
Time to train

I giggle as his touch makes me feel happy.

"I am supposed to be on the training ground. But I don't mind spending the whole day with you" he whisper cause we are so close.

"I would love that" I say with a smile and he smile widely.

"Who is that man? He got my attention, at first" I ask him, trying to make him feel jealous.

"He's my child hood friend. Someone I never got along with"

I say nothing but stare at the bed cover.

"You said he got your attention. How?"

I smile. This is what will make men keep you and cherish you.

"Facially, he got me" I look up to see his expression changed.

Ha! Cherish what you have and not other mistresses!

"But you have won my heart already. I am married to you and to no one else" I say with a broad smile.

He smiles faintly but a line of something with the color red blazed in his eyes.

I rub my palm on his arm to make him calm down and he does.

Rubbing a man's arm. Works everytime.

"I'll go down now. Training suppose to start an hour ago but because of what happened, I said in five. If you need anything, send Kahn or Madeline"

I nod softly and like a baby as I watch him stand to his feet and leave the room. I have to get to sleep.

Maybe when he comes back, he'll tell me somethings about himself.

**** **** ****

Magnus passed the hallway to the dungeons. Norman has cross the line!

For Lyla to say he got her attention, there is a probability that she might escape with him, no matter all her sweet words.

The sweet words matter... But with the way he has things planned out: the interrogation, the coldness and mysteriousness... If this man captures her heart, he might take her to his Kingdom and leave him here to suffer on bed, whenever she is not in the Castle.

And oh my God, trust me when I say... That's a lie! - Magnus thought.

The dungeon Norman is in is the most neatest, being that he is from the Royal blood line. That's the only reason for his honour. Even in a dungeon!

Magnus fumed as he neared the doors of the cell of Norman.

When Norman saw his shadow he laughed out, like a mad man.

"Magnus, my friend! Never knew a King who keeps goodies for himself alone. Your wife's body is like her rays of the sun, can't believe they gave her to you... " he then lowered his voice.

"And you haven't done anything to her yet"

Magnus kept calm, but his wolf self knew no boundaries!

He roared as his claws elongated and his fangs became visible. Thankfully, the guards quickly exited the premises of the dungeon before the wolf inside him erupted.

"You made my wife to tell me you got her facially... " he snarled, the thick saliva lining in between his teeth and fangs

Norman felt happy that the Queen and thought of him that way and his looks got her. To him, he feels like Lyla is already his but...

"I hereby proclaim war against Norman and Losanhela!" he roars and throughout the Palace, his voice was heard.

Lyla's sleep got interrupted as she thought of the name, Norman.

The man that molested her.

"Better" Lyla scoff as she climbs off her bed

"Madeline, bring my spear to the training ground" she said.

It is time to train.

Magnus snarled viciously at Norman.

"Hope your people won't mind hearing the death message in a few hours"

Norman's eyes widen but before he opened his mouth to say anything, Magnus had already entered the cell!

God knows how, but the cell is guarded with straight steel and they are so close together.

Magnus ends the life of Norman with a wipe of his claws right on his neck and the young and handsome King fell on the dungeon floors, dead.

Magnus know that there is war. War between Rokha and Losanhela.

Lyla made her way to the training ground with her robe. The spear in a maiden's hand as they both walk to the room.

The doors split open and all the guards lay their eyes on Lyla as she walks into the room.

Some sneered and mocked her with whispery voices. A Queen won't be able to handle a knife, talk less of a spear.

A sword case is even different

But Lyla know who brought her up and what he used to do that. So, she didn't mind their whispers. If she really wanted to punish them she'll just proclaim their death sentence through hanging, or worse, hard labour.

"Good day, My Queen" Von greeted and Lyla smile.

"Hello Von. How are you today?"

"Doing very well, My Queen"

Lyla pause to allow the greetings to be absorbed before continuing.

"I want to train in the Royal Chambers"

Von dares not to say no to his Queen, but he is also very cautious with the steps she means to take.

"My Queen, the battle is for the army. I don't think it's a good idea to let you into it" he said, doubtful that the Queen knows anything in fighting.

Before anyone spoke, Magnus voice arouse from behind as he made his way to them.

"Let her into it... "

All eyes settled on the King as he came very close to her. Lyla felt her cheeks burn in embarrassment. Her thighs rose when she thought of him pulling her to him like he always does.

"I and the Queen will train anytime her highness wishes" he said and again, pulled her to him, very closely. Their bodies mixed in different ways and areas.

The guards stares at them and Magnus can feel her become embarrassed.

There are new things he learns about this woman everyday and he just feels good making her feel embarrassed in front of him... And also in front of everyone in the Kingdom.

He stared down at Lyla who stared at Von the whole period with a stern face.

Good. That's how all Queens are expected to behave.

"Yes your Majesty" Von Kleist said and led the couple out of the guards training hall to where only they, can train.

When Von opened the door for them and they entered, he left immediately when he saw Lyla wanting to remove her robe.

Magnus close the door and they are alone again. His wolf self wanting to just burst out and touch Lyla they way he just wants to.

But he have to be patient!

"Thank you for making Von to be convinced" I say calmly grabbing my spear that I collected before exiting the guards room.

"Even if he isn't... He was just doing his job"

I say nothing but breathe in and out twice before I turn to face Magnus with the spear, fastly attached to my hand.

"You proclaimed war against Losenhela. I am trying to help" I say standing straight but not looking up at Magnus or anyone.

He don't reply but I hear the ticking of his shoes as he walk over to me.

Magnus walk upto her with a faint smile on her face. A courageous Queen, he thought as her eyes made him happy.

He tilted the Queen's head to look up into his eyes before smiling widely.

"I'm glad that you have the safety of your Kingdom in mind. You will be a great Queen"

Lyla felt like crying. Those are the most sweetest words he had said to her throughout the first short stay in Rokha.

"And you will be a wonderful King" she whispered with a smile and Magnus nods in appreciation.

He gently leans and covers his wife's mouth with his as they both felt the sincerity on each other's lips.

I feel butterflies fly in my stomach as I make contact with a part of his face. I wonder if this is what all women feels when they're husbands perform some teasy acts with them. It can be so... Touchy.

Magnus withdraws and stare at me. His lips are a bit swollen but he still looks like the perfect man God has given me. His beautiful white hair stucked to my forehead because of the sweat on me and I laugh out a little when he tries to withdraw.

He still holds me and smile down at me. Guess he likes what he's feeling now, huh?

Magnus has never felt this kind of feeling before and Lyla made him to feel it. For the very first time he knew Lyla was touched by him.

He calmed himself down when the wolf in him perceives Love in his heart towards this beautiful woman.

But just as he stare down at her, he remembers Norman. His face got the heart of his wife!

And then his eyes showed a line of blazing fire...
