
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · Fantasía
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37 Chs


" Okay baby, you need to prepare... Call the best designer, make-up artist and lots more. " Madam Clara explained excitingly but to response came from Elena . " Elle , are you listening ? " She asked finally startling Elena from her trance of grief.

" Am sorry grandma, but I need to be alone " she replied leaving them dumbstruck. It was only when she left, they finally realized that she wasn't happy with the outcome of things and couldn't do anything about it.

" Ahhh " she cried out bitterly. That they all felt sad instead of being happy, they realized that with the reoccurring events they had failed to see and hear her deepest pain.

" What were we thinking? " Mr grey asked.

" We weren't expecting her to be happy and the least we could do was hide our excitement but we couldn't, we just poured our joy out while neglecting her " old man John explained lowly.

" Let's give her some time to process things, she would come around soon " madam Clara said.

The next day, the next of Edwards and Elena's married spread like wide fire. It was less than 24hours and the business world was overwhelmed with the union of two powerful people.

" Isn't it wonderful " a lady asked inside a conference room.

" Of it is " a man replied.

" I mean with the union of the god and queen of business..... An unnerving explosion is bond to happen. I mean the business world would expand remarkably " the lady explained.

But somewhere in the middle of the city, some group of people found the news annoying and insulting. This was the Nelson family, they couldn't understand why Edward would leave their daughter from Elena.

" How can he do this ? " A man yelled but blood shot eyes .

" This is a complete insult on the Nelson's family and an insult on our innocent Ava here " a woman spoke with voice laced with anger.

" Mom , dad ... What... What do I do " Ava asked crying. She had done her best but it almost lead to her loosing her life .

" Listen My dear, that wedding won't take place okay. We will do everything within our power to stop the wedding from happening " her mother assured her.

" Ho....how are you going to do that " a lady asked starling them.

" You ??? Who are you ? " Mr Nelson asked.

" Me ? So sorry for interrupting, I am deva Edwards sister or you could say his personal aid " the lady introduced herself.

" How come we do not know you " Mrs Nelson asked. " I mean, we know all his family members but not you " she added.

" How well do you think you know Edward ? Anyway, forget all these just for your own good and for the good of your lousy daughter here .... Don't do anything to stop that wedding, you don't want to be found lifeless on the streets of Portland " deva warned.

" What the hell do you mean? Do you know who we are ? " Mr Nelson asked angrily.

" Of course, you some noisy lousy , low life human who happened to have been strip of everything you have expect for this house of yours " deva answered sarcastically.

" How can you work in here and spill nonsense? Wait how the hell did you get in here with us noticing " Ava asked.

" The same way my hands are wrapped around your neck without you noticing " deva answered holding tightly on Ava's neck shocking her parents.

" What are you doing? " Ava's parents asked nervously.

" Heed to my warnings, you don't want to know what Edward is capable of doing nor do you want to have a taste of Elena's madness because if you do .... She's gonna burn you down along with the beautiful yet ugly house of yours " deva warned letting go of Ava's neck and vanishing into thin air.

" Oh .... Oh ... Oh my gosh, she's ... She's a ghost " Ava cried out. " What are we gonna do mom, dad? " She asked as she tried to regain her composure.

" Oh heavens.... This is really bad " Mr and Mrs Nelson exclaimed.

* At Edwards house *.

" Seriously deva , did you have to do that ? " Dante asked.

" She's just been nosy " Atticus added.

" Am I being nosey? That's good if I am . At least am not being a pest like you both are " deva replied.

" Look now, they won't be much fun in the coming days " Atticus lamented.

" Yes that's true " Dante agreed.

" At least, the level of blood shed would reduce and we all have to witness a really wedding in the hundred of years we've lived " deva explained.

" Well speaking of wedding, how is he doing? " Dante asked.

" Well, with her unrelatable request amd conditions am quite sure his preparing himself for the worst. Seeing that he locked himself in that room " Atticus explained and just as he was speaking Edwards room door flew open and it worked out with rage in his eyes.

" Heavens.... What the ...."

" Excuse me boss but miss Elena has been kidnapped " Magnus reported in panick.

" Fuck !!! Didn't they listen to deva's warning " Dante said.

" This is gonna be fucking bloody " Atticus exclaimed.

" You need to calm down Edward, please for her sake and her health. Just calm down " Deva pleaded.

" Deploy the men amd look for her " Edward ordered with a certain degree of blood taste that even the people around him quivered at the sound of his voice.

* How Elena got kidnapped *.

" OMG miss Elena, your wedding news is just all over the place. I mean I never knew you had taken by advice seriously " Annabelle said excitingly. She was Elena's best friend and ally the closest person to be called a sister.

" Seriously Anna, not you . Everyone is just so excited about this wedding " Elena explained.

" Of course miss, anyway a call came saying your grandpa.... So Sorry Mr Alexander Shawn has been kidnapped " Annabelle reported.

" What ? , seriously when ? " Elena asked in panick.

" Calm down Elena, this could be a scam you know. Maybe from Ava or even from people who are envious of you " Annabelle tried explaining things to her but Elena was in a state of shock that she just left her office leaving Annabelle stunned.

" Miss Elena don't make and decisions in a hurry " Annabelle tried to advise her but it was too late because immediately Elena stepped her foot out of her company, she was surrounded by armed men.

" Easy Miss, just do as we say and you would be fine " the lead man spoke. Elena been an overly gentle person in a situation as these followed their instructions and Left in a call with them.

As things happened outside the company, Annabelle's first response was to call the police and then Mr Edward. She did not know why but she felt Elena wanted Edward to save her.

* Back to present *.

" Oh my goodness John, our little girl has been kidnapped " madam Clara cried with deep pain.

" How could she be so careless , as to letting the news of this animal distract her at this crucial time " Mr grey said.

" This .... This whole thing isn't gonna end well " old man John said.

" What do you mean father in-law? " Mrs grey asked tearful.

" If she didn't have a way, she wouldn't have followed them just like that. I mean she must have noticed something was off when Annabelle here broke the news to her . Elena is not a careless child and if this has the do with the Nelson's family, is going to be a whole new level of massacre. " Old man John explained.

" Well sir, all Miss Elena men have been deployed and Mr Edwards men are also on the lookout for her " gab explained.

" This is going to be a bloody " madam Clara said cleaning off the tears in her eyes.

" Well they brought this on themselves " Annabelle said as she sobbed.