
chapter 56:

? Liam's POV

? ? I arrived at my father's house shortly after Eve went inside. I know she can't do it alone because I know the kind of father I have too. And it won't be easy for Eve... especially now that there's a threat and someone is behind everything.

? ? " I can't go in yet Robert " I told him .. when he was surprised to see me.

? " Then what if anyone of them sees you here? " He said and I briefly explained why I can't go inside the house yet.

? ? " I'll be at your place till it's time " I said.

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? ?I stayed at Robert's place, which was at the other end of the mansion, I stayed at alert till I heard their voices. I heard my Father as he kept on repeating it that he can't sign the papers.

? ? "Now.."

? ? *

? ?I flung the door and walked in courageously, I have never been afraid of my father, looks like he is the one who is scared of me because I am forever ready to talk back at him.

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