
chapter 22


"Dad..what..." Mark bumped inside angrily.

"I did what I had to do..." The foolish old man interrupted. "Or do you want to be sent out of the house also?"

"For your information, you didn't send Liam out. He made that decision himself! That's what he said.." Mark fired back.

"Oh, why then are you making a fuss?" Mr. Maya said.

"Dad" He shouted then lowered his voice. "You know you are not being fair at all?

" Oh by putting my darling little wife first before anyone else means I am not being fair at all? Really Mark?"

Mark shook his head.

"You have always been Mild Mark, don't get yourself into this... Just go your way" Mr. Maya added.

Mark scoffed; "Well I can smell the spirit of shame that would surround me very soon" With that, he climbed the stairs.

"Eve; my darling little wife" Mr. Maya came closer to me.

"I am not feeling Okay"  I moved away when he almost placed his hand on my waist.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.