
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · Fantasía
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37 Chs

Day One

" Good morning Miss Elena " the doctor greeted.

" Morning doc " she replied. " I must say, you look intact because by now my grandpa should have .... Served your head on a platter you know " she said.

" He almost did boss, he almost did " the doctor replied.

" They haven't noticed anything strange, have they ? " She asked .

" Not yet , but soon " the doctor replied.

" Good , at least i get to rest and pass time till the ..... The fucking three days that crazy Edward gave expires " she murmured remembering what happened the day before.

* Flash back *

" Doc, doc " gab yelled immediately he entered the hospital. " Where the fuck is the doctor " he asked the nurse.

" He's..... He's " 

" Call the fucking doctor " he ordered.

" He's on his way " the nurse said in panick.

" Gab, gab, you need to calm down " the doctor said on his arrival.

" Are you nuts Gage? If anything happens to the boss her grandpa will kill you " gab warned.

" Okay okay, let me check her . You can leave " the doctor ordered.

After checking her and conducting some scan on her . He decided to let her rest.

" Gaga " Elena's voice spoke.

" Mi.... Miss ? " The doctor stammered.

" Come closer and listen " she ordered.

" Yes Miss "

" Listen, you must tell my grandparents that my condition is critical.... It not like it isn't critical. Tell them that am still unconscious and if I don't wake up before 24hours I will fall into coma " she ordered.

" How do I make them believe " he asked.

" They will, don't worry " she said.

" Okay miss " he replied.

* Back to present *

" One more thing Gage, don't let them see me. Do you understand? " She asked 

" Yes Miss " the doc replied leaving her.

* Back to present *

" Good morning doc " Mr grey greeted immediately he sighted him coming out of Elena's room.

" Good morning Mr grey " the doctor replied.

" How's my niece doing? " Mr grey asked, he needed information to calm his parent down.

" She's okay " was all the doctor replied.

" Can we meet her ? He asked

" No Mr grey, you can't " the doctor replied leaving him standing alone.

" What happened grey " old man John asked after seeing the downcast state of his son.

" What did the doctor say " madam Clara asked.

" She fine but we can't see her yet " he replied.

" Something doesn't seem right " old man John said.

" Definitely father in-law, something doesn't seem right " Mrs grey agreed.

" Clara " old man John called.

" Uhmmm " she answered.

" How many days did Edward give her ? " He asked 

" Three days, with today been day one " she replied.

" I hope she isn't doing what am thinking? " He asked.

" OMG , father in law!!! She's trying to pass time by pretending to be unconscious " Mrs grey said.

" Your granddaughter is insane John " madam Clara said.

" Who brought her up " he asked.

" Enough both of you, just stop it already " Mr grey yelled.

" Edward is going kill her at this rate " Mrs grey said.

" He ..... "

Buzz buzz madam Clara's phone rang.

" Hello madam Clara " Edward said.

" Hello Edward " she replied.

" It's day one already, just called to remind you " he said.

" Am not Elena for heavens sake, I am Clara John " she replied.

" Am just reminding, anyway why the hell is she admitting at SMM hospital? " He asked.

" What do you mean? " She asked.

" Isn't SMM your darling granddaughter's hospital. I mean isn't it owned by her ? " He asked .

" Yes it is " she replied.

" Am on my way " he replied.

" Wait .... What ? " She asked but he already ended the call.

" What's going on Clara? " Old man John asked.

" He's.... He's coming here " she answered in panick.

" Oh heavens what have we brought on ourselves " Mrs grey exclaimed.

" Excuse me Miss " 

" Come in " she replied.

" Mr Edward is ..... He is coming here " the doctor reported.

" What ? " She exclaimed. " He's coming here, but for what ? She asked.

" I don't know Miss, but I think everyone is suspicious " the doctor replied.

" Suspicious? Uhm... Then let's make this real, I mean very real " she ordered.

" Miss am sorry but it's very risky " the doctor replied.

" Risky, do I care ? Just do as I say " she ordered .

" But miss... " 

" Do you pay yourself or do I pay you ? " She asked.

" Alright i will do it " he said.

Without wasting anymore time, he proceeded to inducing her with some drugs that would make her sleep for long without waking soon.

* Outside Elena's room *

" I don't know what keeping doctor Gage " old man John said.

" Maybe he's trying to make it real " Edward said.

" Maybe he's busy Edward " Mrs Grey said.

" Oh there he is " old man John said on seeing him.

" Good then, hello doctor Gage " Edward greeted.

" Good day Mr Edward " the doctor replied.

" Can we see her ? " He asked.

" Sure, you all can go in now " the doctor replied.

" Well, he isn't doing bad at pretending " Edward murmured.

" Oh my Elle " madam Clara cried upon saying her laying down unconscious.

" Chill madam Clara, she's well looking very unconscious to be pretending " Edward said after inspecting her breathing.

" I can't believe how far she could go " old man John said.

" What do you mean John? " Madam Clara asked.

" Yes father, what do you mean ? " Mr grey asked.

" She made the doctor induce her " he said.

" What!!! " Everyone exclaimed excluding Edward.

" She's indeed her mother's daughter " Edward replied.

" What do you mean Mr devil " old man John asked.

" Didn't her mother do the same, just to avoid getting married? " He asked.

" Don't talk ill things about my late daughter " madam Clara warned.

" Did I ? " He asked.

" Please Edward don't start " Mr grey pleaded.

" She will soon start asking questions, how would you all answer her ? " He asked.

" Like I said Edward, she doesn't need to know " madam Clara answered.

" Anyway, if we stay a bit longer in here the drug might wear out and she would wake you " he suggested.

" And you think doctor Gage would allow that ? " Mrs grey asked.

" He ..... "

" Excuse me everyone but you all need to let her rest " the doctor said from behind the door.

" Exactly my timing " Edward whispered