
chapter 18

Eve's POV

I yelled at the top of my voice; luckily I got their attention at once.

Good thing, Mark was an undergraduate medical student, so he gave him the first aid, in a few minutes Liam opened his eyes. Mark said he still wasn't getting any better yet. So he put a phone to the family doctor.

"Meanwhile Helen, cook something quickly for my brother to eat" Mark told Helen.

"I would do that right away" Even the almighty strong girl with a tough heart was panicking.. (Helen).

"I would join you Helen so that we could be fast about it" I told her then faced Mark; "Please do not leave Liam's side" I advised him.

"Sure" He nodded."By the way, the doctor will be here soon"

I joined Helen in the kitchen... I knew she had a series of questions for me already, so I decided to tell her everything even before she would ask me.

"The thing is that I went to his room yesterday night to comfort him" I told her but she was so fast with what she was doing that she didn't even answer me.