that woman truly deserve each other." Mariposa spews forth vitriol. She was really stupid no to notice the shadow over his impatient son's face.

"I am here because I and your father heard that, that wife of yours is severely I'll and won't survive tonight. Is that true?" the hopeful glint in his mother's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Azazel and unknowingly he curled his fists into ball. He felt uncomfortable hearing that. He didn't know why. Maybe he was offended that someone would dare speak in that tone about his wife. No matter what she did, it was a matter between husband and wife and he didn't like unwanted people sticking their nose in his business.

"She's doing fine, rest assured. She just got under the weather a few days ago. You need not to worry."

"How can I just dismiss this matter when the life of my future grandchild is involved? She's a carrying a member royal family. Our blood run's through the child veins!" Mariposa raised her voice as she protested. That woman be damned to hell for all she gave a fuck for. She wanted her grandchild safe and healthy!

"My child and my wife are my responsibility. You have no right upon my blood and flesh. I let you visit Kaden. You should be grateful." Azazel smiled seeing his mother so agitated. He didn't know why he felt so relaxed seeing his mother so worked up. Maybe he really was a very disobedient son.

"y-you!" Mariposa was at a loss of words hearing Azazel insult her so blatantly. "She's not suitable to be your wife anymore. I have selected some candidates for you-"

"I guess I won't need to repeat myself again and 'mother'? Don't you want to deal with the rumours circulating about your potential divorce with my father? I had no idea that my parent's relation has turned so fragile. Since you have your own problems to deal with, why don't you see yourself out now?" Azazel blinked with faux concern in his tone but his eyes was devoid of any. She had lost his love the day he realized how scheming and cunning his mother was. He loathed such vile women.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Adrian stepped in. He swiftly approaches Azazel and bowed to whisper in his ear much to Mariposa's dismay.

"Your Highness, The Princess has gained consciousness."

Azazel eyes widened and he immediately stood up as he screwed the button of his jacket.

It was a clear sign of dismissal.

"It's seems like I have an important matter that requires my attention. Adrian?"

"Yes, you're Highness!"

"See the Queen out. Make sure she doesn't visit the palace without my prior permission." his tone hardened and Mariposa gasped loudly. She was so shocked that her son dared to insult her in front of a servant but he was long gone when she finally gained her bearing.

She could all but stomp in annoyance before leaving with her face red in embarrassment.

Adrian snickered silently. It seemed like the Queen of Khitrov kingdom wasn't as composed or sophisticated as she ought to be.

Meanwhile Azazel stormed down the halls of the palace with silent intent in each step. Servants jumped out of his way seeing the gloomy look on his face.

Maribelle and a few servants along with James were waiting outside his Personal Chambers where he brought Raina more than a week ago.

Without waiting for any explanations or answers, Azazel barged into his room. He wanted to see with his own eyes that how a person on death bed was suddenly awake. His intense green eyes glinted darkly when they clashed with a pair of Smokey grey one and it was as if the universe came to a sudden halt. Time stopped and nothing existed beyond them as the girl in front of him faced him with curious expression. Her dark curls swayed against her small face and he could hear the rubatosis of her heart.

Or was it his heart?

He reached a hand towards her, wanting to touch her face to confirm if she was real and awake. But before the tips of his fingers cold graze her cheek, her hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. The hand was so small that it couldn't even attempt to wrap fully around his thick wrist as she squeezed it.

What she said next was enough to break Azazel out of his reverie and his dazed eyes immediately cleared.

"Who are you?" Raina tilted her head and demanded.